[ML Atif A Great Gift Item!! Gus ',t,t,ty,e,,yytyiNtitt, from bummer to pro Sale and: Doc. MIBT I 10% oftttrtrat-ory purchase with this ad. GM cu mats carpet or mow (N130. met, black, etc.) 'teicoet from-slow“ Minoan" to pm DOWN VESTS More Than 50% OFF LEISURE PANTS Asst. Colors-All Sizes Reg. $55.00 poi! NOW The BIBLE on CASSETTE REC my 6999 (nor-Mom We) All Sizes Availabte Reg. 146.00 1999 SPORT SHIRTS "Local Family Owned Stores" 10 (A 50% SAVING) Reg. $50.00 'l P' ONLY no KING S. WATEBiDO hlifi'i'iii,-lllllllllllllll $169.00 CNIV DRAMATIZED) Assorted Styles and Patterns 211-50" OFF 8IEiIEEE SWEEIEKS Cotton/Polyester 4 colors to choose from Reg. 79.99 NOW 3999 Acrylic and Wool REG. ’235.00 884-2840 MT King tbt. N. Wat-doe 000-0010 a NOW MMWM’TMESMIW. Snow That My white stuff that tVees you ttlisters and [attaches and makes you Ute for work Shovel m hand, you could spend another season trym to " yourself out Or you couldofel to the bottom of a would? the sensable wax With a Honda soowthrower A quick pull the cord and it's ready for actuon, gobbling up drms wnh a lerocny no shovel could match And even though a Honda Whvower " about 20 tame: the welsh! of a shovel, 't's much use! to push around because it's sett-propetbed lust pui m Bear, aim the dischame (mile {mete you’d like the snow to land, and the snow’s as good as - Our large! models have hack dtwe, We a tank, to power‘you over the thtckest snow wnh Over rough pound or m eatra-heavy pm; you still and u mm a "ICE, smooth gob, because you cart adiost the "towthrotsirer blade to the deg! height Best ofpall, tt's a Honda So " can take a lot of pottishmeot without (Icahn; down tt eats snow but only sans gas And " was so qumlv, the only region rot" tret ttom youv shoveling mhbouvs is envy "to H606: siiowthrmar comes-in tGee Jifterent salts, from our 3 S horsepower mode! to spruce up city-sued his, to our 8 ham model mam keep large pvopemes Iooknng 5px "om. " and N"", V9019 bound to frrtd, the gated fit . _ . _ . w W, And who knows! When you tinotrr" swap your shovel for a Honda, you mug.“ nus! fiod roorsetf diam; wimev. 150 University Ave. W. Waterloo 884-7620 A CHRISTMAS GIFT m..." Okinawanmdoa Damn-Maid .rtt.moetetrt-rtttfut$oim -rtmtotttt.mttr,Dtrtm'ic â€his!“ We have a complete and varied menu to satisfy anyonepn your Christmas list. FOR ANY TASTE CHANCES E) i'iiil, BRITTON 5 A0T0M0'lll'lMllii . 135 um ial', um iii; CHANCES E) . RESTAURANT (in any amount you wish) Over the Next 5 Weeks Youll Be Able to Check for Santa (ttttf, Gifts and I eas - for Everyone on your List!! "h. an." "a. 0W1.†cue-wince... m E] SPECIAL