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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 May 1989, p. 45

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COMPARE OUR BULK PRICES WANTED: Waterman, Top credit or trade-ms. Call 5794100 til tt logighl; Regina, Scoot at Célumbia Street Watedoo (Next to McDonald's) 886-7001 gngtcuialrteRahtt . mttNattotthtttttt wdroestonhira Waterloo Chronicle Subscription- Manlod outside of Wttterioo $30 per year in 9»;ng A35, Per year 0969 Canada. Call 886-2830 l Registration Num o, .N.A.,C.C,N.A, P'éanut Butter QUALITY UttrtNtSHEtNFtNt8teD DIM and oak furniture. Large 50mm, warehouse outlet. Tues. 11-6. Thurs. 11-8. Sat. 10-5. Ontario Table and Chair, "8-6514, 41 Shoemaker St., Unit " Kitchenov. (Mm!) day through aimur d (519) 763.6533, ASSORTED restaurant, banquet, motel, Vtatitutiortal, patio and omen furnishings. Stacking more: and chairs. Quantity discount; Ontario Table and Chair, 743-6514. (Mam WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT. Name brand quality, low prices at Tatum Wood- works, Road 48, Annoy: Open Tm day lhrouah Sundav mad Monday Baking Supplies www.mu-m - Tg'lmt'iMtl,2,',l',tlt6" 'ii"a,TiiiriitriGliriii,ikGr smsosmuoum ll ”200.com whom” 220 King St, N. Waterloo 746-1514 Come in and check out our Pre- I Inventory I Specials l tir. Second Class mail, Number 5540. Members N/A $1.59 $1.49 HOURS: Mon., Tue... Watt., Sat. 7:30 tot) pm. Thurs. and Fri. 7:30 to , pm. 'S,N.A, Irittit our New Hamburg Store! Nu] ' Bala1tttapply, t) R ular :eePger lb NIA NIA NIA $1 .89 $1 .69 NIA BARNVARD IANURE for sale, Mm, 3 bagstor delivery on the dams ot April 22, April 29, May 6, May 13, Call 578.9397 or 5784111 Proceeds go to the Bridtteport Lions Club. (WRI 9) FLA-SHE BN.tREu%, 45:9allon. (food dryers, dnshwasho'rs and freezers, Call 742-3922 or 742-6815 MR21) GREENHOUSE I Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices In Canada plus free shipping program Buy from the same source as local stores Free eatatogue Weslern Water Farms, 1244 Seymour sc, Vancouvev, " V66 3N9. (604) 682.6636, (0) SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark and Sylvanla Lamps. Hydropomc kits and books, plus much more‘ Send $2 for catalogue Greenhouse and Hydropomc Store, 63 Clarke Swarm, London, Ont, N5W 5W7. (519)452-3919, (0) BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory, 28 x 40 33.966140 x 60 $5450; " x 90 $6,900: 60 x 120 517.000, Clear Span Widths from 20 ice! to 240 last. Call now "0tHi6tF43380t (416) 792.2704, (0) BEST BUILDING BUYS - Compare - Common commercial quality straightwalls 40x64x15 55.840 (Not Gnome! Mae). Simular savongs on various types and sizes, anulod steel Serious buyers only, Paragon, 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours), ' (O) STEEL BUILDINGS. Beat the pace m- Crtrtutrt, We have a lamned amount ot sleel M! over at the old once, Let us make you the budding of your chance and save thousands. Call Future Steel, 143005683651 - (0) tty each, bong type or removable Ms, 747-9479 (NR20) FROST-FREE wages. sqoyss. washers: PICNIC TABLES, wood and sleet name Construction, also hexagon and kids muss. Steel washhne posts also available Phone 634-8622, (NR21) HARDY KIWI VINES for sale Plant these LINKING VIM and harvest exouc lasting lrunl. For free catalogue wme Paul Klaasen, RR " Niven Rd. Niagara-on. tha-Lako. L05 HO, (O) STEEL BUILDINGS Clearance Sale, Ouonset lihdht24 $2,149; 40x14x50 $5,699; 50x17x60 $8,499; with endwall and ondwall with slsdlng doors Straight. wall 30x10x30 $4.399, 40x12x45 $6,799. Wood steel with endwalls lenad otter Call Pioneer/Econospan. 