COMPARE OUR BULK PRICES WANTED: Waterman, Top credit or trade-ms. Call 5794100 til tt logighl; Regina, Scoot at Célumbia Street Watedoo (Next to McDonald's) 886-7001 gngtcuialrteRahtt . mttNattotthtttttt wdroestonhira Waterloo Chronicle Subscription- Manlod outside of Wttterioo $30 per year in 9»;ng A35, Per year 0969 Canada. Call 886-2830 l Registration Num o, .N.A.,C.C,N.A, P'éanut Butter QUALITY UttrtNtSHEtNFtNt8teD DIM and oak furniture. Large 50mm, warehouse outlet. Tues. 11-6. Thurs. 11-8. Sat. 10-5. Ontario Table and Chair, "8-6514, 41 Shoemaker St., Unit " Kitchenov. (Mm!) day through aimur d (519) 763.6533, ASSORTED restaurant, banquet, motel, Vtatitutiortal, patio and omen furnishings. Stacking more: and chairs. Quantity discount; Ontario Table and Chair, 743-6514. (Mam WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT. Name brand quality, low prices at Tatum Wood- works, Road 48, Annoy: Open Tm day lhrouah Sundav mad Monday Baking Supplies - Tg'lmt'iMtl,2,',l',tlt6" 'ii"a,TiiiriitriGliriii,ikGr smsosmuoum ll â€ whom†220 King St, N. Waterloo 746-1514 Come in and check out our Pre- I Inventory I Specials l tir. Second Class mail, Number 5540. Members N/A $1.59 $1.49 HOURS: Mon., Tue... Watt., Sat. 7:30 tot) pm. Thurs. and Fri. 7:30 to , pm. 'S,N.A, Irittit our New Hamburg Store! Nu] ' Bala1tttapply, t) R ular :eePger lb NIA NIA NIA $1 .89 $1 .69 NIA BARNVARD IANURE for sale, Mm, 3 bagstor delivery on the dams ot April 22, April 29, May 6, May 13, Call 578.9397 or 5784111 Proceeds go to the Bridtteport Lions Club. (WRI 9) FLA-SHE BN.tREu%, 45:9allon. (food dryers, dnshwasho'rs and freezers, Call 742-3922 or 742-6815 MR21) GREENHOUSE I Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices In Canada plus free shipping program Buy from the same source as local stores Free eatatogue Weslern Water Farms, 1244 Seymour sc, Vancouvev, " V66 3N9. (604) 682.6636, (0) SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark and Sylvanla Lamps. Hydropomc kits and books, plus much more‘ Send $2 for catalogue Greenhouse and Hydropomc Store, 63 Clarke Swarm, London, Ont, N5W 5W7. (519)452-3919, (0) BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory, 28 x 40 33.966140 x 60 $5450; " x 90 $6,900: 60 x 120 517.000, Clear Span Widths from 20 ice! to 240 last. Call now "0tHi6tF43380t (416) 792.2704, (0) BEST BUILDING BUYS - Compare - Common commercial quality straightwalls 40x64x15 55.840 (Not Gnome! Mae). Simular savongs on various types and sizes, anulod steel Serious buyers only, Paragon, 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours), ' (O) STEEL BUILDINGS. Beat the pace m- Crtrtutrt, We have a lamned amount ot sleel M! over at the old once, Let us make you the budding of your chance and save thousands. Call Future Steel, 143005683651 - (0) tty each, bong type or removable Ms, 747-9479 (NR20) FROST-FREE wages. sqoyss. washers: PICNIC TABLES, wood and sleet name Construction, also hexagon and kids muss. Steel washhne posts also available Phone 634-8622, (NR21) HARDY KIWI VINES for sale Plant these LINKING VIM and harvest exouc lasting lrunl. For free catalogue wme Paul Klaasen, RR " Niven Rd. Niagara-on. tha-Lako. L05 HO, (O) STEEL BUILDINGS Clearance Sale, Ouonset lihdht24 $2,149; 40x14x50 $5,699; 50x17x60 $8,499; with endwall and ondwall with slsdlng doors Straight. wall 30x10x30 $4.399, 40x12x45 $6,799. Wood steel with endwalls lenad otter Call Pioneer/Econospan. 