PAGE 18 â€" WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 10, 1988 x7 Our latest topic was simple squeeze play with emphasis on count rectification and preservaâ€" tion of a key entry.~The following hand played at the International Festival in Marienbad and published in the International Bulletin is a good illustration of both. s S:AKQ H:K1093 S H:42 D:A106543 C:K1082 v $ C . . y A(.' g’/ M | fj,’e%fr .BRI _ †«5 fl'.‘ $ / # ‘“,fl veP a _ d Dealer: North Vuinerable: none Contract: 6 hearts Opening lead: spade Jack Bidding: wWEEKLY DUPLICATE BRIDGE RESULTS: Sunday â€" Grand National Teams Terry Visentin Swiss Team Side Game â€" Inga Solomon, Marie Daly, Audrey Dahmer, Raly Monday aft. â€" Kandis Smith, Mae Reid, Wilf French, Guy Gratton Tuesday aft. â€" Shirley and Jack Sim; Waiter Good, Peter Ciuciura Tuesday eve. â€" Jim Laferty, Bill Sheryer:; Stan Kadela, Vic Huang Wednesday aft. â€" Murie] Gross, Ken Gladstone; Felicitas Caputa, Eliska Polak Wednesday eve. Championship game â€" Flight A: Gina Scheffel, Carol McMahn: Je & Flight B: Evelyn Philip, Ursula Pastway: F Thursday aft â€" Paul Schwager. Don Vetter; Don Lesperance, Norma Ingram Friday eve â€" Flight A: Wayne Timms, Irsa Ashcroft; Isabelle Bennett, John Harrison Flight B: Dorothy Hager. Agnes Wells; Evelyn Philp, Ursula Pastway 1C Pass 1H Pass 4H Pass 4NT Pass 5H Pass 6H Pass Pass Pass As happened to me so often before, I bid too high and could hope only that Lady Luck would stay with me. My only chance was that both finesses (in clubs and diamonds) would work. _I took the spade opening lead, drew two rounds of trumps ending in my hand and tried the diamond finesse. West had to take his Ace, 1 (1 r'v 1"" _ CC NBE T & adrgh & "wAR NEVER LEAVES PEOPLE THE SAME" H:AQJ85 D:87 WAITING FOR THE INTERESTING HANDS by Milos Polak UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO DRAMA DEPARTMEN T UNIVERS1TY OF WATERLOO $6 00 ADUL TS /*GROUP RATES $s4 00 STUDEN TS / SENIO RS Tickets Available at Dromo Deportment Office Modern language Building 12! {B85â€"1211 ext. 4556) MUCH APPRECIATION TO C A B AND B E N T February 9â€"13, 1988 800 pm Theatre Of The Arts $:10987654 H:76 C:74 WRITTEN BY JOHN MURRELL DIRECTED BY DIANNE INGRAM »PRESENTED BYâ€"~ otherwise South‘s second club could be pitched on dummy‘s third spade. This rectified the count. West returned a diamond. The imporâ€" tant decision now was to delay the club finesse in order to preserve the crucial entry to dummy. vâ€"!i.éé;rdless of what West led, it was easy to bring the hand to the following four card end play: D:10 C:K108 When I played my last heart, West was squeezed. A diamond pitch promotes dummy‘s nine while a club pitch establishes declarer‘s third club trick when the finesse is successful. Without the Ace of clubs on the board this squeeze would not be possible. m ME nom on ols dn an o en This line of play is too risky if the final contract is only four or five hearts. If East held the king of clubs, he could cash one or two extra diamond tricks and defeat a sure contract. mlu\"s.f,;-t:;r line of ; pla§ which gives a chance for 12 tricks will be discussed next week. IcMahn: Jean Farhood. Jackie Grant Pastway: Elwyn Legge. Carl Schaeffer D:9 C:74 When you get your pictures back from a participating Kodak Colorwatch system retailer Until February 29. 1988, look inside your print return envelope for a "SAVE OR WIN" GAME CARD Scratch for Kedak Film or Photofinishing savings OR DISCOVER AN OLYMPIC COIN OR OLYMPIC 10 COIN SET INSTANT PRIZE! ENTER TO WIN: in the Kodak Olympic Photofinish Grand Prize Sweepstakes _ _ Until February 29, 1988, you can WIN A 1988 OLYMPIC EDITION CHEVY BLAZER worth $18,100 (approx. retail value) Come in and see us for details Kâ€"W PHOTO . 476 ALBERT ST. PARKDALE PLAZA â€" ALBERT & HAZEL WATERLOO ... since 1973 ... 1 HR. PHOTOFINISHING MON.â€"FRI. 9:30 a.m.â€"8 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m.â€"5:30 p.m. @Ofthcial Mark ©Canadian Olympic Association 1979 ~ _ EVERYONE CAN SAVE OR WIN! CONTEST EVENTS Available at: CO. LTD.