A use by my other an: -aidameti-ii,hataettithe munchnaluusm d-a-tNet-tmetre, nil um ..1 Stud Ilia ii â€W’s union-thy -rptkCr-dperr"V Mauritian-.miauhe 7m Is a my tiny screen adaptation ereveriy ï¬nd by aim M. C.D. Bales is Nelson, Wail-c- an an end: animated, III- -intriiitrent" and imiieUsiveiy He's got the world by complete control untll he meets this intoxi- eathntt astronomer (Hannah). In turn. Roxanne instantly develops a email on new volunteer me- man (nuts (Rick Rossovich). When asked to help Roxanne meet Chris. C.D. feels like a ‘dmnbhell nehula‘ in Roxanne’s mmantic galaxy. Ironically C.D.'s poetic heart and soul agree to help his lady fair, as he 'speaks' for Chris in a flood of passionate epistles which literally sweep Roxanne off her feet. .- -.v-----.-.--' -nv--- n ' - 'dieseg).o:e'. Roxanne wins by a nose f q CYLINDER - FILLED! 0 2 additional fills q Ammbly a. Cover . Emission & Supreme tool not. 1bdllter, bidllii'sU gas grill - Mrdf HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 8-5; Thurs., Fri. 8-7; sat. 8-4 Your Local Qualified Propane Distributor for over 30 Years 0mm o_.qtorPochot 0mm! o 22" I 15" x W' $55725 331156?! "B-ll-ltr--. "airrFidireTaP" 20 Shirk PL, Knew 744-0351 C," A (nearing at t i AIP' '5' [Jeanna House‘ (xa st. N ., “when! I "stii'ibt3:c'" "ttrim PAC with aluminum tram. $2295 Fri, alu- Gina at.“ up unmlldslmwb cult-n! NW of Bulk 'a-.6tt"_itd"r, car. ann-tty Mnt1aqq “not“ banana-animated new mm' an“. which the m tun-m no 'to-,emattsatt-dmay- madman-WW patMartteiPtht.Yreeres Roxanne. Humorous conse~ Mm: m. Roxanne ls gentle tragedy compliment-d wonderfully with old-{amused comic timing. C.D. Bales’ voluntner ttre department (with cameos by Michael J. Pollard, and Fred Willard) la a bumbling Us gaggle of the Key- stone Oops variety. Directed by Fred Schepisi (Plenty) Steve Martin's glorious insight is a godsend to anyone feeling inferior in the pangs of true love. Roxanne's smart screenplay and sweet-natured C.D. Bales' sheer folly win by a r Sat. H "the ultimate in outdoor good taste" SAVE " 0930 Reg. $666.55 L (WKW) qittt-tte$ttthrttttsetartttu+ op-ttmet-tA-i- yon-“Human†PHONE mo-ras-rom By Amtotntm-t Only 'teq-ttttMt-tthr-nt mu PM M.F. My... R.N.C. ALL mm MERCt4AM0tttE AND omen --" "-------'---_---'e'--'--"-" , an" an»: m on COUNTRY INN SHOPS 1n mom ST. - - " 'wUMI VII .wz.“ OPEN WEEKENDS 10-6 '--,dt-r---fef_"