A Senate appointed by the provinces and a Supreme Court appointed by the provinces have the potential to stifle the national vision essential to a healthy federal state. An amending formula which requires unanimous consent will choke off all meaningful constitutional reform for decades. Public hearing on the Meech Lake Accord, as suggested by Andrew Telegdi, will not be enough. The Accord is so fundamentally flawed that it must be returned to the drawing board. Must return Meech Lake Accord to drawing board feedback LlEEiiEiiE% i You certainly didn't think 1 would stop at jut one sentence on how physical [activity educates travel did you?'. M's the mt . . . _ o Curl the shoulders forward and pull back. Sitting continuously in one position can encourage gravity to pull the shoulders down and forward, straining the neck and upper back. These provisions are not the result of Travelling by car is, however, the cheapest way to go. Done properly, it can be the most enjoyable. Eating properly (see the last two columns) ant keeping active can make the world of difference. Keeping active does not have to mean hopping out of the car and jogging around nor does it mean you must whip your exercise mat to the ground and do your daily workout. You can stay in the car and actively use muscle to tone and strengthen as well as ease tension. This week some exercises for the driver. Fighting traffic, keeping alert and watching directions can be strain, ing, particularly in the face, neck and back. Here are some tension fighters: oWork the muscles of the face at regular intervals. Using circle move- ments, puckering, scrunching or what- ever your imagination will allow will help prevent the face from becoming a permanent frown. _ Sitting in a car for hours or even days It a time is hard to take. The legs get heavy, the ml: and back tense with male. kids, etc. and the reareodbegins to spread, slowly but surely over the was of the seat. . Push the small of your back into the back of the seat. . Push against the steering wheel as g; {a a. V » V a "" "I , I, v.5 a It Ft ' ' IR _ Lm ',8,i g k ' * ' _. MRS #1 .'. ,, P' 3S . _ r, N _ "A"" r' g i, ’ V C K 'w'fiz“ ' ', T T a ' .1“ , ., Pr ' .' _ 3; a ( > _ " I k . ' . ' ‘ " . " tiiat ‘ "xi": 'ltiit Y. ts »,, _ ‘ ,w . * A " NW) p, " r' _ Yes. I think they have taken advantage of their right. The issues being negotiated aren’t worth the violence that's going on. Shirley Off Waterloo Fitness Forum PM lnotructov deep thought or scholarly constitutional study. They are virtually unparalleled in the democratic world. Rather, they rep- resent a naked grab for power by provincial interests. Further, these provi- sions have nothing to do with satisfying the concerns of French-speaking Cana. dians, as Brian Mulroney would have us believe. No one should quarrel with Quebec's deep concern for protecting a cherished French heritage. Nonetheless, Senate reform and similar proposals are completely unnecessary tools for this pur- Pierre Trudeau is right to lament the lack of a strong national voice in these constitutional negotiations, which is so necessary to the dynamic tension of a federal state. o If you are travelling with someone try to keep up a conversation. The pace of talking will keep your mind alert and regulate your breathing. oThe left foot can move or wiggle freely for most highway driving. Foot circles or side-to-side movements will alleviate stress all up the leg. Pushing your heel into the floor boards and lifting the toes toward the shin will stretch both the calf and the shin. the wrong car! oNowpuhboththesteerlngwheeles well as your back into the seat. You can effectively use these two immovable objects to work the muscles of the arms, back and abdomen. o'rttemarendtretsaiittlenutnt- long trips so don't forget to work it as well. Squeeze and relax the buttock muscles as regularly as possible. Good hard squeezes held for a few seconds or quick bursts of squeezes'will keep‘the circulation going. aOftenthepsintromthebuttockscan travel down the legs. Try to keep the legs moving. Side to side movements are easily done by swinging the left leg in toward the right leg and then opening it as wide as possible. The inner and outer thigh will get a workout. o The left leg can be lifted up and down to work the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in thethigh. Try to lift the thigh off the seat. Even if the steering wheel prohibits this you can activate the muscles and pretend you are lifting the leg. ttardnsyeuenntryirtgto-tttet- from pushing mantle sent. If he steam wheel makes any nuke III! ttivesa1ittie,you'rettettindthenr-t