1-800-66tV5422 (24 hours), (0) ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching Back? Stiff Joints? Steepmg hands? "Beulah Ol" helps!! Sand $1 for tprochurtttintormatom Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prune. Man. FUN 3C5. (O) SALE $17,000. One so! ot seven tomng tables. In axoollom common. f?,'l,tNI 338.000. (902) 538-7583 Mrs. Cm , R " Benita; Road, South Berwick. Nova Sqot'ut, BO 1E0. (O) SWIMIiNG POOL SALE. Io.? quality Iv. ground and tg'rg,',u/J',' Prohssional installation or kits. mom wood docks and lamina Book now and an. Riviera Pooh. (519) 747-4399 or (MO) 656-0096. ( ) VCR. TOOK“ (VH8). mm boon and. Mitt in original packing Ming $450, ass-we. (6822) [my Great tor ram band; docks: em A Regular Tl') Per lb Spices $1.09 $1.09 $1.19 $1.19 $1.19 $1.19 Boots. nix-pooh! m. m. TM. '.ifey1elP, ".‘Fn Ibteytr Mm- GOLF cum - Wilton 3000, 2-9. new woman Tyre“. bl no. Mar 5 pm. "fff3t pummm’ 'ua; c. we»; ir!qPultt; 't)ll't'll'l'fltit'=ftd 6 am'sm" hm" __ ; can; an}. Pfe' tattw, Mon ea: tity, mit- iiiiiiii'G"ra."'éirii “If: vuv yummy. Shâ€. M'.'),,,',',', " Soon St. W, we 'ra 7437 Garda "F CGidr gr/Gi West 7444643. Open 7m. (M219) TRADtTHMALtlmDOtttattt-rttt v“. New, Retail $750. New out Main? 745-8642. (I ) CANOES FOR Rem daily, weekends or gtttgtt mm. " was pr ' Ahtlttmrrtings 743-9595 (Wm!) see l!" KEV/L55}. _Bluowal3vl van“. In nsvw, Swoosh. " pounds. 3t" 'tep, oak you. oak trim. $1,700). 7462675. MAPS, CHARTS. Canlda and USA. Air, land." water" Largest â€baton, Techmcom. IIS Hands)! Dr. 747-1779. (19) 53WEESALES ANNUAL SPRING Garage A Baku Sale, Saturday, May 13, 8:304. CA Warm Ltd. lot, 675 Queen St s.. near Humane! Road, Charitable event, Proceeds benetmng FelIowsmp Christian School (wmo) ST. GEORGES Forest Hull Anglican Church S BpontWrrn9 a garage me. May 13, froma 3.115401 pnr,at31tFacher. Hallman Road, Kitchener Parking :5 avallabIe behind me church, Great ATTENTION: FIVE FAWLY gauge sale Assonod househodd Items, small ap- DIIEDCOS. furniture, rugs, baby equnpment furniture and domes. JVC Tape deck and receiver, toys, bike. two white alumnnum awning; 210 Lourdes. Waterloo (19) bavgams! Come and pm me fun! (WR19) TWO HOMES movmg to one! All types of small appnancas and household ensues. am Saturday, 9 a m -2 pm. so Valley Ridge, Waterloo (CR19) SATURDAY, MAY 13, 7-2 Househotd Rams and bake lame, Walortoo Norm Presbyterian Church. 685 Hughpounl at Northhold Drive. Waterloo (19) MULTI FAMILY GARAGE sale, May 13, " Furniture, household Items, Innes, tools. baby Items and much more 59. 60. til, 64 Margaretha, N., Walerioo (19) GARAGE SALE, Saturday, May 13, 8-3 Numerous Items trig and small 216 Huntmgdon Cr, Watertoo. (19) MULTI FAMILY garage sale, May 13. 9 am. to 2 pm Househotd Items 77, 78, 79, 82 MavgaretAve N .Water‘oo (19) THREE FAMILY garage sate. Saturday. May 13, irt)O arm-3:00 pm 103 Longwood Dr, Watenoo Upholstery ends. dishes. books. household Mtms, BURNELL FAMILY] Wat Wand RMrr Kinsman Sate for Cystic Fibrosis, May " and 13, Albert McConmck Arena, Parkman Dr., Walertoo, b5 Ethos. garden tools, planters. books, TWS, utensils, china, toys. baby Items. Iawttmower%spitc etc (19) GARAGE SALE, "was family sale May 13, many Items 227 Murdock Ave, Water-too (19) MAY 13, " 217 Foxhunt Rd ' 31ammes Toys, books, household Items. etc Great purgamsv (19) GARAGE SALE - mum family Saturday, May " only, F4. 