PAGE 26 . WATERLOO ME. MY MAY 91. I†When you buy one of our quality sport jackets! The pants are FREE'. Doing it with style since 1956 WESTMOUNT PLACE SHOPPING CENTRE. WATERLOO 213 KING ST. W.. FAIRVIEW PARK. KITCHENER Sit,',',"':,?,,',',','-,', new spring sport jacket from one of the and. beat actions Sun will unit you in coon-dinning your selecan with txymplimesntary pm: ot slacks. either in washable wool blend: or in 100% 0001 wool, They‘re I .50 vulva. but when you Buy the jacket the pants Are FREE! BiaeiMrtoMiahortmreguumantttalu. Offer available on mguhr priced jackets only. ss, ', C "_i,rC:,,'iiiGiiia'rs'ir.i'k'e 'v' 'rv","')"':"",?,,",?'""'.'?",?',:'")" - (eriilr(lii_i,t @ A .L‘ I r,' .I:r 'r"is'iT77_ f u ' , .1" , if?