Imam tStill?? 1ltiGii;4 of Comm PM!!! Tom Bums Mm 'iiiiirilttyyptrI!'t Growth tons list, of chamber concerns for 'tN Where Words work for you 'te,mtiikert-tryuorthmsthtiGiir, f lrae!ynem Th may in lowed a Worth†Word-inmaundpmn - Wonk in Indium, employs: manuals and attmti-tattt& " m6hintltdrthtetittgnmmktterthataattis outburtimuymly. WteW!!rkhertarudthr-agotrrliae, Maine, Sun Bryant and " Judah, may Jotittakiudatemrd-hi1odreringhrmttt btnttfgearkttem, Allthr-torFtqrkres-Meeikleas gs-here-Nitty".-!...-."-, p-,iharturtdgmeittakionghSuadmd "our-_home-task-itat 'tartirtgtqrto0igatigitterlsigarm-ith400 people tutmr'redoittgotattual for,"nid Bryant. "Nre'gaktat variety. That', what we as." Wtmimrkutraoteatt-thirt its effort-to futdjuattherightrrtmis. l-,i8..,t,ljlll_if,iilllllllili, ess _'tNl), ‘z 'tTi] _ ' ' -,"r. ", "s-, trtraarrrtbsirtrthrathee.Aintruts Width i" C' in†in thui! ywauwm Amid. “We like to Gr it’l because we’re perfectionist: at ie.11MrepAupeesu 'mrdaqitigthiaqs," t8JiMqtirit . toathirtgtmhgmtttddimtkmnitt gttttdgtiadirtthodket,itoaU "Woekrmllt-thar,"msikk."Thentt 1mrttridedrkdotitoe'mu-ttto -tiatartdmmitr-ditirig. "Irrmltar0gittit'satmtr6rmahmeri." 1mirfurrdadoaiduraati,touerrtat,aeGi1 tltrearekqttrmveithrhedmAdimtt. Aodl,tlmrarrs-ittgt-irt-raromratt "tmto,unplrthmughiltairfitaitttikmaditi. (htethittgtl-1-distutdiettudun 'mttida-dlasmmioaidBrrrtt."Whmtthe, tyrtttoitlohroehuns,therhtt'tahrmuowwhat "Wejust assumed at the beginning that TLELCEirEr, 1 i2ilNEl2tEa3erEr3WeNMahuerll they wanted top-Whit image.†"i'lla:EEacalNl=alterMlllllal% in unhnical subjects, and Bryant and [uetnt-.l. tEFF:.. weferringtowu'k c'rNjMBrhTrTt'ErrM if?" srrct't, t; _ “All writing is selling," said Jewimki. . like to $3.1.†( 'hh8aIiEXEl!C4lieEMrhhT:'l"trp5rB5 rt"" ra'Rs, CRE lettermrpa'fect =elt1EEEM l J" "rt V ,, illMat:1EI1lE2rraWi3!MNetttll _ 'rrv5sT2atMtamWM.Mlr35l!lMi (iiriiagiNiii;i;iWiiiiaiiiGiiiaiaiaillaial Born: said many economists predict 1989 is the last year of the "ranttperiod of economic expansion. A . ‘mchamierdoesnotfeelthatthisisagoodnmembe taking any public action to discourage business invest. ment. (Chamber members) worry about an infrastructure chamber of commerce about growth issues. That was one of the highlights of a speech by incoming chamber president Tom Burns to the business lobby group's annual general meeting last Wednesday. "Our members expect this organization to speak out on issues," said Burns. "Our new (city) council has some tough decisions to make this year," said Burns. “This council is wrestling with many different opinions and attitudes from our community about growth and how it should be handled in the future. “The chamber is concerned We do not advocate uncontrolled growth, however, many of us remember the early '8th when this community was begging for economic expansion. _ “The chamber feels that council must be very careful in considering business Miention. It's dimeult to regain a probusim reputation once you have been labelled as complacent." Waterloo city council can expect to hear from the alum! Um -y_!.yhTrttqN2tt.t1t1rt9rlthhviett--r'aisr strategies for the 1986 Economic Impact Study. "Three years down the road we are again evaluating the mpact of growth on our city." The 1$86gtmtegyprpitidrturwrgrmvthmi8resultof three major oocumncu, said Mewhinney: the decision of Magus to locate in Waterloo, the establishment of the University of Waterloo research park, and the plans of Hewlett-Packard to locate in Waterloo. "In a sense all three of those never did come to full Burns later said the dumher’s concern is that if there is an economic downturn, which would slow growth. and the city also aA8rted a policy of deliberately slowing growth, “we might have a double whammy and then we won't have any growth." In addreming the meeting, city Coun, Mary Jane Mewhinney said “things happen in cycles." Mehwinney and the city evaluated various growth fruition. Still, growth did occur" 1heeitrmuatbereparedtodirectgrowththrmlgh planning, she and, and must be msponslve to growth as n reaettothenatuml,ettt-eurialforusot-lytrtrd Iii-establishing a committee to examme growth, Water loo is “just carrying on with our on-going planning, hopefully with a very positive attitude," said Mewhinney tltateamtte-tthebuaitte-ottltelastfe- HWJMIinumdlahorkmvthmjobsinthnam madman.“ 'ttg,',,',' between to - no: WWI“. IMF mung I Saturday some: ttva%ttltt For Quality and Service first all BILKOR -H APPLIANCE SERVICE 745-001 3