Ajit Aptik Nails. .528so mcures..... A6 UNIQUE NAILS By KAREN 22 KING ST s WATERLOO mom was M M13100 - $300062 Vulnerable: N orthSouth Opening load: club King urdencuo,trittingsouth,beeamethehertrof thisdeal.Heneverintendedtobidaslam.Bnt opponents in cooperation with his partner pushed himthere.'nebidofsixeluhtsbyEaatamldhave beenagoodgacrifitxs.'rheeibilityofaplusoeore looked fur East-West even better. But the greedy doulslewasatnistake. The mom itself is not quite unreasonable. A tsrnallslamon23-25RCPuauallyhasafhirehanasir1 unethepartnershiphasavoidoppositeamnt without wasted values (face cards)atorellatsenough trumps. Leyden ruffed the club lead and drew two rounds of trumps. The Ace of hearts followed (protection againatasingletam Queen intheWest hand),thenaeluhruff,asu-fulheartfinetme, hearttotheKing,anothereluhrutfandheartrufrto declarer’s hand. South pushed to a slam expires May 31, 1988 ID H311“? D:K1N752 iIE Choose from light l or dark [ones in single or double breasted styles Regular to 095.00 PRICED FROM Regular to 49.50 SUITS! SUITS! SUITS! ptitioetofth-ieEirtg9q-durdtsn'ioetlr eh-moored-lastest-lard-deter andanoth-deinotplarirtghitrFen)tmdh- thatthedefbndershotmkthetriekwiiHtttrettrplqy timtherimitintodoublemil,givirtgthedaeltmett ndrtmdshtfr. 'Nitomuidhe-eteidtiliftheKingdgptstit-re tbthutasnoradtmhletrngaekiaIilastundmtuldrtot Nextseeksebringyrtttstmtemoreanalytmofthe abovementionedendpoaition. Tmm,rDOPuCANBttmtatMRMfk Att"""'"'"'"'"'"'""'"""" tkniirriBilllhmlm,RatterthxtdiGmiIhrmell,8tme Bind TimtiryimlterGaai,Nercimitmv,BillbmltB,N- Inna Tutsdayere.ithum'scartrltiaaltrr,JittottdJorThmim Wait-dard -Felicim Cqs,EenGladrttate;kel1hteller, mm iheh-hrrevethasqiomhipgattte.nighth:Nlbmu, hrtlmrKrei,itelmmati,lltttltlmris Je.ntknter,naesttetHhail,AgmsWells TtmmiryiNbbtmsridge,BthWek;1h'keNg,NthUrris Fiidrreve.-nigrth:Bertandnrltisia'diti;Namr8lteel, 1hieWhiteiShamm-than,Bi1lNr,hlNiuer,hiden but. Umla Funny. Evelyn nh Wartuo-llandtimldouyledisdaedttte C:8 Flight B: Carl Sublets. Elwyn r21limEE.DEiEtiE5? Flight B: Jeri-Lynn can, Washable Fabrics in dark and light shades. Dress up or work Regular to '50.00 I I PRICED FF“ I Dmplrtttrour-etcqieprtprttq)otirS.inKtr?t.er: tartirtotttttotu-NHt.p-nntirmtmourttigTY -gtet.W-titxtmttttt--LCBO. k"mllS " lib, Ly 'tMit 1 . AlEN - v I, . . . g: I,illll)'iriiei" sain .c , . JiRtiyl g-“-Q3. ,9. . _ fl _ '".% ‘ w r . diirl Cl 93v. 5% a (P 1'i'aat! " ki _ A P. . I T", . _, 1irtB _rca rd L- 14†Medium Pizza _ 3 Extra Items 'i,iiies:tiitiii) 2 Cakes On my $999 Jde',e't'atua, V " University Ave. E. Dino-in or Take-out “It“ 746-41 , 1 SAN FRANCESCO'S "6.attt www.mvuvum-Mn Coupon Expires May 31/88 K [Va-3:: Cf. REGULAR TO (c N, ISO." (5' ' l PRICED FROM l SPRING h: TOP ii, cons 'IFOR mm on same Ln REGULAR TO ",ziiisetisitf) CrECEEilriri) 741 4325