trMmtheruirT-trxtm8aNr,Ft. m tom â€19. Agttmttmt www.3‘mn. Cttru'rmsistxmting! Buytttertt-ttntstt, tttatm-ttttnt/ttttTho-trn?' 'y_ttetryB.C.E.u-tothmtrmnortty "*hrfttta6mtytttt)orttttytrt?rtt82a0 -KtTtmrourta-rrtoMTtterattt AgrmaeCttri-CmttFtat'matmturntsto Doc. an 1-10 p.m.. PM a Saturday, D.c"tttaMhrttsorttot&ttop.m.,suis 'MrDsc"tttmsoototMop.rn.Lootton's t-tceaftSttowlbNttt.Tttsp.rtset '8ee't"mt?eieretrtterttsctirt 1.75. "ttmt-ttrt: tmth 679-1810 Dtm't my» mum, Nov. 19. trmn and as RErttrtEHTTEaaCttaFrtgai.E 1-000-2333191 comm (mesa COLLEGES GREAT HALL â€TH: Gil“ 12 8 13, A.P.E.O.: as - FUmt - I, AP.E.O_: Fund - 2. 884-841: School of Hairsiyiing - Hairdressing - Barbering Courses start lat Monday every other month .15. Ram: (£10) mmo. Don't It! _ (0) in)? â€We! wM.“dM-) a. MWJA any. 743-2277 or 746-0997 0 10110 am. -Worohip oCNIdCoreProvidod 55 Erb St. E., Waterloo r.Ciattsaittsmtto,Tasioum i‘K-W12-‘m. Mon- ‘Grace Presbyterian Mow Mug at (SO) (Q) "an 'rr....-.'.-.-" I'll-I I" u, cttitttrithttyroom, comtoetrtrramr, 'rtt_tumputo%ttmttttrttti-atr, 1tyfCorAitrtioottttoootth-xtim-ty no page ot cotAigtt like thm m; Coons tor cum and cookies for madden! Dot-1:. call 7414512146) ttaotetorproautrtiEvSmith,mttratata. My moor-m. Tea room. ty?yffe1tm1otput.rm.Peteattomcpos "tEDttFtteietgov-ight?lwt'tontt '-dtttitr'gttiqttttatttittmltt- 2.Ts'll'lrd'/M,t',vtre,'grg/',te www.mmwd' 1rpeooetertrwierouttettorart, mmuvm.m m» . _ J" -tiiiiiih - tor Christmas. Wmmfl M"tryoy.rtttt?qrtvoreatlmxrariort 1 1:00 tun. Worship Service 6:00 pan. Evening Service 10:00 mm. Tm. 034655 Win m, m Sunday Santos: 415 PHILLIP ST. WATERLOO, ONT. sum, 744-3461. P.8. Bible Clan-es E Church, 15 21, 9am. to2 (W0) m saw-y. Number ar l pm ' .16.}: can" - Anna. w. For Momm- named: (519)291-2040. Q tlttstttt-tqy,$to-ttsrar,at1p.m.,at Counted-um. Law, Forum- ntMtttet.tatuibt%2trtatt0. kh tftkMelrer VAN AMtunr. Somml Sch. tot6irtgtoraMttrykttycxmmdtantitt ith t-t?CatHr7B.atettr74s.aatt4tor"ort 1tst8.e'd!.t?.8.usp_ort1tyity., (m1) DATES “LOUIE: For " can and unat- w. Tm at am anxious to rind mum Aatuairttttmms ed! (cl-hoot 1AR304t634M83. Noun: Noon t. Qmâ€",,, __ (It) "te"'tu'yintrtxetttiettrto .ttttgtt,protittetrttomsttrtdtxmtotctmr BAelttTotMWM00RtSurtttsy 7:30 am. COMM 820 W. 9:30 am. CKAN 1400 W. and ttt 7:30 pm. FM t08Buhittgttm,or-tttttFAlTH20atobal PM -flifrrqtstot. (O) 'eEDteLrPP"Li-ttotttqthttsto aodHoortSomHyr:30tt.m.CHAM8tlo W, th30 mm OKAN 1480 $e-mtrtr_tt7:30p.m.rNt06Burt- 'tttttttmort-tMFA-thott-Ties dq-Fridudemmv (O) 'NmtttUTOttFtthttttiAnauttbo T00ttuBYtttistimerotymtr?iviawrap m. Adan PM. Box' 7121, Statittrtg,Ott-,Ont.K2A4C6. (O) -tsdty - “WNW: Ill Wspouimmgz W. on. .Madmaoxpwy ttt:NoN.irtTouett,BoN10t,Statioou, Tm.uazsu4. (0) at)“; PO]! Pm. picnics pmmotr cuminwsaa was. CallLooJo-n. 192-1022. "tdiiitiy 1-800 - FOR TRUTH 1-800 - 367-7877 Read Dianetics" Pat 005001 (41's) (0) (48) M Carriers are needed in the following areas: it you are interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after '- school, please i“ Je fill in the application form; and send it to our office immediately. Applicants should be at least 10 years of age. Earn Extrtrilllloneyl Jonathan Evans Grog Caddy. (>ch Maetoger 15 my. 2., HQ“, Out. I24 IL? 806-2830 WESTOOURT PLACE KING ttT. 8. AT JOHN ST. GLENNDGE DRIVE BLUEVALE ST. N. ROYAL STREET GOLDBECK LANEnHtttMtEPORT RD. E. ALBERT I WEBER ST. AREA WATERLOO CHRONICLE ed in oers , ““1 (tr, 4 ""iliii . . Al on form; -"e., a}? I . 'ru' office , Ir. 'l _ “#1 "G"Td r. be at l F "f: J! P a e. ".,.1s' rt', ' ',e--, . g . V lat?" y S' in " l,' ' ',5 34 (t This week’s carrier is 12- year-old Jonathan Evens, who delivers in the West vale-Pinemesdow Cr. area of the city. Jonathan is in grade 8 at MacGregor senior public school where his fa- vorite subjects include math and science. Jonathan is also a member of the Photogra- phy Club. When not in school he likes to go bowling. Reading and inventing things are among his hob bies. In the future he hopes to pursue a career in science.