Three weeks ago council confirmed the Fischer Hallman/Roxton Drive location as its preferred site for the arena, which would not only serve west-side residents, but would also be used as a 1,300-seat artemporary replacement for Waterloo Arena until a new facility is built in the core. That new facility is slated for 1991 or later, with Beechwood West residents estimating 10-15 years down the road a more realistic projection. PAGE 9 ---t.ATeMuNt 13ttRtmtth,E. many. an a. no: wwwwunumm " "'. Stay tuned. The laughs are just beginning in Fun 2':'†V " ‘ _ f"r 222' q i', C" V " . .: 249,243}. _r'r, _. H . 2 "" . u.r 72- I Y:'" F T . " ," 2." . v' .22' pp'; _ 32,3: G" l er 13> 7.72;.“ 2 . ,:- w', 2; _ .392, Ct 2 _rp-s2isuroi,sr: .' .5 r:i':ir'"'1itr:'.i" _ i4 I, V (fy, cry"'" "rr '?"=---2. so"; 7 "P T 2; â€my '. mg ' r.:"' My>°13=2c'-"x¥§59*>25>hsa.25.'2'»? _ '.. 2. _ -2 uscrrw'ssii, is" " . VV w" ff. -2.. -: Cr' . 'w' 'isk _ v'-'.. w'ft', , at" .'2-2'* 223%? 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"irirrg" ' " â€2.2- '. 7. mv',"' mrr 2 'Ci'jkirc:iW8, 'st?, -.27?‘)$72-§fW-‘2%§a?F’SWv J. 2 , 77 1:23;: " ’(r- If, 'iii:" .2": .. :%:7<:.’13"'73-’?“ Vigaiéiyxm‘ my. ir?yi'iji'irfi/ijjiiij/; os'rr;C'og. was _v" "of'yis; 245,3 77-::. "iii:'j"4it'i'i"c1 .22†q o' '.)it1ii(i':i',it"t Growing Pains, the situation comedy featuring the city of Waterloo, took yet another bizarre plot twist Monday night when two dozen or so Beechwood West residents showed up at council to voice their displeasure with plans for the $2.2 million Westside Community Centre. Although residents will not get their chance to register concerns until an informal public meeting next Wednesday, outside of council Monday they got their points across well to the gathered med_ia. Essentially, the residents of the affluent neighbor- hood feel the preferred site plans are too large in terms of building and parking, that traffic and parking problems would occur during major events at the arena, that the arena would be needed far longer than the current stop-gap estimation, that situating an arena there would devalue surrounding properties, and that an arena would prohibit the establishment of their preferred recreational facilities on the site, thereby betraying the original usage intent. Ald. Lynne Woolstencroft, who had repeatedly questioneed procedures used by the site selection committee identifying the Beechwood West site as a preferred location as opposed to twinning with Columbia Icefields on the University of Waterloo campus, surely must have warmed to Monday's show. The bottom line here is that the city, criticized in some corners for poor facilities, snapped at in others to develop more and better, can now also look forward to addressing the complaints of those who don't want new facilities-at least not in their neighborhood, thank you very much. Less, is better, they claim. Address all msrreqtomteoee to Waterloo otttee, as Eat St. E., Waterloo. Ont. N†IM. Telephone “Iâ€. News and Sports line “all. _ Waterloo Chronicle otnce is located In the Haney, White law office building (rear entrance. upper noort. Parking at the rear of the building. Open Monday to Friday a an. to ' pm. PM Paul Winkier Waterloo Gimmick is published every Wednesday by Fairway Press, I division of J EMCOM me., owner. Publishing addres, as Fairway Rd. s., Kitchener, Ont. ls less better? Seller reporter: Melodee Martina]: Iyresetttatg and Counting: -teri: Mark Bryson (news) - Richard O'Briett (32931:) may: Jerry Fischer Mg um: Rick Campbell Sales Manger: Bill Karges, [Inlay Advertising: Helen Smiley, Paula Rummy. Gerry lattice 1Juratfled Advertising: Mgpieen McNab 't Gris Capsldy Fairway Press Funny how I get strange, disbelieving looks from almost everyone when I inform them 1 have never smoked a cigarette in my life. Jaws drop, eyes bulge, heads shake, cynics guffaw. -But it its true. Never have smoked, and never intend to. Why most acquaintances have a problem with that is because they often hear me championing the rights of smokers. Well, that's overstating it, but i do defend their rights, and will continue to do so, despite these watery eyes, " long as our blatantly hypocritical politicians continue to climb all over those who smoke and/or derive a living from the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, same esteemed leaders play both sides of the fence, refusing to declare tobacco products illegal at the risk of diminished tax revenues for their coffers. Health and Welfare Minister Jake Epp would have us all jumping up