No appoinimen) necessory Use your Sears Card\ Aduits & lamwhes welome kach additrono: person $2 00 1~ addrien to the package price Poses ou! selechion White Biack and Christmas Backgrounds Double Feature and other Special EMterts Portrarts not ovarlable in advertized pockage Also evailable: instent Colour Pessport Photos opproxmmate sizes Stuchos lacated in Sears retail stores and in clearance centres on Rexdale Bouievard and wmAâ€me‘‘m and | I’ v \\, . . f )b ’)' z# " jPZ 19% | | “’(\‘»“ “/<:‘ se eeranmateen=panken aaa mamees . Rogea o e PB (/’ tw é\ s Say Merry Christmas _ Wit‘lllé.u%.llllu?.!“ DELIVER Y | Your money ‘s worth _ and more INTERESTING HANDS by Milos Polak PORTRAITS TAKEN BY DEC. 12 READY BY CHRISTMAS OPFFER CGOOPD TwRouven SATVRDAY, DECEMBER sTi! YOUR CWOICE o+ rraditional backgrounds 19""°3 lrame not included includes $2.00 depos: seemed likely that the void would be in hearts, whereupon he ied the Ace of spades. Reg trumped with dummy‘s three of diamonds, East pitched the Queen of spades (denying the King but promising the Jack) and Reg said "oops", realizing that he had just blown it. West was not too happy about establishing the King of spades in declarer‘s hand and feared that Reg might be able to use dummy‘s clubs to discard his losing heart. However, all this was irrelevant. As it happened the spade lead was the best, and the contract was no more makeable, because declarer had locked himself in dummy and had to lose a club and a heart. *Unusual 2 Noâ€"trump. Describes a hand with both minor suits or two lower unbid suits, asking partner about preference. It is used more often with weaker hands as a preâ€"emptive West did not double the final contract, anticipating a void in North‘s hand. From his own hand and partner‘s heart support it Had declarer thought for a few moments, he would have ruffed the Ace of spades lead with a higher trump, then drawn trumps with Ace and King and led the wellâ€"preserved three of diamonds to enter his hand. He could then have finessed the hearts, thus establishing the King, on which he would have pitched a club. It would have been routine later to ruff two clubs or finesse for the Queen. The slam was lost on the first card from dummy, because declarer had not thought out the play and carelessly locked himself in dummy. FACTORY 2l * ‘I‘RAINEDS INSTALLER *with approvea â€" 1 41_8 Weber luxurious trim *« No Wood «* No Storage _ * No Chopping *« No Ashes «* No Electricity * No Burnt Carpets We offer the best in home comfort: (across from Hiâ€"Way Market in Mimâ€"Mart Plaza) Kâ€"W‘s Largest Gas Firepiace Dealer WATERLOC CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 1987 â€" PAGE 27 e You bring it â€" we seli it! Call Mike Cummings, Auctioneer, at 747â€"1832 to arrange or bring your articles with you on Saturday Yarns galore at discounted prices Market Hours: Thursdays from 7:00â€"5:00 Saturdays from 7:00â€"2:00 Every Saturday at 10:00 a.m. in the old market building. _ ___) _ . . _ o This Saturday come visit the new building at the Stockyard Farmers‘ Market and see what we‘ve got to offer. Why not try a different routine from the usual supermarket shopping? Bu? direct from the producer and select quality and freshness. Ample parking every Saturday. Saturday EARLY BIRD DRAWS Come early on Saturdays and get up to six chances to win a $50 hamper of market merchandise â€" absolutely FREE. Draws will be held at 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., and 10:00 a.m. every Saturday. Two draws each hour â€" six chances to win if you enter before 8:00. Ail vendors have coupons to enter. ALSO AT THE STOCKYARD MARKET Stockyard Furniture Where King and Weber meet north of Waterioo Oak & Pine â€" Finished or Unfinished Harvest tables, dining tables, chairs, hutches corner cupboards, as well as cedar chests. THE MARKET OF THE FUTURE Kinsie Discount Yarn Mart Consignment Auction To Market, To Market! S6t. E. â€" 741â€"9489 Stockyard Farmers‘ Market FARMERS‘ MARKET & Flea Market FREE INâ€"HOME ESTIMATE AND INSPECTION HOURS: Mon.â€"Wed. 10 amâ€"6 pm Thurs.â€"Fri. 10 amâ€"8 pm