PAGE " . WATERLOO CHRONUCLE. WEDNESDAY NEWER 2, I†For the last 2-3 years the situation in Waterloo city hall has been sad and the people of Waterloo are not happy with the way city hall has been run. I came to the conclusion that as a councillor I would not be able to "turn it around." As mayor I will be able to change the way the city is governed. You run more than one business. How will you fmd time for mayoral duties should you win? beingamidered. AtoeityarurteiGor,Iinitiatedartdeuired ttteSttaientHomingNk_Atthougii thi-potentially-ive-tter- trteetingoeeeopentothepuhlicandthe tituationwatrimpevmifbrbothrmidentsand Asrrxgioetnltxsuneillor,in1986,la-teda initiated an extensive public information pmgrarniirrareviaed0fficiali%n. Atraeithen(aNrleavingtheemtlorottite citr)ImtsrcoChairmartotagnrupcalled "1heThink'Niecommittee"Citramna camptsigntoamvinre Waterloo residuum keepWaterloo separate. Ofthchnllotsthat ,reremailedin,over80p-tmtedtokeep Waterlooerateandtheprorime did not push through the undamation that was major seminar regarding Municipal Nent. Ptrdit Homing Carnations in Waterloo I own and run one' business outright -- my consulting company. Except for one very important project which started in August 1988, and was completed in October 1988, this business will not be very active. I own a majority interest in another business which I do not run. I appointed another person as president about two years ago and I now have almost no work related week-to week responsibility. The bottom line is that I would be a full-time mayor. Yon used to be a team player on Waterloo Councilbeforetheataltarissuearme. Why theHthhouramversion toamoreopen style of government? Why did it take you so long? My definition of a team‘player is someone whofightshardtorhisomtpointotview while respecting those who hold other opin- iorts.Butwhentheiatrueisdeeided,that decision is accepted and council moves on to the next issue. I snugly reject the view that a team player is one who must go along with the majority. Inthe23yearsthatlhave livedinWaterloo, I have promoted open government and two way communication between residents and decision makers. As Waterloo's first planning director, I decidedtohavearnairinugotoetttiei-of amalgamation of Kitchener and Waterloo, VS Positive, responsible change. This 15 your third attempt to become Water loo mayor Why are you trying again? I would run an open government with an emphasis on twoway communication be tween Waterloo residents and my hall All opinions would be treated with respect, even when there is strong disagreement, I would push for policies that did not artificially increase growth during a boom period such as the one that we are in now The choice for Waterloo voters is very clear. Continuation of the paicies and attitudes of the last three years. How wouldyou differas mayor from Marjorie region. ll am the chairman of the Municipal Carroll? NorrProflt Housing Corporation, which covers I would run an open government with an the north end of the region.' emphasis on twoway communication be Recently, as a City councillor I organized a tween Waterloo residents and City hall public forum on parking and development m All opinions would be treated with respect, Uptown Waterloo because adequate _ and even when there is strong disagreement, neutral __ information was not being provided I would push for policies that did not to the public. artificially increase growth during a boom Many more examples can be made available period such as the one that we are in now where I provided leadership by using effective The choice for Waterloo voters is very clear. two-way communication to arrive at work, Continuation of the pucies and attitudes of able solutions. the last three years. If it appear to have been an llth-hour VS converSion. it is because I am more interested Positive, responsible change. in finding solutions than I am m complaining This is your third attempt to become Water about problems. loo mayor Why-aroma trying again? You have been accused by at least one For the last 2-3 years the situation in councillor recently of opportunism because Waterloo city hall has been sad and the you have pushed for more public input intoa people of Waterloo are not happy with the parking garage for t'ptowtr How do you way city hall has been run. I came to the respond? Bruin Turnbull, 51, has been mummy involved with the city of Waterloo since heading the my planning department from 1966 to 1970. He IS currently finishing up his fourth (but not consecuuvel term ofoffire as councillor, having fust served in 1972, Turnbull runs he; own planning consulting firm, and specializes in local govenment organization. Turnbull has been twice unsuccessful in pursuing the mayor's chair dosing In 1977 to Marjorie Carroll in a vote byfellow councillors). BRIAN T1lRllllB0lll,jll,,, Last March. everyone on council, myself included, supported a cityowned parking garage to meet the existing parking demands in the Uptown area. I opposed the recent proposal to help a development company pay for its parking needs. If the proposal was such a great deal for the city, how could one be "opportunistic" by opposing it? You have often stated that council should be more open and involve the public more in the early stages of considering development and planning concepts. How would you accom- plish that? I would accomplish it in the same way that I did in the Public Forum on Uptown Develop ment on 13 October 1988. A)Considerable time and effort must be spent in taking technically complicated matters and boiling them down to a few key news to which the public can B)The facts of the situation must be prmentedinariaturalrnanner--notby someonewhoishyingtosellcounciland the public on "judgment calls" that have already been made. Do you hare concerns about the current environment