1-800-66tV5422 (24 hours), (0) ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching Back? Stiff Joints? Steepmg hands? "Beulah Ol" helps!! Sand $1 for tprochurtttintormatom Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prune. Man. FUN 3C5. (O) SALE $17,000. One so! ot seven tomng tables. In axoollom common. f?,'l,tNI 338.000. (902) 538-7583 Mrs. Cm , R " Benita; Road, South Berwick. Nova Sqot'ut, BO 1E0. (O) SWIMIiNG POOL SALE. Io.? quality Iv. ground and tg'rg,',u/J',' Prohssional installation or kits. mom wood docks and lamina Book now and an. Riviera Pooh. (519) 747-4399 or (MO) 656-0096. ( ) VCR. TOOK“ (VH8). mm boon and. Mitt in original packing Ming $450, ass-we. (6822) [my Great tor ram band; docks: em A Regular Tl') Per lb Spices $1.09 $1.09 $1.19 $1.19 $1.19 $1.19 Boots. nix-pooh! m. m. TM. '.ifey1elP, ".‘Fn Ibteytr Mm- GOLF cum - Wilton 3000, 2-9. Dm.ba.sm new woman Tyre“. bl no. Mar 5 pm. "fff3t pummm’ 'ua; c. we»; ir!qPultt; 't)ll't'll'l'fltit'=ftd 6 am'sm" hm" __ ; can; an}. Pfe' tattw, Mon ea: tity, mit- iiiiiiii'G"ra."'éirii “If: vuv yummy. Sh”. M'.'),,,',',', " Soon St. W, otc.ht we 'ra 7437 Garda "F CGidr gr/Gi West 7444643. Open 7m. (M219) TRADtTHMALtlmDOtttattt-rttt v“. New, Retail $750. New out Main? 745-8642. (I ) CANOES FOR Rem daily, weekends or gtttgtt mm. " was pr ' Ahtlttmrrtings 743-9595 (Wm!) see l!" KEV/L55}. _Bluowal3vl van“. In nsvw, Swoosh. " pounds. 3t" 'tep, oak you. oak trim. $1,700). 7462675. MAPS, CHARTS. Canlda and USA. Air, land." water" Largest ”baton, Techmcom. IIS Hands)! Dr. 747-1779. (19) 53WEESALES ANNUAL SPRING Garage A Baku Sale, Saturday, May 13, 8:304. CA Warm Ltd. lot, 675 Queen St s.. near Humane! Road, Charitable event, Proceeds benetmng FelIowsmp Christian School (wmo) ST. GEORGES Forest Hull Anglican Church S BpontWrrn9 a garage me. May 13, froma 3.115401 pnr,at31tFacher. Hallman Road, Kitchener Parking :5 avallabIe behind me church, Great ATTENTION: FIVE FAWLY gauge sale Assonod househodd Items, small ap- DIIEDCOS. furniture, rugs, baby equnpment furniture and domes. JVC Tape deck and receiver, toys, bike. two white alumnnum awning; 210 Lourdes. Waterloo (19) bavgams! Come and pm me fun! (WR19) TWO HOMES movmg to one! All types of small appnancas and household ensues. am Saturday, 9 a m -2 pm. so Valley Ridge, Waterloo (CR19) SATURDAY, MAY 13, 7-2 Househotd Rams and bake lame, Walortoo Norm Presbyterian Church. 685 Hughpounl at Northhold Drive. Waterloo (19) MULTI FAMILY GARAGE sale, May 13, " Furniture, household Items, Innes, tools. baby Items and much more 59. 60. til, 64 Margaretha, N., Walerioo (19) GARAGE SALE, Saturday, May 13, 8-3 Numerous Items trig and small 216 Huntmgdon Cr, Watertoo. (19) MULTI FAMILY garage sale, May 13. 9 am. to 2 pm Househotd Items 77, 78, 79, 82 MavgaretAve N .Water‘oo (19) THREE FAMILY garage sate. Saturday. May 13, irt)O arm-3:00 pm 103 Longwood Dr, Watenoo Upholstery ends. dishes. books. household Mtms, BURNELL FAMILY] Wat Wand RMrr Kinsman Sate for Cystic Fibrosis, May " and 13, Albert McConmck Arena, Parkman Dr., Walertoo, b5 Ethos. garden tools, planters. books, TWS, utensils, china, toys. baby Items. Iawttmower%spitc etc (19) GARAGE SALE, "was family sale May 13, many Items 227 Murdock Ave, Water-too (19) MAY 13, " 217 Foxhunt Rd ' 31ammes Toys, books, household Items. etc Great purgamsv (19) GARAGE SALE - mum family Saturday, May " only, F4. 