532 Brookhaven Cr, Watenoov (19) " AVONDALE N.. Waterloo Fnday " Saturday and Sunday 9-5, Gas limern and stove knchen mans-ls dushas. toaster. books. old newspapers, toplamr grates. sander, shovels tools. elecmc snow blower (19) ST. COLUMBIA ANGLICAN Church Sprung sate on May 13th From 9 a m " p m Somelhlng tor everyone at the corner ot Lincoln Rd and Mayhem Ave, Warm, (19) 90 AMOS AVE. Saturday. May 13.9-2 Waterbod. Lazy Susan. mum car um. ski ruck, skis. diam. lays, books and moreNoearty birds phase. (19) MOVING SALE - Mar13,8-t-Nerw twin maple beds, $700; 2 Kaufman wall unns. " had. $75; Omen wished. S100 mommies. clothes, mum and much mart Buchwood Wm, 455 Momma Duns-7295. - (1tt) GARAGE SALE. May13.367 Realm " 1986 Subaru GL10.|ood.d‘ Furniture, aM-,ttlatt-ter.trtmtbep.ttt. (19) ARMY SURPLUS oak trim, 31.200 (reg. i. W (20) W) is}. (19) aARAtte "LE. Band "than: and launching. "3ttitrrtttqrttNt. E., www.mtam. (19) 'AMtiE,Mnrt3.u3amttottSt Nun-trout mid.- '.ttArtSt9etr and m. H, _t_t' mum. M13131 mm. Wm. Farm-Prim con. man m. .tfr. __rt' 4 FAMILY my 13, 9 micttin-otm-tii,Avoitttrtttmarir" m dun guilty â€"1135 Renaud Dr, o" “I“, Linea" Rd., Watqtttttt, (19) tKWETMtttG FOR EYERVOHE. Tons d Faint-Pm- um. bins, m. MID-o mane, My wmpu 6 loo! t) men - diam. Mama's Day unto, hm clan. 'tc.saturdey.hMyt3,8" summing. thoWatttdtto, (19) mom SALE, sumay my}; 7:90 umvma QRAMth'MOHE PM TOYS. Barret ladder, 2am stove May t3, 8-2 82 John Street East, wmonoo (19) anybme THE SALVATION ARMY requnres 000mm of downy. fumnure. dishes. books, mum mm‘ etc Help p-wttot$on'tttatmasrnucNFor pump at your homo. call 5N-3t30 (ttl (on. lot- a good-- m I pritmt86Coarttm.A" JUNK PM 31 your humanoid Cook: be some "Ensures to come no!" 93 Regina 5mm North, 9.4 (19) GAS POWERED lawn mowers wamod Not necessarily In workmg common Call 884-1484 after 3 pin (25) WI" buy anything new or used, but never _ abused No domes. audiences or tur. I mum Call Duer's Second Hand Shop. 7434688. 19 Soon St , Kllm SATURDAY. MAY 13, 9 am Cam PI V Warm 3 households Toys, swung set. books. ttttttWy clothing, lmgene samples, large stomps cupboards. beam-d3. ems bog drapes and many humanoid Ind hardware Mms (19) WE BUY GOLD musty m any iorm SING! also. Fair paces pan: B.G DiamondslbaNdlnc, 19scott Street. Kitchener "5-1941 (MRtt) Cupboards. can: (who, pro-1950 toys, watery. ttstting goat and guns. Mat bones. truck; pvr'sao tumnure. oil pain lung. odds and ends Compute estates bought outright, Al Jones. Elmwa. 669-2960. 669-8787 In boom 15 70me 1m HYUNDAI Stem: GSL, mtrtrftqd, Imomahc. excellem common Must sell $5.500 1623-5812 M19) BUYING FOR CASH: Gad and - cans, unwary. Merlot; Samara, trays, lea sets. Inuque clocks. pocket watches ol0poetturrrts,docurmmts Miser-090w and dental your Wm J Grant Cons, 1125 King St. E, Kitchener, 5764040. 8 WamS1 tr,Cartttmttte0630 ttt) 1907 CELEBRITY EUROSPORT» mange. numerous opmns andudm lmmeculale common Phone 746', BUYING FOR CASH: 60k! and mm m any form: Corns, Mon. bacon†and hockey was, second-hand stereos. VCR's. camera Knohenev Com Show 742.9181 (MFR!) 75 “TWINE PARTS RUNNING BOARDS Mm, vans trom $199 unsuited Acrylrc hood protectors, pooh up bed Inners, sunroots. ground Meets nuts. van cmverswns. scum ampere The Van 746-8679 $t)iimtutt0tu18Ettttlus t0bt FOOT Mly SON-contained truck mm .99qu w or: l "fl Ieltl: ara am)" mam, (cm 15mm out tor Injppomlmuo GUSTO“ TRAVEL vnn and camps! Bose-n- Mr “an undo The Van 5110999.Wuonoo. “6-0679, M21) MTG. macaw Damon. Cd barry mununoon M19) * â€I“ Art1trt SIM-v M t3th, tlrof NEED CASH???