"This was only possible with the hard work of the volunteers and the community," campaign chairman Eugene Monet told a crowd of more than 200 at Mon- day's campaign-ending reception at the Schwaben Club. "The dedication and hard work of our volunteers has certainly United Way of Kitchener-Wa, terloo has done it. Gone over the top. Met it’s $2,087,000 target, with $58,000 Join us on Wednesday, November 18 at 7:15 p.m. for the official opening of our new tower at King and Union Streets, Waterloo. Special effects, including a laser light show 300 feet above the ground, will mark the opening of Waterloo Region's highest office tower. Ci ome for the Celebration! Parking is limited. The following parking lots can be used and are within easy walking distance of Mutual Life of Canada: Allen Square Waterloo City Centre Bauer Industries Mi. Belmont Street November 28, 1987 will be held outdoors, in the Union Street parking lot. Be sure to dress warmly. Coffee and hot chocolate will be served. Come celebrate with us! (behindShortStop) KAhlRtxiCmss All public events on Wednesday LOOK /t'l" Us rskyv)/ paid oft - we're extremely pleased with the results of our campaign." The $2,145,000, which includes projections of campaigns still underway, reflects a 12.8 per cent increase over last year's dona- tions of $1,880,000. It is the rust time KW United Way pledges have topped the S2-million mark. The achievement will not only allow United Way to fund the services of its 34 member agen- cies, but it will also permit the United Way Executive Director John Thompson said the 1987 campaign was successful on sev- eral fronts: corporate and man- agement support was strong; em- ployee group and union donations were high and several new spe~ cial fund-raising events were organization to provide grants: to non-member agencies and pro- vide funds for new member appli- cations. The deadline for non- member agencies to join United Way is May 1. launched. 11t,18rtu3otMr0tmttNE.--wHthmHter-rAae tt Ci ome for the View! Be our guest Saturday November 21 between 10 am. and 5 p.m. and see our new tower for yourself. . . hom the inside, out. The view hom the top is spectacular. And while you're here, be sure to see the rest of Mutual Life Walking tours will be held hom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. They last about Ph hours. Displays. . . refreshments. . . a tenific view. . . and a whole lot more. Be sure to bring the whole family. Parking off Union Street. Mutual (.de