Hawks struggle against OUAA best If a team‘s not going to be competitive on the backâ€" boards, then it had better make the most of its first shot if it‘s to win many basketball games. Unfortunately for the Wilfrid Laurier University Golden Hawks, they‘ve been doing neither of those disciplines extremely well lately, and as a result, have seen their Ontario Universities Athletic Association West Division wonâ€"lost record drop to 3â€"3. WLU‘s weakness on the plexi was drilled home by the Guelph Gryphons Saturday night as the visitors turned a 4219 advantage on the boards into a convincing 7855 Demonstrating his to dribble at W , UW‘s Tom Schneide the bail from w:m&.‘&m.p.mn s:’;y * (9" ithink ce .:-'L.y--w- $ iririn â€" i DOWNTOWN KITCHENER KING & ONTARIO ST. LOCATION ONLY 578â€"8360 win. It was WLU‘s third loss in its last four outings. On Wednesday, the Hawks were competitive on the glan,bmfellfarslu'tmt.beqmckneudewnï¬ dropping an 8968 decision to the lightningâ€"fast West Mustangs. "I don‘t know if we‘re struggling or not, but 1 do know that we‘ve lost a pair of games to two good basketball teams," said WLU coach Chris Coulthard. "Western simply outquicked us. We‘d stay with them for a while and then they‘d just explode "Against Guelph...wow‘ Man for man â€" in positions one (Continued on page 34) "You‘re Not Gonna Pay A Lot At Meineke!‘ ] :mmâ€"w':‘ézlw jav* TV _T }_’%gg_:'e.‘mfï¬a _|ï¬ï¬‚l .F_REE_!. c COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEM BOJANGLES WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY JANUAMY 25, 1980 â€" PMGE 27 WATERLOO DANCE STUDIO BALLET + JAZZ â€" GOLF LESSONS PREâ€"KINDER SAT 2â€" 3pm BEG JAZZ SAT 3â€" 4pm PREâ€"KINDER MON 4 â€" 5 p.m BEG JAZZ WED 9 â€" 10 p.m CR GET INTO THE SWING Â¥, OF THINGS! YOU RECEIVE SIX 1 HOUR LESSONS e GRIP e CHIPPING e STANCE e PUTTING e CLUB SELECTION e DRIVING e INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION BOJANGLES DANCE STUDIO ~A COURSE FEES: Y Members $30; Nonâ€"Memners S4 es REGISTER TODAY Mondays Mondays Tuesdays Tuesdays MEne e ( N TE Eo abregen 4 w .A * ‘ami1} DISCOUNT MUFFLERS AME RICAN ANO FOREWH CAB §EE Cakii5*! Wednesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Thursdays NOW ACCEPTING NEW STUDENTS IN THE FOLLOWING BEGINNER CIASS£§ _ smen Mus FOR MORE INFORMATION CAL1 884â€"5730 . 105 LEXINGTON RD.. WATERLOO (Dearborn Business Park) FAMILY YMCA OF WATERLOO Waterioo Famity Branch 1465 Lincoin Road Equipment is Supplied OrFERS uC "HROUGH 1 T o# 10 5_ Off* include Muffier Tad Pipe & Exhaus Pipe Feb. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 13 13 14 14 6:00 700 &(Â¥ & (Â¥) 7:00 p m $:00 p m nâ€"(K) p m 900 p m 7:00 p 900 p 5 & 6 7. 18 3 4 4