†WAN titftEltAlhE Call mm -or 669-2311 (In ANTIQUES W1) (19) (22) an (tf) WV MAY to. I“ - PAGE 46 Noun Miami?“ In your. tttmtmtt c.0110 W W tu-tnrt-i-ttur Ti-oct' m, tje'tg,r, M' M on mm. """"""""2t, TWDer-ma tMtruttrC8-"A"tttortt_taoo's t30T0rW0RRart6ttutotBctttttyoAre mmmmawmznw .emAtymiourt-ltortrm'tUuttttorotx' 'savatettt.1ohepyouwttttyourr* touch Mmmemay Btter- N-t.6tottrovibotht-yant, "xr4.TttettrfaryrPrctt!'t'r-rrt! lww BarttttoMtmmyrrarstrt not Dq'6raMrtmsrtirtgartdsupportsor won-W Calhrrt.yart6Ctti6ttrort's sersttm.,L9trViitr,5?6osa0 ttf) notmst-nra0and330pm arm: New Humbug Commumty Sums ot hoe, 124 Hm Street, Au " at can 662.2731 (NW) ttropt_arr, est, any fan-hm! 0' lull Calm Bryan Pooch) Cu 7132411 (20) my You can earn $400 to $1500 pan-Inna or $20!!) to $5000 Immune working mm a Wong 20mde com pany No expenonce necessary Can Devr6worx$orCyrttttsaSossoat 7462975 (19) "ET01JtMu.tttG1owoNpanortul' turns from your home or our dice tor e, ooptmal "tcome' Physwty hand-cap pod nouns are new mm -qtcome wme tor incontinent to Box 3036 Cambnoge (Preston) NM 4St (CNS) 1. â€In Love to "we" Ahoys wanted tto won m the travel busmess†Earn commssoons waved was You can do n all as an ow Bttttt sales rap Call Gougers toattt tor mote mic Pete! M0.6381 10ambnogew or Dave "I_NPrtcrt_entrr) ((3an “INCORR-GQIM tweak my "om the masses Your am m mum and wealth Greg Truckee ax 57645350! 768-985t (WW9 Am REM!) mum-men, tor Inghl My work on smatl lranstovmers Apply In Devson to NC Manutaettmrtq, 202 Regina St N Waterloo Nomads (WRtt, AESTMETTCtAN WANTED w wort In ttepeot$etttty m hanmgmg saborl Fo' move mimnon call ate Hearse» at 1364-2900 x19. " COMPANY In me Industry wan â€5000.000 per month ot busmoss well asutgtsttitCartattaart6USA seeks very serious and xeachabte undmauaus b' students wanted tar weekend work Foe more untormatuon can with Dummy new: 10 earn â€mime 55,000 Ind tutr-ttttte $10O00 plus we month N0 age resmdvons out " nWtomanagerveotnmpeooie-s a must Catt Andve at 6567339 tor ap pomlmomorwy tor-120» NW HAVE a vewavomg Ministry and 9am extra Income Dy dusmbutmg Cttrtsian books cams and lanes tet book Dames boot tables and schools For we mIormaluon La" 634-5637 ((25:22; DISTRIBUTORS - Every may deserves good dnnklng valet Prov-0e them m tttrs need Phone Bu: 5197414727 (WR?th tNtaANtST.CtttWt DORECTOR us '9 awed tor two manna ape organ Salim negombte Sena 'esumc Io Shogun“ Unnoo Chum ac Enact S w M' chenev N2K1KT wa‘Q WON Mannheim Rouse" mm racy-tuna macmnes We now your "ltltt_lo9mactttrtosuolleo0sot mmmlom Youoalev mono the Mr8tttMttW0rt W. promo. loads Imam "tert0strPr"tuem'?ro"tt't PERSON WANTED to cm lawn (mac pay Also some! Mayors wanloc Phone 88s-5782att.r6oror-totts " GGG "'io'vuiiqvoms‘" Ltd. PO 'Box "20. Mount Fen-1.0mm MIG 2L8) I TEACH “EULE CRAFTS 2 evemngl A week and saw $100 No axe-chance necessary Trammg woman Free Ctr Quanta! Callsoewitsoe 886-2087 CN), 1KMmsluus CALL M.N.R. TAX SERVICE 656-2965 FOSTER PARENTS PART-TIME 623-0540 TRAVEL (m ttf)