532 Brookhaven Cr, Watenoov (19) " AVONDALE N.. Waterloo Fnday " Saturday and Sunday 9-5, Gas limern and stove knchen mans-ls dushas. toaster. books. old newspapers, toplamr grates. sander, shovels tools. elecmc snow blower (19) ST. COLUMBIA ANGLICAN Church Sprung sate on May 13th From 9 a m " p m Somelhlng tor everyone at the corner ot Lincoln Rd and Mayhem Ave, Warm, (19) 90 AMOS AVE. Saturday. May 13.9-2 Waterbod. Lazy Susan. mum car um. ski ruck, skis. diam. lays, books and moreNoearty birds phase. (19) MOVING SALE - Mar13,8-t-Nerw twin maple beds, $700; 2 Kaufman wall unns. " had. $75; Omen wished. S100 mommies. clothes, mum and much mart Buchwood Wm, 455 Momma Duns-7295. - (1tt) GARAGE SALE. May13.367 Realm " 1986 Subaru GL10.|ood.d‘ Furniture, aM-,ttlatt-ter.trtmtbep.ttt. (19) ARMY SURPLUS oak trim, 31.200 (reg. i. W (20) W) is}. (19) aARAtte "LE. Band "than: and launching. "3ttitrrtttqrttNt. E., www.mtam. (19) 'AMtiE,Mnrt3.u3amttottSt Nun-trout mid.- '.ttArtSt9etr and m. H, _t_t' mum. M13131 mm. Wm. Farm-Prim con. man m. .tfr. __rt' 4 FAMILY my 13, 9 micttin-otm-tii,Avoitttrtttmarir" m dun guilty ”"1135 Renaud Dr, o" “I“, Linea" Rd., Watqtttttt, (19) tKWETMtttG FOR EYERVOHE. Tons d Faint-Pm- um. bins, m. MID-o mane, My wmpu 6 loo! t) men - diam. Mama's Day unto, hm clan. 'tc.saturdey.hMyt3,8" summing. thoWatttdtto, (19) mom SALE, sumay my}; 7:90 umvma QRAMth'MOHE PM TOYS. Barret ladder, 2am stove May t3, 8-2 82 John Street East, wmonoo (19) anybme THE SALVATION ARMY requnres 000mm of downy. fumnure. dishes. books, mum mm‘ etc Help p-wttot$on'tttatmasrnucNFor pump at your homo. call 5N-3t30 (ttl (on. lot- a good-- m I pritmt86Coarttm.A" JUNK PM 31 your humanoid Cook: be some "Ensures to come no!" 93 Regina 5mm North, 9.4 (19) GAS POWERED lawn mowers wamod Not necessarily In workmg common Call 884-1484 after 3 pin (25) WI" buy anything new or used, but never _ abused No domes. audiences or tur. I mum Call Duer's Second Hand Shop. 7434688. 19 Soon St , Kllm SATURDAY. MAY 13, 9 am Cam PI V Warm 3 households Toys, swung set. books. ttttttWy clothing, lmgene samples, large stomps cupboards. beam-d3. ems bog drapes and many humanoid Ind hardware Mms (19) WE BUY GOLD musty m any iorm SING! also. Fair paces pan: B.G DiamondslbaNdlnc, 19scott Street. Kitchener "5-1941 (MRtt) Cupboards. can: (who, pro-1950 toys, watery. ttstting goat and guns. Mat bones. truck; pvr'sao tumnure. oil pain lung. odds and ends Compute estates bought outright, Al Jones. Elmwa. 669-2960. 669-8787 In boom 15 70me 1m HYUNDAI Stem: GSL, mtrtrftqd, Imomahc. excellem common Must sell $5.500 1623-5812 M19) BUYING FOR CASH: Gad and - cans, unwary. Merlot; Samara, trays, lea sets. Inuque clocks. pocket watches ol0poetturrrts,docurmmts Miser-090w and dental your Wm J Grant Cons, 1125 King St. E, Kitchener, 5764040. 