PAGE tooeaTEmot-tmttxE.+eSttAFlV Community- ' Wendy Somerville Cnromcte Staff -- itn,. {In} A vengeance that the Kitchener. Waterioo " Brothers chapter has tackled the Job of fundraising and gathering volun. Thu aggressive approach to raising money and finding volunteers has resulted m the local chapter making 30 new “matches" thu year, accordiag to Peter Saracmo. executive director of the local chapter Last year the chapter made M) new matches. These matches will see young boys entering mio friendshxps with men who will offer support and gmdanoe for at least a year The K W chapter has the longest average mvolve men! m relatstmshiixs of any Canadian chap tar. and Saracmo, The local group 13 also one of the top 10 Big Brothers' groups m Canada In matches per capua and has the lowest number on a wamng 1151 m the country Saracmo says lhése :wtlstm are the results of spending a wt of tune ensuring "lug" and "little" brothers are compatible, But the success m msmg funds and ruidiag bug brothers has created a new problem for the chapter It must now Gd a larger and more adequate facility to house rooms for meetrngs. games. and discussions with soeial workers Currently the group runs Its operations from an old renovated home on Duke Street, hhtcherter Sarmno stud the Regional Muait. tpaltty of Waterloo purchased the exp» pnated property from the tity tn 1987, and smote then, the chapter has been actively looktng for a new facility, "We havent really had the pressure to get out, but because we don‘t own the building, we've been beenâ€! about repainng more than us necessary Sancho said The group ts working with a $300,000 Tutint-i_dhrtrequimdtotiglttaasld, -eiallrarriihihtrdar,it!myuimle'tt.ioliard Arieaiuar,rkirhir,t-tauttletltamrastd.t9tse. "trruultiVh-idtrrihttsrt-,dtat'ttry Thrs mnterusseetteqeeialbudtoriGandarlds,witha new strain of the mus, the Yuppie Flu. Attributed to stress, the virus apparently mack: people with heme lifestyles - peoyewbobeatettesobuaytlterdoet'treelthemtntittgrigrtsd aweaketuagresutancetoill' Amman symphomonum Flu apaittandoellittgd theptumthalettgthrbettleagainathtigue.0epending0t thedegreed-eritydthisvinu,oriutyvirusrorthat matter, you rnarbeapandatrout within daysordragging youre-tkr-ttttirate-doe-thaves-at dealtodowithhmryoultaMletltef1u0rltowyourrillreamsr. bentl-einthelmtdahapeausratchavirt1sandltave mummm-MMzm. Ifrou'vehadtheihthismiteryouk-hatitreeuiike. YaueanpqrFills,headdrtorror0ndcortteltoerteto' 1mtieassilrla,oetlytothrtttestuttethingagaintltetten ar.b-llrrmrlrodrbeerattetsttedtotheahueastd beirtstosgttleintoaroutine,fiirtttiom'Narurfiu "rahilitiscor-rouetuttitlkmtltemttediettltatlee 'ruuttutu-tu.ue.t.iteymfreomntmasu"ndfhts Grandma's cold and flu remedies are still the best tooreatitouthtthegrrtirrtobedoratleagtrmtmtietb, If your body doesn't have to work hard to fight the virus plus keep your basic menholism going, plus try to keep up a hectic 'eltethile,you'dbesttazedxrltataarortwoofreateantk. Bundle up. You've heard this before, I'm sure Bundling helps alleviate chills which often accompany the flu. if you smoke - stop. Smoking irritates the lining ofthe nostrils. depresses blood levels of vitamin C, and prevents effective movement of the mucus out of the affected area. If mucus falls into the lower respiratory tract, complications in breathing could occur. Drink hot liquids every few hours. They soothe an irritated throat, help relieve nasal congestion and prevent dehydration. I'm sure youâ€ve had chicken soup or have been chicken souped to death at some point in your childhood. but Grandma Fitness Forum Kathy Hammond 1ndMomk-hattrevreredtruteaayu-imede themovetttentdnaaaltmtetuandtmttriMtetome-tiort. Forairorethmat,g-ittt,mntoalrrmter-ulfa teaspoonforeacheightoumudm.hytohumidifyyw bedrumotnighottenroututtte-uttemsbtahlelry uging0umidifierormmimr.aeking0ethaedeattdimrtuty auhelp,partieularlrtht-hiehektaintreinkiB-udt as Benmine, Bony] Ibohol, “and (Jodi!!! phenols“). suehliaettgeoi1tukilitttevirttsar-tirqred tmrrrbuttherrrillsmm'&relior1tuo80tttine. For-tvt-e-ti-aldrin-re-tttlive. forkmgittmtertrttteinurioekthhartaeeditd reamtantitutetheti-ehtaetherar__sre yoivuetd-aitaliurumriagrnirtt-rmtrdtild'y (uavertott-oiaatai1ttamaurartdi-itittdrthirtk tares-tuma-ang-ttrr-tri-teq/r !hrmqhout the day has limited my ends-indium (I'm knoekirgourrood,datttr-rit.thia0 Porrtasalamgmam,drinktttrtthtid"ttdh-abrtutltor shower. Atttightueanextrasriiimrto-th_ Whatever illness you my be Ida-in; tn- 3 My yet suffer, tna.keeerouheeduryttrithi-rlftt,rr stkattd..tHher.orjouiitapietrrirr-jei.etu.1' busy. BeirigtiedkmoiithaviruadattteY-ienstbr months will drain yo0alttttetttaltrartdrhairallr. said.“lnthepnve'vehunabhtodepend onortmgbaekmpdgmrtd-Beeause we now we "and to mail, we're left alonewithortt-t-n." Alldtltesevaruhutigrtr0igNriritlte ttedforlamertheititi--rtttstlters tunitoBigBmtlters,--iotmdedto meettlteirnedMtte-tt-tohealsle jammy. budgetSarkutothiii1lhemttrttgMortm adequaterari1itr.Ttte-d_ite0ra building,htmhettundeomrkr+mtthree years. Sineettteu,BigBmtt-hasdi- cred it is " expensive to build than to renovateanexiuingbuildin‘ Real estate agents. volunteers who are familiar with renovation m and amt tee,are-kingekaelveithBigBmtttersto find the beat facility. The m is also investigating subsidies from Much] and federalgovernmenu. "itll be difficult to obtain {at (from government agencies) have the organize tiouisa0tunderamtmettotun,"tkraeioty "plairted.The1oeald-io'htmtdated "ency"undertheBmtlteestfCattsda,and onedtheurgmtirtCana_ A 1976 government can: determined more than one million child!!! in Canada were livingin iutg1e4hmilyhtmsecTen years Iaterthenumherhadikuuedtotrmmillion The problem, according to Sum-inc. IS compounded when considering Kitchener's lxistias-it'sittthehigheiitrareaof thewuntry, southern ontaritootheactual tiumbertkthildretirritho-ttomldbe penportiottally higher. As well. the divorce ratebasrinentooneoutdeverytwo tnarrugea,artdpsqle-l-rgivittg dtildrenuproraAetiat-theraredtotiutg togoitalone. "We live in a mobile society," Surncino