GUSTO. TRAVEL VAN and umpovoon- var-Ion Call tor appointment. Dotson your but. vol-note. The Vnn Shoppe, wmnoonweon. (16) JEEP REPLACEMENT parts. accessories [95124293909 MN ".996 stock, !r.Tr, prion. imam service oiuonor.' Bikini Loo. $598.95. 'ell? Sales. 4736 tati . urnahy, . .V59 2K7. PM 'a1'lfltl'll'g, (604) 2944214. (0) $109 mama I toiiU vans G% 8229- . The Van Shoppe. 326 Wobov Strut Norm. Wat-don. 746-8679, (16) N mums SUCK-50. Evenings 578-1166. (1 a) 11 TTt0tttsrut$uf no: RENAULT Fuego, Winder, bapei, from who“ drive, he! inpction. AWFM cassette. intermittent vapors. unmet. $3.600 txtt'tiMd, 658-9642; 668-5152. (CRIB) 1000 PONTIAC Phoenix - Fourtiirttitrr, automatic. tour-door hattrhtrace, 94,000 km. Good Winch. Asking $1300 as Is Call 742-1390. (16) Funy loam. 49,000 his. Exteridoé vim. mnty. Hustproot warranty. Only 512.900 Home." 741-1737. (wme) 70me titt mechanical work. Excellent tor riiitimi- tion. 7486763 or 747.t523, (WR17) I... BIC JIMMY Sts Mot comiillon GAS POWERED lawn mowers wanted. Not necessarily m worknng condition. Call 864-14845nov3pm (25) 1974 CADILLAC Divine sedan. Needs lit. TO RENT OR BUY tt VHS Instrucnonal tape for installing a Sears 24.foot round, above-ground swimming pool. Call 578-0992. (WR17) Will buy anything new or used, but never abused, No clothes. appliances or fur. niture. Call Duey's Second Hand Shop, 743-1688. 19 Scott St . Kitchener, Cupboards. celtav tables. prtr-1950 toys, mellow. fishing gear and guns. Mar boxes, trucks, ore-1940 turntture, on pam- tog, odds and ends Complete estates bought outright, AI Jones. Elmira. 669-2960; 669-8787 In busmess 15 GARAGE BALE - 139 Md Drive. Two amines. Hou-tttAt items and baby tytneFryer, April in, tr “11.4 Em“. ywam.m 22, . Clo... WW. I uni-2 pajama; omtyMehMartdrtous.tttgtrltoms. (18) SATURDAY, arm. 22, " p.m., 222 Ettt and Eat. WW. Baby boggy. mom. chud's thigh. Ilka now: boy: row um; um hum. upholumy my; rgdio; mac stock; now My PIANO WANTED: Regard“ of eondl‘lbn. Call mm or 669-2311 anytime. (tt) THE _ SALVATION Fm" rogqim Manon. of curring, furniture, distttrs, books. jewelery. appliances. ettt. Help people who don't have as much! For pickupatyrturrtomtt,calitmF3t30. (t1) tef BOY. 60L? jewellery in any loin: BUYING FOR CASH: Gold and silvev coins, jewellery. sterling silverwaro. trays, lea sets. antique clocks, pocket watches. old post cards. documents. All scrap tttAt and dental 90m. Wm. J. Grant Coins, 1125 King St, E., Kitchener, 576-4640. 8 Water St. s, Camb'idw. 621-0430. (tf) BUYING FOR CASH: Gold and sllvar m any form: Coins, bullion, baseball and hockey cards. second-hand stereos. VCR's, cameras. Kvtchenev Con Shop, 742mm. (MRtt) doom. patio m. a: ",'l'liti'1l'2f,W,"lJi/irtltf.t uh. 2'gN ' ' 'll'3'8,'J/ta'lrlfr'.', m. Ito) kiuim More trartdnsi J, an; sirrkn, Sin use, Fait prices: paid. BAI Diamonds A Gold Inc, 19 Scott Sum Kitchener. 7451941 (MM) V035 Dayna c ., wm. Sn ' Add! '4,1'lUh'rla.1 may (16) “was I“ - 'd'.ug'r,', do We“. May , 13. AM mamas-1253. (1.) “WAY. “22.0.00 Mr, 5†NEED CASH???" BOARDS. Mini-vans from fttatltttt td'tttin2 " ANTIQUES (WR16) m L19 Lltr) Ct) ARE YOU WILLING to work an pr MIL um. from your home at our oMoe tor on national Income? Physically handicap- ped adults In more than We, Write for appointrmmt to: Box 3036, Gama-Iago (Prmton). NGH 4S1. (CRIB) VOLUNTEER commas WANTED - Houston": Investigating daily Ma mm: am looking in: owning to par- ticipate in a study. Must haw been living tpttMtt.rormartitrdfurtttttsnattwtoy-. Couch! will be paid $40 for meat titmt. Thou inlmlod - call MtF1211, on. 2949. and ions your mm, address. postal cod. and telephone number on the Inmring machine, (16) TMEtlnMCtNtP.