(continuod horn page 1) Heather Zetrer disagreed. "Out in the wild, most of these animals wou)dn't, live h_alf ag lpng. You Exotic pets " ma, you get down to it, it is cruel to keep exotic pets," said Preece, "For the sake of public may!" LARGE INDOOR SHOWROOMS 794W HUBBARD 0mm f0lNlMli)li ii WATER ST. N., KITCHENER IF YOU HAVE READ DIANETICS t. 745..3521 mum.m1mmwsnm law now mtor.nerere-ees.r.1tedPee iiTiaTririaaGGk iid Femiziine Reducing Salons THE mum ooucems Why m‘. Number one 'elf4tdp handler ... and would like further infatuation about Dianetics seminars in this am SUPERIOR MEMORIALS 528 Victoria St. N., Kitchener - Wm Mirth-015M! iiPagiivE TONING TABLES sun TANNING BEDS sxm CARE PRODUCTS â€Wtwaum Symmer driving hazards ___ - m, m -_- ...- ..........., .. we" woven. A dangerous condition can develop in heavy rain where there are large puddles of water covering parts of the road. Given the right speed, the tires will act much like water skis and hydroplane the vehicle with temporary loss of all control. The wider the vehicle tires, the greater this particular dan er will be. Once again, slowing down is the oivious solution. For Summer Installation " _ ,7 -. -. ...- w..........., ...... Wet pavement, once we get past the initial greasy stage, is not really bad to drive on during daylight hours. The thing to remember is that water prevents a direct contact between the tires of your car and the pavement. Coyequently your traction will be impaired and your stopping distances will be about 25 . 30 'd," cent greater than the dry stops. e quickly discover that driving through rain at night poses visibility problems to add to the rest of our diiricultiess. The wet pavement becomes a mirror that reflects the brightness of our headlights. The road remains dark and indistinct to our view from the driven seat. Slowing down and increasing our alertness are the obvious steps to take. Stopping for the night and driving on in the morning. is even better. 0n dry days winds will deposit a layer of dust over the pavement. The starting drops of rain will be absorbed by the dust and converted into a very greasy and sherry substance before it get: washed away by e continuing grain. _ 7458382 M ouésu sr. s. KITCHENEH Most of us have learned to recognize and respect the perils of winter road conditions We don’t seem to be quite as quick to adapt to sudden changes in driving conditions during the summer. There is always a rash of acci- dtRtttiu,r the rain begins. Will “I'll“ mum K Mitt' I“ tell me I aut't haire my FIRST TREATMENT FREE CALI. FOR WENT CALL safety and cruelty to the animals, this law is needed." The bylaw prohibits the keep ing of all cats except the common house cat, all dogs except the ‘common house dog, all norrhtr man primates, all crocodillians, and all venomous or poisonous SALE STARTS TODAY ENDS TUESDAY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 345 Erb St. West (at Quick Trip Plaza) WATERLOO 102 Weber St. North (at Lincoln Plaza) STORE HOURS: Sunday 11 . 5 Mon..Wed, iF6 Thurs. 5 Fri. $6 Saturday M People who cannot avoid driving through fog at night should consider investing in a set of correctly installed fog lamps. They should be located below the headlamps but not lower than about 10 inches off the ground. Charles Plhak is a retired GM dealer and a long-time holder of a meehanicy licence. . W1, --e _.. ..........,. Because fog is tiny drops of tnoiaturenoating through the air it helps to turn on the wiper from time to time and to turn on the defroster to prevent condensation on the inside of the windshield. SLOW RIGHT DOWN! Be alert for unex- pected obstacles . including other cars - and the ever-present risk of accidentally running off the road. Driving through fog, particularly at night, should be avoided if at all possible. lfwe have no reasonable alternative, use low beams as they will in most cases penetrate to the road surface. High beams will reflect right back at us, virtually cutting oft all visibility. I can’t think a condition more teacherous than driving through fog at night. The sudden appearance of the billowy stuff that cuts oft most of my forward vision makes me want to turn around and head back to where I came VEAL GORDON BLEU 15 It 6 oz. 8x502. 6x301. (Ham & Swiss Cheese) FILET MIGNON (Not Bacon Wrapped) GOURMET BEEF BURGERS Rejecting an outright ban, kit. chener city council recently passed an exotic pet control bylaw that effectively prevents owners from taking their pets oft their property. gnakes, spiders. lizards or Chanes Plhak On The Road Thick 'N Juicy 11. 15.49 YOUR BARBECUE HEADQUARTERS 75 Great For Steak On A Bun W,',','. 14.90 10 It 3.5 oz. 100% Solid White Meat I - _ 8v'"'T, .e,,t Viciona St. N., a6gf,u)'il/i'iiiiejf1'1" PORK LOIN CHDPS [W 'ittttil)', Ils1?y , ---, Ectim’s 5mm BONELESS SIBLOIN STEAKS WATERLOO CHRONtCLE. WEDNESDAY MAY at, was _ PAGE 17 .IIIIIIII-IIIII-I-I-I- ",.e,ee,gath' INN ram t;itiii,til.l'iil5l1', CHICKEN STRIPS Heat 'N Serve Deluxe 12'x12' SCREENHOUSE Noun: Mom-WM. tho; Thur... Fri. 9-8; Sat. 9-5 Deluxe Trim Grand Opening Special Offer "8Chnrus8t.W-tsrdrtoor - "‘ww‘ . Kitchener 741.9545 (vietoriatoCharuaomter oHChmeu I Cotton Clothing Factory Outlet 14.95 .12.75 OPEN SATURDAYS 9-4 pan. Viciona ow. ' " n Imcmw 10% OFF jiii, With this ad. I Tra' 4.5 Wt 19-49 DELUXE PANZEROTTI PIZZAS m ' 95 10:40:. I Oven or Microwave Homemade Quality CABBAGE ROLLS Teriyaki Flavoured L. 1 0 I 95 BONELESS SKINLESS BREASTS ttttttt "a Approx. 21 Rolls "ef Michele}, I 'ti'ifiVl