of animosity on council? As outlined in question 4, during my whole career I have been successful in working with groupeol‘peoplewithinwhiehthereare strong amflieting points of view. When I can influence the way matters are brought for- ward and dealt with, I can resolve a lot of amflict. Leadership that allows differences of opinion, dissolves amflict and confrontation. You were openly criticalofthe 21% tax hike axiom. How would you recondle the need for new mention and culture facilities and the need to keep taxes as low aspam'ble? During an economic boom we should not be spending tn dollars to subsidize industrial and commercial development in order to generate even more growth. Al’lhis saves the taxpayers' money. Bmi, lessen: the expensive growth pies ih.ert.hin.krr.rteprTitkthrkindof exdtiaeltsadershipthiseitrmedrtofatx ItandAnitNrfaeetheuprorningismeeA lot ofpeople an "exrited," to use your word, that the possibility of my becoming mayor Thee'threentuthemartimportaot issue to and Canadians, nan-ding to recent polls. Rapidgrmrth is Men in contradiction with There should be more advanced planning approvals so that "affordable housing" areas can be well identified by all, prior to develop ment starting in a new area. The phenomenally rapid rate of Waterloo's growth is being questioned by some candi- dates and residents in this campaign. Doyou However, there is a lack of overall strategic planning which takes into account that a high rate of growth is ohen mmpam'ed by think enough attention is being paid to carefully planning this growth? The details of current land use planning are being handled reasonably well. Although it should be done earlier and with more empha- sis on conservation. Advance planning of necessary engineering works is being hand. led well. In my "Tree Hugger" proposal of last summer I addressed this problem and made the following suggestions which are still valid. It is proposed that the suggested committee consider all measures that will promote conservation of our urban natural environment including (but not limited to! the following: LThere should be more conservation plan- ning and concern for tree preservation early in the development approval process, and at every stage, e.g. both during secon- dary plans and during design of services. This should be done by both the city and the developer. 2.There should be monitoring - particularly during construction - of environmental measures, tree saving plans, park areas. etc. This should be done by both the city and the developer. 3. Consideration of bonusing, i.e. when a developer sets aside a bush area, the "lost" units are regained on the remaining land. 4.Consider establishing volunteer commit- tees to make recommendations on our urban natural heritage and modelled after L.A.CA.C.'s. 5. Plant larger trees in the street rightof-way in new subdivisions. 6. Provide information both to developers and homeowners regarding care of trees. 7.Have discussions regarding tree preserve tion with outside agencies such as Bell Canada and Waterloo North Hydro. If elected, will you provide leadership to the city and regional councils to rapidly expand recycling? Yes, it should be expanded to include multiple units. What will you do to ensure more affordable housing in Waterloo? Waterloo should continue to take advan- tage of senior government housing programs that are workable. Waterloo should work with the Ministry of Housing to influena, future policies so that they are workable. en vi/onmental protection. What can the city do to ensure better protection for our en virotr ment? Iis14yearsnotkmgenoughtoiervethe community? Hie voters thoulddeeidehmrlongaperson should sit on city council. Doyou thinkrouaretooelaetobusiness? IhaveheeninbusinessforabmxtlByears and often I like to take a businesslike approach to a problem. The discipline of running a business, having to meet a payroll and having to fare many challenges has been good experience for me. However, running a government is more complex than running a business and often requires different skills My whole approach of listening to all sides dictates that I should beclosetoall sidtsandnot"toodae"toeny one viewpoint. No,lamrtottooeluetobusineas. What strengths and when†would you bring to the position of mayor? I am calling for change to open government. to better use of our natural resources and to better use of our tax dollars. In my vision, Waterloo would offer Big C ity choices and opportunities side by side with a Small Town Spirit and Quality of Life, Waterloo should continue to be very diverse but it can be brought together in a common community spirit. I plan to work hard to implement the results of the referendum on the ward system. 1 am inclined against a ward system because there tends to be too many atxlamations which deny some people the opportunity to vote. On the other hand, I recognize the attractions to the voters of having their “own" councillor. Therefore, my energies in the discussion have been directed to convincing council that there should be one, very clear and understand- able question on the ballot. lit this way there canbettoargumentalsouttheresultofthe referendum. an increase in costs related to growth and that the taxpayers should not be subjected to massive increases in taxes. You are emphasizing a need for change In your campaign. What would the change be to? What isyour vision of Waterloo? Do you support changing to some kind of a ward system for Waterloo? Wide variety of "peruttte Ability to see the 'hig pm " communicate it Ability to listen and weigh all sides Don't give math thought to my Image with the electorate . Tend to avoid mp &eiaiors, We? think thmugh I situation before deciding Reluctant to use cw lartgyyre which in mama may to drive home I point Abifity to bring out the best in capable,