Maser appointed United Way chairman Wilfred Park. president of the United Way of Kitchener-Waterloo and Area has announced the appointment of Eugene Moser of Waterloo, Senior Manager at Thome Ernst & Whinney, as General Campaign Chairman for the 1987 United Way Campaign. Moser, a native of Waterloo, is also very active in the Waterloo Chamber of Commerce. and had served as Deputy Campaign Chair, man in the 1986 Campaign. His appointment underscores Theme Ernst & Whinney's strong on-going commitment to the United Way of Kitchener-Waterloo and Area. Moser has assembled a Campaign Cabinet including 16 key volunteers who have an- nounced a Campaign Goal oit2,0trr,090 for the forthcoming campaign. Proceeds from the campaign are allocated to M member agen- cies, plus special demonstration and develop- ment grants and special project grants to other community service organizations. United Way/Centraide Canada is the largest annual federated charitable organization and collectively raised $155,000.000 in 116 local campaigns across the country in 1986. 24 Dupont St. East, Waterloo - 746-2660 - (Closed Ion.) Tid-biz Designer Fashions! Affordable Prices! Eugene Maser Dinner helps fund Eyton Chair in Enterprise University of Waterloo has created the Eyton Chair in Enterprise in honor of J. Trevor Eyton, prominent Toronto business leader and lawyer, president and chief executive offioer of Brascan Ltd. and until recently. chairman of UW Board of Gover nors. It will bring to the uw campus outstanding senior academics embodying the "Waterloo spirit" of industriousness and innovation: those holding the chair will in turn encourage creative research at Waterloo, which will have the potential for development and application. Each holder of the chair will be particularly concerned wilth the transfer of new ideas and technologies to commercial applications. The chair, first of its kind on any Canadian campus, is seen as building on Waterloo's existing teaching and research strengths. The chair, and Eytsm's contributions to the univer- sity, are being marked by a gala dinner and roast tonight at the Toronto Four Seasons Hotel. It will constitute a major fund-raising event in support of the Eyton Chair. J. Trevor Eyton gs4v'a'iiT"'o'oRPti"i'2"s"", fe, q-key it?) 4Si, -lIlll. r" (llllilxClliglll, - _1 ITCeriiiCirjLi002ifE MUTUAL FUNDS I ntroducing AGF's Excel Group of Funds four mutual funds thh proven performance records yet with no front- end commissions, low administration fees, and full transferabihty within the Excel Groupt The Excel Group is managed by AGF‘s proven Investment profess- sionals, Currently, AGF manages over $2.5 billion ttl assets for over 250,000 Investors! A HISTORY 0" _rj27ii'rjiL' LEADERSHIP " - - I .n.‘, a “yr -. I'm“ Q ‘0!’“- "rf--.-., -re.-ri-trm. C.†'ATrJttlTr.l=Tfr.t= =xWh'cira=riaGr.cri"trA'r.'rcct1e - 0...... Tleon'n rr-tvuTauTsimeG, (Swim! to work from the start In MG!†. Norton! 11nd Mutual Fund'. Plow-:0 wnd me more mlovmanon BILLIO 'tti0ttdmntmttxE.t-E_tt-CiAhaEtt " 3051i A SINCERE THANK YOU tttattotarcuet-antt-t.ho-tttot-tt3w -tTttetM-tR-rtt,titmtertoo,aocto ,uoc-s.Tha"eharfisnowumHrmtwmnrt-ettarttt 1h-oerh-ttettttte-tuatitvurttt-vear tttath_ttoWttarf-romutttorostdttttettrmtottr. Her'tttwituarmodtocarryortirtourpasttmattioeomt wqrwiatthimcoottrtuodeuoc-. [rm lurm pay Manon mm! - - An Ttly It. unduly-nu lands Manny a m maul dun-mum n chug-o to amryrV tttr rm pm by A " It. I... - EXCEL MONEY Invests m AGF Money Market Fund Holds government treasury bills and certificates of deposit High Interest mth maximum liquidity elnglble fiat RRSPs EXCEL CANADIAN EQUITY rum) anests m Canadian Security Growth Fund Blue- ch1p Canadian stocks, long-term capital growth Fully ehglble for RRSPs Tau-k Mara a Darol Selgmillor mm mm Invests exclusively In shares of AmencarpGrowth Fund Bluechlp U S stocks wnh long-term capital growth potential EXCEL CANADIAN BOND FUND mvests tft Canadian mgeed Income Fund 100% federal and prosnnrnal government bonds earning a high interest Pays Interest monthly: fully RRSP eligible REGAL CAPITAL WU"). mums I.III'|rnllJlC4 (raw-MI mopmm [MEI