-t>ttstmtd.ttrmse mytruntho MM YouLanoym to 5762535 or 748-985! WALLPAPER SALES HELP - Mature, ttRGEHTiYttuttan.arnM00tott5ot) part-time or $2000 to $5000 tull-tima, working with a strong 2tFysarold com- pany, No oxporianca necessary. Call David Wood " Cynthia so"""'"",,? (t ) 1m.totrrmst2Ahettrtomntmttowurto, new In“? Earn minions. ttelttrtMitr.voyearyttttltttiianout- 6090mm Mutt with outgoing persona» ty, Must lllat was with the white and be tutlttur.comttirtttttrd. Phone 743-3561. AaetorRortor8uqan. (WH17) Needed to provide both temporary and Warm foster cure for children as well as weekend reliel. Birth to fifteen years ot age. Dally rate training and support ser- vlces pmided‘ Cull Family and Chlldren's Services. Libby Vizkeleli. 576-0540, tf) ( 001' OF WORK and out of school? Are you between the ages of 16 and 24? An pmpbyppm oou‘nagllot trom Lutherwood is available to help you with your 10b search. New drop In Thursday anot- noons between 1:30 and 3:30 pm at the New Hamburg Community Sewocos M. Iioo. 124 Hlncks Street, Apt " or call 662-2731 (NRtt) 'roPiftrp eah tt.tiPart-tirmtor (on. time, Dickie Doe ted Cream (The Ice Cream BicycIe Poop“), Call 743-201. (20) " mm in an industry. m 1?h!!.?htl1lo,e.rmotttttottyinik,ka "taitsmadiredaTsGiiisirii.kT,GaG VOW m Ind town-bu mm with bumlng than to am pun-0m. 55.000 and hgbtttttq 810.000 plan not It',',',','; No - tdll','?',',',?,'; but wit; wtommgo, ttrrttttN 'l"'!,',')"'.""';"),"""")',")',.",)' poirttnttrntor#y. (can) more info. Fab: Experienced seasonal help required im. modiateiy for landscaping company. Call 7462006 or 88b1427, (WW7) EARN 2,000 ',00tl00t) K, a myth Help build a moccasin! was force. For a corporate briefing, call Bea, 741-9654, - - __ - - iwm 6) STUDENT To WORK with deal child, your home. 40 hours weekly July and August. Use of car and sngn language ro- quitmr88S-3266, (16) AESTHETICIAN WANTED to work In- dopendonny with hanging salon, For more IMormatbon call ale Mooney at 135â€?†- _ ,,,,,,,,,, £9 BEAUTY CONSULTANTS NEEDED" No investment or inventory 8505100 per evening. tull naming provnded Call Chnstlns between 12-3 p m at 746-4676 (16) 1. [Ci9lTIijT, Get your Class "A" licence at (2ntano's chest and urges! trammg centre Courses man every Monday, Tax deduch- ble, weekend courses. tot, assistance. no experience required, Merv Orr's Transport, 1.800.265-3559 Cambndge (CRttn) Bttttatrt '%rtfHteryntr,. "a? _-..._. .....- - ......... my, "-0- hp. but. M. m and 'tart meat. Aha m. add-Hm. dr- m. mm and Ic- m. Now I Um. Mt auction. mm.m‘rwa ACC-tre, Tm. Ont. (519) 343-212. tot Needed: Person expensncod to prepave Income returns, Non-smokers only Starting rate: 510 per hour CALL M.N.R. TAX SERVICE 656-2965 MONARCH LANDSCAPING AND LAWN MAINTENANCE Transport Drivers Needed FOSTER PARENTS TRAVEL M19) an 112 CAREER TRAINING AIRLINE/CRUISE - yobs (all mm- was) Amazing recorded message reveals unvonnauon guaranteed to get you hired or no fee 1Altr.46?-84a2 X903 Not durec' him. (0) MATOL INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR. Call Larry Kelly at 416-479-0079 (wm9) I. mums best computer training available by highly professional instructors to ensure our clients have the shortest learning curve. Our Corporate training list is impressive. The individual we seek is a team player who is strongly motivated and is attracted by the challenge of developing his/her full potential. Your background should demonstrate your strengths in new business development. You will also need exceptional preserttatioMrtterper- sonal skills. Minimum 2 years sales experience in computers and/or training preferred. We offer an excellent compensation plan and outstanding company paid benefits. Please send resume with salary requirements and history in con6deoce to: CASTLE-WALL TRAINING CENTRE is dedicated