He med [us hand at college but thts stun was cut short when he was cast as the lead in The Magic Man, a Chicago musical. He sang. danced. acted and created all his own tracks and the show became the longest-running musical in His biography reveals that he developed an Interest in magic at a very early age and by the time he was m his teens. he was performing professionally. Not long after, he was honored as the youngest person ever to be admit- ted to the Society of American Magicians. Always learning new mcks of the trade, by his late teens he was teaching magic at New York University to students often older than himself. Copperfield PAGE 32 _ WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY MAY to, 190tt Cannibals offer music you can sink your teeth into The Raw and The Cooked Fine Young Cannibals IRS Sonic Temple Tvt'dtlt, or! ram “30:2ng last album, Electric, made the stars; Sonic Temple will catapult them into a tax bracket where write-offs take priority over writing songs. Rarely has the '70s sounded so good in the Rb. While it doesn't have the kick of Electric or dreamy psychedelic overtones of love. Sonic Temple reaffirms, The Cult', status " arguably the best rock and roll band east of New Jersey. The Led Zeppelin influence is again prevalent and even though they lack Zeppelin‘s imagine tion, guitarist Billy Duffy always keeps things interesting. He doesnt pull any punches, but he doesn't waste any, either. Many a self-indul- gent rock guitarist could learn from his economic style. It's just a touch nasty. too. Pardon the pun, but the Fine Young Canni. WILLIAM H. WHITE Q.C. ALBERT L. OSTNER DARRELL N. HAWRELIAK KIMBERLY L. EVANS KEITH C MASTERMAN 45 Erb Street East Waterloo. Ontario MN 485 (519) 886-3340 Fax: (519) 886-8651 WHITE, JENKINS, DUNCAN & OSTNER Barristers and Solicitors Since then, there is no question he has succeeded in accomplish. mg some of the world's most impossible magical feats - he once levitated himself across the Grand Canyon. But what does one do once one has done the impossible? Copperfield may have reached his goals already. When the show closed, he moved back to New York where he worked on perfecting his craft and developing his personal style. Not long after, he found himself hosting The Magic of ABC, Star. ring David Copperfield. This show launched Copperfteld's ca- reer as master illusionist. mental. ist and magician. Chicago history J. FREDERTCK SAGEL WILFRED D. JENKINS, Q.C. HILDE M. ENGLISH JOACHIM D. MATTES ANDRE C. HUENIKEN TRACY L. MILLER (Contmuod from page 81) Counsel are pleased to announce that DARRELL N. HAWRELIAK has Mined our litigation department bale write songs you can really sink your teeth into. The Raw and The Cooked is a sparkling followup to their excellent debut. Singer Ro- land Gift spearheads another fine set of modern soul and MB that takes dance-club rhythms to new heights. Gift has a wonderful voice which at times recalls Sam Cooke and a host of Motown greats. It's a rich, flexible instrument that gives the dance numbers personality and the ballads, a great deal of emotional depth. Ex-beat mem- bers Andy Cox and David Steele also play prominent roles. Unpretentious, intelligent and irresistibly funky, The Raw and The Cooked is as good " dance music gets these days. "All of those sorts of things make it a fantastic experience and I really love it and N like to continue doing it." “I really enjoy what I do, and " long as I really enioy it I can't imagine retiring. I have a won- derful opportunity, I do 500 shows a year, the audiences give me that opportunity to continue to work and develop new material." After each performance, he goes into the lobby where he meets the audience, signs aumapha and "I get a chance to n to what they have to say. What they liked and what they'd like to see diffe. rent. What they liked that we did in the past and we didnt do during the show. Ross MacDonald Disc IRWIN A. DUNCAN J. DAVID LINTON DEAN F. EDGELL RICHARD V. MARCHAK Evory Soars hot mphor is a profes- sional, mine?! to 'l,'rlf,'g' out and catch your child’s best smiles! Also avail- able: Instant Colour Passport Photos and Copy ' Mention. u ide -- 'iFG"rCiuGiaa"a'iaiiG ,.. w ___ KILLED». - "a“ "w" - van: Card 'mnau Shade: Inc-Ind in Sun mil non in tom. and Ittteei. .et1'titt.f19rttefer. 8tttmghttq Prfterh't.eeitirrsetr wPs'-drus"ret_ -uttmiifaGaoiGiuiui him-W W ISM“ .. .ttet11ttt,tteeer0-tttett"9brei- *3 F] 6 3% iftfiiiHititiii ml II rt'lfr"lirTNi on traditional g; backgrounds. c, N - _.-6--._ 1-7 a» Irma-M 8ii)8jiid9EiaC) 130 tThiveFirit -A%/.- Waferloo Remember: Sunday May 28/89 we will be open for WLU's convocation from 5 - 9 p.m. Phone your reservations. V, 13.131: l 2, pm. 4 pan. - 8 pan. $8.96 Adult $7.60 Child, $12.96 Adana t 7.50 Child SUNDAY BRUNCH 475 KING ST. N., WATERLOO, ONT. RESERVATIONS 884-0220 WTERIDO 71m 154 Chicken Wings Mondays 8 p.m.-11 pan. - Mom-Sat. 3 urn-5:30 p.m. Wednesday and Saturday 9dNFMidn'mht tttutmost/ttworth/tmore! Rick Walker Guitar GOOD THROUGH: MAY " 'RESTAUMNT° 11:30 uni-9 pm. OpenWs