8 WamS1 tr,Cartttmttte0630 ttt) 1907 CELEBRITY EUROSPORT» mange. numerous opmns andudm lmmeculale common Phone 746', BUYING FOR CASH: 60k! and mm m any form: Corns, Mon. bacon” and hockey was, second-hand stereos. VCR's. camera Knohenev Com Show 742.9181 (MFR!) 75 “TWINE PARTS RUNNING BOARDS Mm, vans trom $199 unsuited Acrylrc hood protectors, pooh up bed Inners, sunroots. ground Meets nuts. van cmverswns. scum ampere The Van 746-8679 $t)iimtutt0tu18Ettttlus t0bt FOOT Mly SON-contained truck mm .99qu w or: l "fl Ieltl: ara am)" mam, (cm 15mm out tor Injppomlmuo GUSTO“ TRAVEL vnn and camps! Bose-n- Mr “an undo The Van 5110999.Wuonoo. “6-0679, M21) MTG. macaw Damon. Cd barry mununoon M19) * ”I“ Art1trt SIM-v M t3th, tlrof NEED CASH???” WAN titftEltAlhE Call mm -or 669-2311 (In ANTIQUES W1) (19) (22) an (tf) WV MAY to. I“ - PAGE 46 Noun Miami?“ In your. tttmtmtt c.0110 W W tu-tnrt-i-ttur Ti-oct' m,mm.mw.m tje'tg,r, M' M on mm. """"""""2t, TWDer-ma tMtruttrC8-"A"tttortt_taoo's t30T0rW0RRart6ttutotBctttttyoAre mmmmawmznw .emAtymiourt-ltortrm'tUuttttorotx' 'savatettt.1ohepyouwttttyourr* touch Mmmemay Btter- N-t.6tottrovibotht-yant, "xr4.TttettrfaryrPrctt!'t'r-rrt! lww BarttttoMtmmyrrarstrt not Dq'6raMrtmsrtirtgartdsupportsor won-W Calhrrt.yart6Ctti6ttrort's sersttm.,L9trViitr,5?6osa0 ttf) notmst-nra0and330pm arm: New Humbug Commumty Sums ot hoe, 124 Hm Street, Au " at can 662.2731 (NW) ttropt_arr, est, any fan-hm! 0' lull Calm Bryan Pooch) Cu 7132411 (20) my You can earn $400 to $1500 pan-Inna or $20!!) to $5000 Immune working mm a Wong 20mde com pany No expenonce necessary Can Devr6worx$orCyrttttsaSossoat 7462975 (19) "ET01JtMu.tttG1owoNpanortul' turns from your home or our dice tor e, ooptmal "tcome' Physwty hand-cap pod nouns are new mm -qtcome wme tor incontinent to Box 3036 Cambnoge (Preston) NM 4St (CNS) 1. ”In Love to "we" Ahoys wanted tto won m the travel busmess” Earn commssoons waved was You can do n all as an ow Bttttt sales rap Call Gougers toattt tor mote mic Pete! M0.6381 10ambnogew or Dave "I_NPrtcrt_entrr) ((3an “INCORR-GQIM tweak my "om the masses Your am m mum and wealth Greg Truckee ax 57645350! 768-985t (WW9 Am REM!) mum-men, tor Inghl My work on smatl lranstovmers Apply In Devson to NC Manutaettmrtq, 202 Regina St N Waterloo Nomads (WRtt, AESTMETTCtAN WANTED w wort In ttepeot$etttty m hanmgmg saborl Fo' move mimnon call ate Hearse» at 1364-2900 x19. " COMPANY In me Industry wan ”5000.000 per month ot busmoss well asutgtsttitCartattaart6USA seeks very serious and xeachabte undmauaus b' students wanted tar weekend work Foe more untormatuon can with Dummy new: 10 earn ”mime 55,000 Ind tutr-ttttte $10O00 plus we month N0 age resmdvons out " nWtomanagerveotnmpeooie-s a must Catt Andve at 6567339 tor ap pomlmomorwy tor-120» NW HAVE a vewavomg Ministry and 9am extra Income Dy dusmbutmg Cttrtsian books cams and lanes tet book Dames boot tables and schools For we mIormaluon La" 634-5637 ((25:22; DISTRIBUTORS - Every may deserves good dnnklng valet Prov-0e them m tttrs need Phone Bu: 5197414727 (WR?th tNtaANtST.CtttWt DORECTOR us '9 awed tor two manna ape organ Salim negombte Sena 'esumc Io Shogun“ Unnoo Chum ac Enact S w M' chenev N2K1KT wa‘Q WON Mannheim Rouse" mm racy-tuna macmnes We now your "ltltt_lo9mactttrtosuolleo0sot mmmlom Youoalev mono the Mr8tttMttW0rt W. promo. loads Imam "tert0strPr"tuem'?ro"tt't PERSON WANTED to cm lawn (mac pay Also some! Mayors wanloc Phone 88s-5782att.r6oror-totts " GGG "'io'vuiiqvoms‘" Ltd. PO 'Box "20. Mount Fen-1.0mm MIG 2L8) I TEACH “EULE CRAFTS 2 evemngl A week and saw $100 No axe-chance necessary Trammg woman Free Ctr Quanta! Callsoewitsoe 886-2087 CN), 1KMmsluus CALL M.N.R. TAX SERVICE 656-2965 FOSTER PARENTS PART-TIME 623-0540 TRAVEL (m ttf)

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