to providing the MAtturACruRlNG INC Wo lit Sohoo/ Diploma? or No Recent Work penance? or Low Self Confidence? SOLUTION: If you have these problems, you could qualify for our program While earning minimum wages TI an Indusmal 'r,7,1l1 Wt will help you to obtain permanent employment throug orvthejn experience, life management classes and actual job search. For more information call: _74B-1 500 to request a tour of our plant tltttitt PWL Manufacturing Inc. @331 R, ' Take your FUTURE in your hands and TRAIN for a new CAREER! - ACCOUNTING a _ “sum mus commas - ALL sewn». _ - BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION mscwuues - mm a mums» - comm new - HOTEL a RESTAURANT 72mm museum - sues ' mum-rm tttstate-hiker-tInstitute-tati-ttttits FlttttttttiN Assistance may be "alialile OVER 90% J08 PLACEMENT iiii5ii5fl Toronto School Of Business BANKING SALES REPRESENTATIVE - KITCHENER CAREER CHANGE? WHY WAITl! ENROL NOVâ€! 3% HAVING PROBLEMS Vice President Personnel Castle-Wall Inc. Head office 20 Hughson Street South, Suite 406 Hamilton, Ontario LON 2A1 2668 Marsland Drive. Wua,rioo GETTING EMPLOYMENT OR KEEPING EMPLOYMENT Kitchener Campus Eastwood Square On Ottawa St. N. at Webet 745-1140 SOUTH PACIFIC: Experience 6arry tarm mg m New Zealand and beef tarmung m Austvalm and a redumg stopover m Hawan If you at! between 19-28. mm Iamnng OW. contact 206. 1591-mn Avenue SW. Calgary, Altpetta, TZTOEZ (O) Itt tatrBtnu- 109 EIPlIlYIElT was: I. Lfirri:r, WINTER REPAIR TECHNO!“ SALES l IARKETNG BUSI'ESS CtMNTEft LANGUAGES WAT_ERu8?CHRtmttxEjEDL1ESiAr'_tttr!iPAaeas Au. Km Reruns - Imam-on of valet whom and healers Panama and meow-no Can Bob 5762974 Tum-rug mamas your mndows 12mm totttttryrrar>rtoursa6at Macrame-s gtarot6tatteupto99% For bum mam AuttsBoautrContre Elma F'ttoms669-2s06-te “mom . Malta! renown-on: rap-n. rec rooms, bathrooms M's suspended oodmgs cevarmc hung on: PrM-ugtreasortante, same: John 578-4136 mam “JED! 'NNttt.E WASH. Chennai we: C‘s-rung and â€lung ortrl 540mg Navy $quqtrmHtt and â€walks barns was“ and dun-mm 653-6493 (Of-M) msarant-tomeasecommmtmeprG,s and "to estimates Senor cmzon Some: upgrndmg, new houses woo hens. mamas. rewiring now am M000! 039mm If n s etecmcal we 00 anythg Cal Murray Harpy Ftora “65568 mans amounts Call 6346513 shin 5' 6562555 to; estm'aies' -- oii% Immwmmg.drywll andphaterrmpatrs H-atttttetntttewatt, Gmmacnll. Nopbtoosmal -.ttrresrxra.trttt-qroototsai.r two-paw 7m (17) - maim,m-m Bittqr tttttem PI. ed “004:0. we Amt!) pm or t3) nun-Hm pm 7WL (1C) wtEATPY-Pu.rtEs.Bmtstor 1t?urtttrt".artd-rrtt-r- Chung-m and R-ret' PM -altlttt. lo and Cd '""mltl1', 16) New aways wrung small parkmg Us and recalls Grave 090m 5W6atF306q 55M ELECT“ LTD Prompt PAYS REFTtttSHtttG W "N, mm; smtes ow spocnany Hand stuppmc vegans Free osumates Menu) and oelvvery " Steam Road West New Hambuvg 662-2312 (NW) PAPErMAiG -- Top ouairte papemartgsr and pamlel 16 years exponent: Rumble 747 3190 (MRI!) III “I.“ ALL TYPES ot renow'we gua'anleec Guam wommansmr a comoemwe pnces Brick worb ttrr, 4 as maslermg drywall concvele wow ma carpenm Fare estimates Sim: protects a stmcrattr Hem Wunoe' Cortstroctror 884-2815ot8tW19i?9 m 115 “I" 1a "HENRI!“ RUNS†REUOVAL . Wall wash-n9 ugh! rnovmg deanmg (basemems garages amCSI 000 rote JP" Havomg mam m CUSTOM TYPING w‘, secretarial sen/me 'r- J1" Walton 884 1889t tN8qA1.o'tthttrttt.N.tttmruns,ss- and Porting-l. Jun. #18 Ocean: me mum Can mis'hénor'é "r_NettKootntmtttattb4sttts (17) Crab Grass Fertilizing, Spring Fertilizing, Aerating (iErlsFtiTLTi? SCHAEFERS ASPHALT AND PAVING Ill-WT REIGVATMS POWER LAWN HOLUNG LAWN ROLLING CALL PETE 006103 . pawns/W WINDOW TINTING 746-1775 576-6397 I .'ocessmg WI .> rgr5, â€penance .mmgs) Jr') tgmt) (15) (15)