Jury remains out on R and D funding gesture The pledge last week by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney to in. crease research and development mending by 81.3 billion over tive years has been met with a wait- nnd-see attitude by local business and university laden "I think he's making a small gesture to convince people he’s living up to that (1984) campaign promise" to double federal spend- ing on research and development, said John German, president of German Custom Electronics Corp., a Waterloo manufacturer of computer hardware and soft- “It’s a step in the right direc. tion, but it's not a very big one.". Aidan Furlong, president of CME Telemetrix and founder of the Kitchener-Waterloo Technol. ogy Network, an organization of advanced technology companies agrees. “It's a positive step pm vided it goes with other things.†he said. "It should be tied in pretty closely with a concerted effort to move Canada closer to the 2.3 to 2.5 per cent of the Gross National Product of other western coun- tries." Canada currently spends 1.3 per cent of its GNP on research and development, the lowest amount of the seven largest in- dustrial democracies. Despite 1984 election promises, the Mulroney government has actually reduced spending on research and development. The Mulroney announcement referred to spending $250 million annually for rave years to create "centres of excellence" on univer- sity campuses, and another $2,000 yearly for scholarships for 2,500 university students. Furlong believes changes are required to the federal tax system to encourage business investment in research. Such changes should be an improved version of the tax credit system originated under the previous Liberal government, said Furlong. -' M'MIe Catt for details Gold Key Travel Jam-v I2t..ttit..yttt' ESTABu8HEDuMXNN " umvcnau v "l 2euf,U,ue2'2,,, (AT KING) WATERLOO All pictures have been framed to Gallery 12': exacting Save from 20 per cent on limited edition wildlife and other prints by nationally recognized artists to more than 50 per cent on seiected clearance pieces. Choose from oil paintings, water colours, etchings. serigraphs. limited edition and decorator prints. SPECIAL PICTURE SALE Also, research and development "should be driven by market forces rather than government decisions to pump it (areas such as ) biotechnology or space," he said. Increased grants to business through the Industrial Research Assistance Program should also be explored, Furlong added. Douglas Wright, president of University of Waterloo sees the announcement as "welcome" but notes there are not many details available. However, he said, "the am nouncements don't address two fundamental issues - the inade- UNTIL SATURDAY, JANUARY Mtth V fa8 sf' . tilit' 'f,tj"J"t" O , iiiiti!,itli, btr,ats Cct' 'its, ii_iilt)li_, ',ttt'c:iiu,':c V 9 '?titt?l) At?,),'",, 1:? 549 12 UNIVERSITY AVE. EAST Dr. Douglas Wright quacy of basic support to universi- ties and the inadequacy _of any irrteting councils": "There is a world competitive situation in which other countries have realized that th y have to provide adequate supfort to uni- versities," Wright said. Fundixig tshoiild be doubled for granting Tune, 't edged. Wright is optimistic that some of the announced funds will be spent locally. "I have no doubt that when it is announced in more detail, Waterloo will be making application for new cen- tres (of excellence)". basic réseai'ch arid ® "; wamtuxrtmrttmetx-pt-vitttt1tgMtgtu.tfI.ri. 135 semen Avejuu won) KITCHENER \ . . " when you 've cleaned out the bank in December? Im1llliSitmSHlliS ADDRESS TEL. NAME How do you live a little in January Please provide me with membership cards. 211%,â€; With your choice of any of 350 frames Single Vision (any prescription) $89.00 Regular Bifocals (any prescription) ' 1 35.00 Segular Soft Daily Wear ontact Lenses (includes fitting fee and starter kit) $1 50-00 There are no extra lees or hidden charges on these prices which include a full guarantee. We offer a 10% discount on our listed prices until February 13, 1988. At 65 University Avenue East, Unit 15 (corner of University and Weber). Our store hours are: We are pleased to announce to all our Good Neigh- bours our Fine dining that won 't break dug 13.3313 IN OVA OPTICIANS Monday-Wednesday, Saturday 9:30 am. to 6:00 om. Thursday, Friday 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. CALL 746-EYES INOVA 65 University Agenue OPTICIANS 746-3937 loin the Charcoal Regulars Club. For every 3 dinners you have at The Charcoal from January to the end of March, the entree on your 4th visit is on us'. club dinner. If you would like to join, fill in the ta/til below and bring it to? , Charcoal for your irst Valid Mom-Thur. evenings, ian. 1 to Mar. M, 1988. Any entree up to $13. 'Fre'sb Fdods 2980 KING ST. EAST KiTCHENER, ONT. TEL. 393-6570 txHatMBAToFtttH0 Mm.†PWAI‘IDK! (519)714-1371