and down with glee over the "tough" measures he announced the government would introduce under its new Tobacco Products Control Act. The act, in time, will bring about: an end to all advertising of tobacco products, including in-store signs and promotions; stronger, more visible health warnings on packages; usage of full company name only for philanthropic sponsorship of arts, charity, and sports events; heavy penalties for violations of the act. r----" is written With the knowledge we have of the known health risks smoking can create in our society, it would be mindless to suggest the practice is a neat one, or that smoking should be promoted as a glamorous habit, or "in", or even socially acceptable on a widespread basis. But the civil libertarian instincts in me rise up when a government, solely to enable itself to have its cake and eat it too, tromps all over individuals for engaging in a habit the government itself recognizes as perfectly legal. _ I cannot express my feelings better than Ron Osborne, president of publishing giant Maclean Hunter. who blasted the ban on tobacco advertis- ing in magazines (despite the minimal effect it will have on his eompany's revenue). Said Osborne to company shareholders at their annual meeting: "We find it ironic that farmers may grow tobacco, transportation companies may ship it, manufacturers may process it, retailers may sell it, you and I may smoke it; governments may derive much-needed revenue from it. and 140 million copies annually of US. magazines may promote U.S. brands in Canada, but the smallest link in the chain, Canadian magazines, may not touch it." _ That addresses the problem, in a nutshell. Here we have a government that stops short of “You and I know that by the time they get around to building another city arena. we'll be talking no to 15 years down the road." - A A ___ 7 _ m, in I nutshell. Here that stops short of Rick Campbell Chronicle Editor Smokescreen Beechwood West resident Dave Sch-h on Potential problems of the proposed Westside Community Centre. - SEE PAGE I outlawing the product because of the financial benefit it derives from it. Yet the same govern- ment sets itself up as martyr allegedly saving us trom ourselves through hypocritical statist de- crees. In doing so, it insults the democratic process in this country, it will cost thousands of jobs directly and indirectly with little or no forethought to the consequences, and worst of all, it does so behind a self-righteous smokescreen, pardon the expression. Like many people these days, I prefer a smokeless environment. I have seen loved ones gravely affected health-wise, even lose their lives because of smoking. I don't see the point of it at all, which is likely why I have never indulged. We have no tobacco advertising in this paper, so I have no vested interest professionally in support- ing the habit. And, if the truth be known. I wouidn't lose a minute of sleep if the government outlawed the practice tomorrow, " long as simultaneous programs were introduced to support those affected by the ban. My allergies would also stand up and cheer. But our government has no backbone. It would view such a move as shooting itself in the financial foot. However, instead of therefore bowing out and letting the pressures and trends of society to take their natural course to eliminate the practice for good (which was happening nicely without med- dling from Ottawa), our leaders step in, crossbody block the industry, trample individual rights, and steal away with the loot. What will be the next legal product to be submarined by the government to "" us from ourselves? Alcoholic beverages? Automobiles? Sugar? Table salt? Do you really want to know? Doesn't it bother you, even if you are a disinterested onlooker in the tobacco siege? it bothers me, and it should bother anyone wishing to protect the fundamental freedoms of our citizens. one of which recognizes the legality of tobacco products. A more perfect world would see smokers and ttmt-smokers co-exist in harmony, without fears of infringing on the rights of others, without fears of lack of fresh air or second-hand smoke, without fears of ridiculous discrimination through habit. But our world is far from perfect, and our government, with hypocritical legislation like the Tobacco Products Control Act, reinforces that fact impressively by example. A _ ft should either ban iobacco outright, and suffer the consequences. or cease with the "halr-mller" efforts to save us from ourselves. You simply can't have it both ways.