PAGE " _ WATERLOO m. WY 'eflftui'r' 15. I†On Solid Wood Dinettes by Theyearwais1936wltottrielMilk-himdto wrttethebitgmhy0fB-_,tuartigtd thxyrrcotifittedtoltismomaNr-llt-t attacks,theartistqmtthialaatyetmsm'thor patrons wlnle struggling to survive on I ml] Nevertheless, Miller agreed to write his My "Homer Watson, The Man of Don.†Dare we speculate that her payment was in the form of Ere ongmal dry-point etchings? This biography was first pubiuhed m 1937 and not this new edition features information withheld from the original volume, as well as a revised catalogue of Watson's works both pubhcly and privately owned. Part One, Arm Debut deals with View“ youth, his mamage to Roxanna Bechtel and their travels to England and Scotlam where Watson developed additional skills and techniques. Pan Two, At House and Abroad, continues to follow Watson's mus to England Bumps and the L'mted States. After a period of travelling, they settled down to a more permanent life in Donn when Watsonaddedastudioandttgailerrtohighome.M most prmiuetive period began around 1900 when he painted what 13 amsidered to be his masterpiece. The Flood Gate The Canadian Art Club was formed and Watson became tta Cirst president. All was going well for the artut until Ron died in 1918, then Watson dew-nosed mm a mental depression that lasted until nr ultrmately discovered Spiritualism. Part Three, The Quest For Beauty, describes Watson's change of style using my colon. bolder strokes on smaller canvas to create a strong have. mmstnc mfluettce BEAT CITY PRICES Table 36 x 40 x 60 4 Chairs Natural Finish mung mth a severe loss of hearing. Despite that ,etoacks, his painting continued untxl hm death in 2936 Hum! Miller seems to have covered every phase of In tle", he suffered the first daevenl heat attach Homer Watson biography leaves questions unanswered s699.00 Now Round Drop Leaf Table 42 x 22 x 32 x 42 4 Chairs Drop Leaves Have Full Piano Hinges with Spring Lock Drop Natural Finish BorrterWatatxt'slifbhuttlt-ortt-,fi. tltiohtunelessanddettttutdutgreader,thathegtohe fitllyexploeed. Wtarenottoldtoshatd-watmm dabbled in Prehie thfttoettettou, Ft incur Prime have known well. And what of mm inure-ions 14tuart-teahrmdtNreltemetJamtss.W1tialer artdviaitedWimkorcagtlewherethreedhit paitttitiphangyettoday?MoeeUeabegtohe revealed of his community work and efforts to preserve the form around Doon. WhntapityleebeandHomerWauondidn't enlarge on these elements in more detail with biographer Miller. Today Watson's birthplace in privately owned And oeeupiediti0pperihonhhtattetuortadultis kmtedinLmer thonandi-ttothepaliehr artgtt-sruh+and+eialevrsntafhstttSpring until nil. Twenty-bur pointing by Watson my be seen at the TW Art Gallery. Watson's friend and lured his mm for qiritatalism, Several death the Wm’l death, tm8rleelaimedtlteltousewa0aurttedandatorte point The Psyehie Society of Toronto inventipted. mm finding remain shrouded in speculation and many. Nor are we told much of Mary, Watson's Madam. Very little breaded numbered Dada the vifiage from 13501900. its ml lifestyle, busing-ad or people whom Wit-on would surely &t-rhiiH're_i4S6 6meruataon,The_Doort. Murielliller. Pedestal Table 36 x 36 x 48 4 Chairs Ivory Finish f) bSr-Va'l World of Books Marg Zavaros $829.00 s569.95 Now I “WWW I ia-trt-o-iii-ar-ttttl BONUS - Sebaed Modem greany reduced to Chat Chuldren's Bikes - sale priced from ' 89.99 Road Bikes - sale paced from $139.99 Also Mountam Bikes, Hittsrtormartce R3209 tttt B M an Cm Cycling (inputs reg. $69.96 Solo 339.†Veto Tech Cycling Computer (with “60000) reg. $79.95 8d. 83.... Selected Seat and Wedge Paks 50% OFF sumac cm a Key Locks 20% OFF Selected WtttttttxNti" reg. use ttat. 81.99 & 32.99 7 qrrttee 7.. All my. - It,,?,.',,',),?'.',.'-.'] " soon as. m ---taevrN C-- â€WWI-nurt- Vin-Muellm‘ 'tgreats'.','.',',', 1rll,'tl',."fp “aluminum-01mqu "an: “and -tttoidmatrttt'tits.t_to+t.ox-tot"trmMtr' NrgM'lll',tg2't'xl'a's','t "mtrslth-otsttth".rttr'oiitr.t--teo ,eyytrteear-i"eta-tretr""'t-- "P-tCINE-EH-NAU-Att' o--'"'"-"'""- Yuyrrtrr4ioy_rtOb9tAn" Anniversary Sale SAVE tt j _ 1004: T-Shm.'fvm'_ Jricitiki, W .W. humour on Sale «may: 40% to 75% OFF sumo Stw M" tst-tttttNMI' an “4-9 tuc)": A41 (A Fieulpf “if Wan "tnmtalttttltqttntttV ramrzu'li'h1t'Nrr"?lll8a"4"4'lrallk"'-"r%Et t-taFtihrtiii Glow. 'Hoto.ShooCovon (Erhalt.0tt8mttNtihih-httrtlttdWa- All BIKES IN STOCK! CrtMtlurmttt"retltlt18ttt "yrs. v... M9,!!Q-JLEQL- Ruin arrs--rT, iin%GTk Inch" v“ IN STORE SPECIALS mm aitasahs