L mm my a. Mag wuéimww J, HMSIMS 5:1 m-ir’nw PAGEitMATEMu90CMritxE.eEBttATAPNLte.t- sidebeeauaeltewt-fidenthe couldtnakethebig-es. "Alotofgel-iPtreteoe think he abuse-i" Rough play earlyintheserias didnatxmrkagninattheSiAim, dmpitetheirrouthfullinmrp.Ttte Swims had tive Nina-oh. Fourothersml'll‘hekamon Brill "ealuthetifugnme,a 3- 2 loss in Sunnis. Stock stopped three breakaways and took “my other good snoring chances. Stock's catching glove became more and me of: factor. in the thud penod ofthe sixth and Gal game, he stopped 18 shots from the diehard Siakim Brill believed Stock gave his New O'Brien Chromcle Staff Waterloo Sinkina' 103 to the Same Ramon Bees wasn't. from 3 Waterloo perspective, all a use of age before beauty, Hot gunman; had a lot to do with n. as well, said Satin unn- ager Pete Brill. The Ramon Bees put the Si- skinsoutotanotttariojuni" hockey quarter-final teries in six straight gum But ifthe Sinking hadn't had goaltender Greg and to contend with, they might have been the team to alums against Toronto's St. Mike's. A Goodie Basket says a sincere thank-you to your Secretary For unique ideas, call ... Secretaries' Week "ttttgt-Fatt-At-Nt.'..'..)'.. m-lyD-uovbyw moreroomon "apr-ce-, "an! to nt'.? April 24-28 746-2611 . Una HI - 662-2733: 662-2567 a...) . IN Pop: St., The Sinking might have " few as five returning players when they - training camp for the 198990 season. Greg Dreveny and Shawn Way are likely to be drafted by Ontario Hockey Uague teams. Bill Wright might also be drafted, but be could be more interested in a US. college scholarship in the m, the Sight): weren't ex- pected to get pet the Stratford Cullitou in their own Midwest. ernheagtte,butBrillsttidheknew Ptttenall andUarty Groulx are ka.eouitietrtheseholamhip ttetterhrpurmirne. "I mi 6a; amicable," said Brill. "r said it would be Waterloo Belleville Nils lien season “Styli! Fashions For The loam Woman." John Williams and Matt Zilintr Dean DeSilva, Don Oberle. Rob linen, Greg Mumps. Jamie Rim Marin, om: Stewart, L‘V-H‘ Shun-52 for tt-ttentlagttVgStttett'stttttgoalteetdtttgtttatttnoidttte+toSFenttttt contention. lump-p