st-n-rr-ist-r-tth-tttttr-tmst-tyes'-) - " --3rqrru89f'qttM1rt9,yeli-, W sprawled a commuter seminar on April 2, dealing with the ability to communicate from coast to coast via a whine-W Mr. 'NesysemdisNaredwnsttaeDisahtiiityifdr- mation Services of Canada (DISC), which operates out of the University of Calgary. Presenting on behalf of DISC, was staff member Randy Tighe. who spoke about the versatility and potentiality of DISC. Tighe said that DISC is a national resource centre capable of collecting and dessiminating topics ranging from transportation to modem Tighe added that the system incorporates a large user capacity. which is scattered throughout Canada. It is possible to relay, discuss, add input, or become involved with the DISC system from anywhere in Canada. An example of DISC's potential is that a person in St. John's Newfoundlan can easily communicate with a person in Van, couver via the DISC network. Messages are received immediatly after they are sent. Tighe. who is also the Ontario representative responsible to liason with organizations using the DISC system, said that once a person becomes a member there is usually not a problem calling up the system. Tighe added that the fee tojoin DISC is minimal since the system is funded through the DISC system link-up demonstrated at seminar Fall-cum ed: noes MARE: m151s. “241015 100% Natural collagen, Lose weight while you sleep. No pills, no powder, ready to serve. Finally - an affordable solution! WAREHOUSE SALE Lose 10-1 s lbs. while you sleep 'iNlilririCEiECnE2 m M., I“ _ "dtlM'al It! I You Itll. UllrEECEiTE3 UPTO oNgt$igtqRtttAq" Om.“ cam-M outcast†oFetQttry-httebn about!†ommm. __'-.-----" /o-dt' _ . I'm“ SAVE TO 3200 SeseretaryMState. _ 'roto-tare-DISCS-lite-said. mieroco-ter,nterminalarteleFedeviees fetrtitedeaft'mm,aimtgwithatitaaeiirr& divices,usersttiaitmtttemgCteie-emmttrer by using theircomputer.heeo-terisaetuatIly aetingasateleN-sceiver. - _ A Um entering the DISC network, there are four iseetioetsfortheusertoview: l) meleetnnic mail section whereby people can converse with others by receiving Ind sending personal messages; 2) a Canada who share common interests: 3; a special interest group section involving computer con- ferencing about speeirtc issues: 4) a bulletin board service whereby ads, newsletters, upcoming events, or other similar material may be dis- played. K-W Services, which has been a part of the DISC system since November of IN6, is hoping to further incorporate the system into their regular program activities. Those attending the two-hour seminar were able to learn more about the DISC system and. through the aid of K-W Services' computer tutoring program, disabled people will be able to use DISC as aprt of their daily interaction. ttg1it',yah'ffd' mwbummwwmaï¬OMMal We“ fund-1m. certtteotrtiirt.dfmmiocaliitxtntxritt-ror fmmMirtistryotNaturdlR--dietr+ti. Ywmwwmwww,mmmmd fi--etttjimldtiitting,irtontnriottytte"qreryr?e.rttp(. -.. '.ueider iiiGkiidiGiiiiaha T Ii oi,und irtttqetntqett In tttotutumistontnrto's m. - Invest in - Ontario's Fisheries Buymommonoddom Sportr%hlrtg1AxtetceTodtty Hm WOMEN’S NIGHTS d','gltfd% "tb. 'd'M,','tt't atmamwm-m-mwoud Ion.) IbrM-I. and. M Muhamma- Waterioo'a Finest in LINGERIE a SWIMWEAR LOWER MALL 7464 i " wArenLoo Town scum: otfanRaatteoFreetchMahtoKaysatr oPaqtlBoincoLietdaoWarmtr'ts out.qt'uteitot.oetdatrBra Mother's Day Special GRAND OPENING oCatabtatoCohtoCttriqtirta oYmStJnumt OUR ENTIRE STOCK With this coupon Offer expires May 16/87 10% OFF