THERE'S A CELEBRATION] AT THE GOOD LIFE CLUB Ontar ComputerCentre PAGE " - NAM m. WV AP". to, mo k often hilarious results. A couple are"idu/dr, notably Sri Lanka Sex Hotel, Bleach Boys and T1teD_eadMilkmencomeacrnssasmguish punks Singer Rodney Amadeus Anonymous hastheJohnny Rottensneerdownpatandthe band takes aim at a number of targets with attention spans, which means there should be a large market ready to absorb Lincoln's humor. ous, jingle-like tunes. Come Celebrate! Rock wants to be taken seriously, which is 'ttttttttoo-ti-tab-dark-ring overly poenpouatutd peachy. Imean. ifU2 fails to save the world. we'll need something to dull the pain. They Might Be Giants and The Dead Milk. men could be the solution. As their names suggest, these clever rockers don't take their jobs too seriously. But they aren't novelty acts. either. Underneath the veneer of parody, puns and pranks lurks a couple of intelligent bands with lots to say and twisted ways of saying it. Brooklyn's They Might Be Giants are prolific, toertheleaseTogiverouanideajitsthow much. consider their Dial-ASong service. By dialing a New York number, you can hear a new TMBG song everyday. Of course, we're not Thethtattuiterrten 1h?ruigtttBeaants We'll be hearing much more from The Thieves 72a gmggg au Ido Columbia St. West 747-1044 VIDEO WEDDINGS EDIE l "Zuma brings c, back the ( _ 'memories" _ Digital Special Effects 576-0564 made a better choice to guide them through their rirgt outing, Crenshaw knows the territm ry and as usual, he keeps things simple. There are no standout cuts, but the playing is uniformly excellent and we're left with the impression The Thieves will be heard from So it'fno surprise that Seduced By Money has a strong Crenshaw influence and a distinct country flavour. The Thieves couldn't. have This Nashville-based band has been kicking around for a number of years looking for a home and label to cail its own And is so tdten the case, it's taken a hume" performer - in this case, Marshall Crenshaw - to steer them in the right direction. TheThieves Seduced Bylloney Ringo Buys A Rifle. They're hardly accom- plished players, but the Mojo Nixon meets Sun Kinuonapproachhasakind-deharm that makes their ribald ditties hard to ignore. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE TO JOIN THE GOOD LIFE CLUB FOR JUST $10 During Our 10th Anniversary Celebration you can join for just 'f 0 * Ati,)",' This is a one-time only offer with a limited number of memberships available Disc Ross MacDonald LOU“ In M your M w mmummm murefwtCh-Mttdtmtouspiano "fyrithmiraltrrtqt.misi,t" 'tio-tttm-tmt-teatin. mummmm. uumm " PM? PIANO " EAR “MM! 578-1067 @159 A an "He'- - - " -"-- tot (benign. N.. Kitchener -1",i't',tf,,1', SILVER ANNIVERSARY TOUR! "b my any†has. Thursday, April 27, 1989 8:00 pm. at The Centre tn The Squaw Adult: $27 $24 $19 Stu./Sen: $22 $20 $16 mum Saul-W a..." (l'll'l2'l'2tltdlttNg'l'llt'Jda'lrd,'? THE IRISH BOVEIIS Party with Tel ï¬n (SID nun 1m '"o"fSW. my; '1. 'ere I. 1.14 " 578-1 570 min-cm