But for those who might consider moving mom than just money up there, what about the isolation and the biggest perceptual stumbling block to us southerners - the weather? Hurst smiles and quotes a Chatelaine maga- zine article last year touting Yellowknife as oneofthebeotplneesinCnnndainwhichtolive become of the quality of life. A government program will subsidize 100% of college education. In return, graduates must dedicate two years to working in the north. Atter that, if they don't like it, they can leave "We need more development. Investment and business opportunities exist at all levels. All we need is money and expertise." A pmvincial venture capital program guaran- tees investors in northern development a three year return of 30% up front. "If you don't want to live here - send money," he says. The Territories have consistently had one of thetrtrmtgetgrmrthratetrintheeountry-in 1986 and 1986, growth hit 11.5%. well above the national average of 9.8%. ammunition there," Hurst told me. “Some are being seized by offshore money. Quietly but steadily, foreign investment in exploiting many if the opportunities that the red of Cumin should be enjoying.†Hunt admits that while the Territories have a total population of just 52,000 (Yellowknife hats 14,000 people) it is a wonderful place for entrepreneurs and investors alike. For instance, Yellowknife still doesn’t have a trust company branch and until recently, had no one to repair shoes. Horace Greeley would be proud of Stephen HutBtimt?addgoirtgutst,thitsraung tnantrxmNova8tntitomttrtorth-oraritorti, to the Northwest Territories. Now, " president of Prospects North '89, a group of northern businesses promoting invest. ment and development in the great frozen tundra, Hurst has trekked south to enlighten soothes-nets about the opportunities there. "Plan’s a large lack of knowledge about the Gonorth, young investors Where the going is good So why arent samba-nan mashing their way in droves to the [and ofthe midnight sun? “People are scared to go north, but once you’re there, people don't want to leave." Gus Carlson is business editor of the Toronto Sun. Hurst, who runs his own lumber company, says truck drivers who make $18,000 to $20,000 in Edmonton can make $30,000 to $40,000 in Yellowknife. And there's lots of Hurst admits the cost of living in Yellowknife is about 20% higher than in Edmonton, but because of the isolation. salaries and wages are considerably higher than southern cities as well. A threebedroom bungalow costs from $150,000 to $180,000 and a 4,000-square-foot ftvehedroorn house will run you $300,000 plus. Even mobile homes on serviced lots are fetching $120,000. "There’s nothing like a playing a round of golf or barbecuing in the back yard under the midnight sun," Hurst boasts. Torontonians hoping for a break in housing costs will be surprised to learn while real estate prim in Yellowknife are lower than here, they're no bargain. with a free education. Hospital care is ftrtst class, recreation facili» tiesmgreatandtherestaurantsareaagood as anywhere, be says. As for the winters, well, Hurst claims they may be cold but they're dry - not wet and clammy like in the south. And ihe long hours of daylight in the summer are incredible. Gus Carlson Canadian Business . MONDAY AFTERNOON SEMOR CITIZENS Renew old arNaintarrzes and mak w friends Mondays 1:30 p.r. 0 MONDAY Marr MIXED IEAGUES - Ente' :n individual couple or team wdays T.30 pm. "AMi1.YMGHr-Teamsctmsistsoituxraju two diildren . Fun forthe My my Tuesdays 7:00 pm. "E PART OF THE HJN" EntryRarmsA_atTheuttesorPNmekxMc, wmaoan .EUcHREMatcbmbinafxxtsof2garneso:_ arzl8ganksofaxhre%r vs? Pet-Juno-bu-tist-re-Pte-lt-oe-t PtT3fAoP_f81retxE, WV arm. II. no - PAGE 31 5 PIN BOWLERS JOIN A_SPRING LEAGUE “THIN Bttit"tCt MES 14 PRINCESS sr. WEST, WATERL 886-2900 886-2370 10 Great Weeks of Fun "KEEP Frr - BOWL A BIT" Begins May Ist - Ends July 8th 'Bowllng Ahead Permmed'