PAGE 4 _ WATERLOO WE. WEDNESDAY MAY Ill FREE CONSULTATION . AFFORDABLE REPRESENTATION Second Clam Mail Registration Number 6640 Pubiiahed every Wedneaday by The Fairway Group Incorporated 215 Fairway Rd. 8.. Kitchener. Out. E 10, was i45-2141 B15 - St. Eu! Waterloo Chronicle Crime Stobpers will pay up to $1,000 for any information that leads to an arrest m this murder or any other serious crime. You will not be asked to identify yourself nor testify in Between 10:15 a.m. and 2 pan. on September 16, 1988, There Johanna Dieleman was in her home on County Road 29, near the village of Innerkip. Police believe that Dieleman. an 8Gyearold widow, met her asaailantis) at the front door, where she was severely beaten and strangled. There was no evidence of robbery or sexual assault as a motive. A truck was seen in the victim’s driveway by a number of witnesses. The vehicle description: An unknown make, one-ton flatbed truck, having dual axles on the rear, mibly faded red cab. with white lettering printed on the door, "landscaping" and “maintenance.†The cab protector behind the back window was black with a small window cut out. The flatbed was empty, but covered with dirt or sand, and the edges were black. No side racks were observed on the vehicle on the day of the murder, but could have been attached later. At this time, police are interested in locating the driver of this vehicle. Police feel this person may have important information that will assist them. This person may or may not be a suspect. Call Crime Stoppers at the toll free line of 1-800.266.2222 Remember, Crime doesn't pay, but Crime Stoppers does. 1 -800-265-2222 Severely beaten WateeiLRegional tshn, 9) 745-2141 STOPPERS [Ml an mom-in} willâ€: um a 763-6341 " VIC'TORI‘A CQHESTOGA CARPET _ - v" v: - _‘ 742'331 I "on. . 533m . 9:00 mom ST. N. (BESIDE MULTITECH) 9.. n . Lt!!?`,