He added top" a-thletes and coaches are well provided for compared tothe rest of the resi- “The government supports gymnastics 100 per cent. In Rue sua, their system is polished and perfected to an art. All coaches use manuals when testing for techniques. When you have a system that 13 developed by hum dreds of coaches, the proper ap. proach to each technique provides the proper vechicle for the best results," and ngley. denis of Emma The biggest difference, he said, ts the support each club receives from the government. Qulgley described the trip as an "eye-opening experience" that has enabled him to peek into what was once forbidden territm "The purpose was to promote a Rusnamcanadio exchange. We had the opportunity to train at the two best clubs in Moscow teska and Dynamo)." said Qui- gley, who has been with the local club smce July. . PAGE 38 . WATERLOO CHFDNICLE. WEDNESDAY APR“. IO, was For the &st time in gymnastic history, the Soviet Union recently opened its doors and welcomed Canadian athletes and coaches to View their 'secret formula' for producing the world's beat ath- letes. Walter Quigley. coach of the Kitchener-Waterloo Gymnastic Club. was one of 12 Canadians Invited to Moscow at the end of March to work m unison with Soviet coaches. Soviets teach gymnast coach some new tricks Lynne Gourter Chrome Stan RECYCLING. "BLUE Box" Support your community It only works if we all do our part'. last Call Final audition for Eastwood's Arts Package May 11. 1989 avmlatyle at Recycle thts newspaper. glass bottles and Jars. aluminum and steel food and beverage cans. and plastic soft drink containers. program 760 Weber St East Eastwood C.l. 743-8265 Compared to images of 'old Russia," the new sports complex. "The boys training at this level already have what is needed. They, pre pyschologically pre- "The boys work incredibly hard. They work out six hours a day from 9:30 a.m. to 1 pm. and then horn 4 pm. to 6:30 pm. six days a week. Quigley said the strain on the boys is quite demanding but they have learned to adapt to the lifestyle. Quigléy found the amount of dedication in the young athletes admirable. "What I found most interesting was what the young boys were capable of doing. Boys that were seven years old were doing things Canadian boys of 13 or 14 would be doing." In celebration of Canada Environment Week to be observed Jung 4th to June 10th, 1989, the Ecological and Environmental Advisory Committee invites nominations tor recipients of the Regional Environmental Awards, in the following categories. 1) Individual 2) Group or Organization (non-profit) 3) Developer Nominations accompanied by support documentation should be addressed to the Regional Clerk, 4th Floor, Marsland Centre, 20 Erb Street West, Waterloo, OntMo N2J 4G7 to be received on or before May 15th, 1989. E. Stettner, A.M.C.T. C.M.C., Regional Clerk ECOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Canada Environment Week Sessions to be held on: Tuesday, May 2, 1989 Waterloo Public Library 7-9 p.m. Albert Street, Waterloo Wednesday, May a. 1989 St. Patricks School 82 Beverly St., Cambridge 7-9 p.m. Sunday. May 7, 1989 Kitchener Memorial Auditorium East Avenue. Kitchener 2-4 p.m. (Viewing Lounge) For copies of the Draft Policy or arrangements for an oral presentation. please call Charles Van Alphen. Committee Chair by April 28, 1989. 578-3660 (Kitchener) - 653-5691 (Cambridge) RACE All) mlitltlMllM1 RELATIONS THE WATEHLOO HEOIOH HOMAH CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL OOAHO “MEETING THE CHALLENGE†Invites the General Public to respond to its Draft Policy on Wm Vol 'l'tt'llgtgu,, (trd (tttttlu,,,, THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO Quigley said many Canadians are misinformed about men's gymnastics. "The reason why a great many boys do not get involved in gym- (Continued on pay. 40) scheduled around training ses- sions. competitions, meets and more training. Quigley found the role of the coach to be quite faaeinating. "Their coaches were strict but they were also their friends. They wouldn't dare talk back to the coaches .. they have a job to do and they do it." Unlike in Canada, their sport becomes their life. For years these young men train to become the best in the world. Their life is es are spacious and bright with eager boys "fighting to get on the equipment, just like Canadian BUY DIRECT Come and Visit ... 33:! 2.efieie: " WILLKMEi W575i WKT‘E‘EOB N ME Pin St] I WE MANUFACTURE A 2-PC. QUEEN BOX-BASE FOR EASY ACCESS ON TIGHT STAIRCASES FOR FURTHER mm GUITACT: Churches from all across the K-W area are joining together to pre- sent every home with the Good News. Watch for this identifying but. ton on all Operation Every Home personnel. TO YOUR HOME.... OPERATION EVERY HOME IT'S COMING... FREE oouSumnou . mm mum 745-2141 015 Weber St. an Lsyo 745-2141 CI mm sun-"M iialiiii an Wood-ii Helm-t um o m