Don't want until your car needs a tune up. Preventative car care saves you time and money in the long run’ spsout'is"i,)3ssisai, Police and transportation om. cxals agree that "driver error" is the major contributor to automo- bile accidertta at intersections Even In Cases where weather conditions have been a factor, mne out of 10 intersection mir haps are the direct result of driver error or inattention. Either the dnver has been speeding, has not had control of his/her vehicle, We'll Get Your Car In Shape _ . for Spring PAGE 26 _ WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY APRIL Rating driving errors for all your automotive needs! LEAKING GAS TANK? Come and see us MR. GAS TANK SERVICE TO ALL MAKES a MODELS an: , 'RUCKS 1244 Victoria St. N. Kitchener, Ontario ' NATIONWIDE LIFETIME GUARANTEE I INEXPENSIVE AND FAST 0 NEW TANKS ALSO 744-3755 rihar:Ntx or has committed an error in judgment. Here is a look at some of the frequently-committed driver er- rors that lead to intersection accidents: - trying to beat a traMc light; - improper left or right-hand Driver error does not necessar- ily have to be a traffic violation and very few intersection acci- dents are the result of mechanical malfunction. siiiiiiii0liiaivll FRONT EM) FWT‘WMEEL MINE 19, - not giving the right of way (not looking) at a non-controlled (Continued on page 27) - hesitation in deciding who has the right of way (always the vehicle to the right) at a nonem- trolled intersection; - not stopping for a stop sign at a notreontrolled intersection; - turning right or left from the centre lane of a controlled in- tersection; Expires May 31/69 Plus 26 point Inspection only COLUMBIA Filter $1295 '.',, {xiv-"190 885, AUTO SERVICE We _ "ili'iifla1l_iii_.i! Most Cars Plus Tax Please Note - Our New Location is only a short V2 Block West of our Previous Spot. (Formerly Stack-A-Sheif). The New Facility is Double the Size of our Previous - Better Equipped and Otters A Superior Working environment. We otter the same Quality Service - And "YES" your Quick Service Needs Will Still Be Looked After. . Headlights . Fan Belts . Wiper Blades, etc. Take Advantage of These Moving Specials COLUMBIA AUTO SERVICE IS NOW LOCATED at 160 COLUMBIA ST. W. WATERLOO (HUM GABRIEL GAS Charged Shocks' 20% off Expire: May 31/89 235320 . Lifetime . Guarantee PROFESSIONAL A/C Tune-up ' '0 ' cm â€3 S a (Freon & Parts Extra) Expires May 31/89 ""----ul'--LLiiiiiiii Keeg Your Cool or only $2995 Jim Volm - Tu Lsiioni