Believe it! We do clearance in a big way. BONUS CLEARANCE DAYS Selection and price ranges vary by store. Personal shopping only while quantities last. / ©650%OFF MAY 26, 27, 28 / 88. Just look for the yellow clearance tags on all Ladies‘, Men‘s and Children‘s clearance fashions and handbags to see how much you save. / EXazâ€"_ Aig_ OUR ALREADY REDUCED PRICES 3 DAYS ONLY THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Aq ces d ig, "ckerD â€" O ~_"‘* 0 @1VRE HQUVUKD: Monday through F: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday 9:30 p:v:.n Pm / Brgred MA Pce g, L. * 2'99 #2 â€" rlckf Tep PRICE // > 9: JY to 8’6 gvg 6.99 , . 0 89'9‘9 %/ E. WEDNESDAY MAY 25,