No. I believe everyone has the right to strike. providing they dttet't get too aggressive in their striking tactics. Ken Norris Kitetteoer Should the postal workers be classified as an essential service and not allowed to strike? Unfortunately, Pierre Trudeau is in Inrgemeasure responsible for the current morass in this area. Repatriating the Constitution without Quebec's consent, Trudeau opened a Pandora's Box from which all manner of dire consequences may spring. He ignored the time-tested directive: "if it sn't br 1, don't fix it." He moved us ft om a Pt ectly workable largely unwritten Constitution with the capacity to safeguard national unity to a Constitution which left a gaping wound in Canadian society - the absence of Quebec consent. Much peril with very little beihr fit. To, deny the distinctive heritage of French-speaking Canadians would be to rub salt in the wound. Our challenge is to recognize that fundamental pillar of Many did so because of their parents' imaginations. There are thousands of prosperous Canadians today whose im- migrant parents endured all the hard- ships of poverty so that their children might have the education that would change their environments. They re- mained in the slums so that their children could escape from them. All How many star entertainers have you heard boast about the poor neigh- bourhoods they grew up in? They broke away from their environments because in their imaginations they did not belong there, and they are rightly proud of it. verty" program, which was a predict- able nap beam it was based an inverted thinking. People create slums: slums do not create the poor. As Mike Todd, the late film producer, who often faced tigtaneial loss, said: "To be broke is a temporary situation; to be poor is a state of the poor. It even in! so far is to bring thquHLyndw Johlgspg’s "war on po- creation, and if they want to Imprové 09:1,}th can. Back tis the (0's, our permissive society went to its famous limit by preachingthat qretaentitheviettms of T -'iu.L..._'--'--"- “sown-ham.†-ti.8t-ttht.tMr. “Itin- Wmuwmm hbmnm.udoo. hand by the tttatttntittqq that we to! oqmes.Hrettveintheatm-eto 'rttiettmrttFttandirttt-erieonrur alumnae." Now that: a thentttht calculated to ,tahe-ttahtea-,toatr,tmenrxt look“...venremkuodlntheonvi- mtwemlu,udlo.hotadhythe limitations that we not ourselves." If more people ttemstmsd. and Need umptuughthey’duopcougplalnmg [Mi their circunis Yes? It's a necessary service. Besidarthephooe,itumteofthe main means of communication. Carolyn Lively Kitchener “Humanism. an; 1.1-“? Yes. Many businesses depend on the mall service, and I feel that the workers are being paid well enough already. Canadian culture without loosening the common experience of national unity. This cannot be accomplished within the framework established at Meech Lake. Canadians can only hope and pray that bold national statemen will appear at all levels to oppose the Accord. Stephen Woodworth Waterloo, Ont. But, it's all in what we want for ourselves and what we are willing to settle for. And it's a funny thing, most people think they Want more than they really do; and settle for a lot less than they could earn. (Mr. Fellows operates the Human Re- sources Development Institute, P.O. Box 642, Cambridge, NIB 5WI, serving business and indttstry with effectiveness training.) mun-humus: qraiirahegesa,-tthMrthtarttatga.. Allan “his mun "ttdtsharettM-b.es-tttstgte-re "ttudglrr.rtto-uirtabtrtrtttitr" ".taedasimtqdrtgiartettheneaterr-t -lniarirtttodtrittwqt. 'f-le-tyr-ttandthe-they wiMdoertheirowatttvess,theyqrrmhtt ttvetrtastateettt-nlw-der- tuat_atttvintr.Ttevareatrheeassttteir We have all seen an insect hazing saint the Mile; it will ropes- tedly but its bead ttgairest the glass while the window through which it entend is wide open nearby. So many people are just like that. They repeated- ly beat their heads, telling themselves how frustrated they are in their self-im- posed prison; they would rather com- plain about their situation than step back sndilnd I way out of it. They play it safe and bargain for a pittance; they want more but refuse to do more to earn it; they want opportuni- ty but " the same time cling with both hands to whatever shaky security they can find. It all seems to hinge upon our unwillingness to he honest with our- selves. We're quick to blame our cir- cumstances but Iind alibis for ourselves when we fail to make things happen. We cop out and find excellent reasons for doing nothing. moon's. M we limited only by the menu] tomes they erect and main- Letters welcome Dave Plouffe Waterloo