omeownew uhmmuu rer_rortr, Law ue', started (H Ite Huh? 1rrs1)tirtu, M researching PM: wwr [wowed I' w [Ob before mum; a 'mupam , ‘dH\, 1' uu' Wm» are: mam “MILAN“ w‘ "WVJHHEHIUV‘ V YEHUWHHJ'E‘ i x1)!dH81w,Mvt"7‘ t.r)rCj!rsr My Mahmuueh CUJIU be l "(mm rr, We may Imam atIY-v_;ug?‘ ddww 'tf rr.erlruii) mums and d1) new nuudmg mammals may mm» HUSH/w steitt/vrlt, a on ol 0819(1wi wu'v But dust ott your Sherlock Holmes gap and you ll 1.1.0 " was worm me effort says Hobena Man of me ()nlano Munstry oi Lonsumev and Commercial Helahous (MUCH) Too many people thank only do-H-yoovseltevs need to know how fenovallonb are (Jone Vhen they trrk) themselves unable in; dea) eHechvely ml" nontraclovs Ot tradespeoMe (mama: may don t widevsland wha! a gomg on Hus, hustvales everyone 5an muse etuenswe "ttsur/startle, and also makes the; nunsumev d prune Mtge! (or m Kahuna! contractms In addmon Io .denmwug the Htalor steps Involved In the lot; homeowners should be sum they understand all the" legal 'esporttybdrties an leans of contracts, permits, payment schedules. Insmance and other 'ssues. Allan says All Ontano lesodents have access to the following sources ol unfounanon on home renovahons " these people can 1 new they probably know who can 'munocupai govemmem buudmg departments _'" Your bocal munoCopamy s buddang mtipectors can advuse you about butkttrtg, plumbmo Me and “cum! code vogulahons They an the people to see abou' such Important bagel details as perrmt mauuomonts. loam when“ Mu .'. any homeowners are pamlmg their owrr homes because " us less expenswe than mrmg a contractor " rs much easier lc have a painting contractor do the work but m the sprang months most contractors are extremely busy Pamnng the house yourself can bung you much personal satIstaCluon You are contributing to the appearance oi your home and your neighborhood The most common reason tor repainting a house iS the tact that the parnt has deteriorated to the poem where It has to be redone Or you may De tired ot the color and want to change It New construcnon around the house such as installation of new lnmboards new windows CV a house addmon would also necessitate palmmg Different woods call tor dltfetem types ot palm as well as dlfterent applicators For example If you are pamtlng cedar you should put no more than three coats of palm on the new wood Before you palm make sure that the surface rs clean and free of dust Any dun that us on the sudlng should be cleaned off wuth a stiff tytlstle 0r wrre brush Use water only as a last resort It you use water to wash the am ot! the 540an It has to be completely dry betme you palm It You must also remove all loose and chlpped paint and make sure that the surface to be Painting the exterior of your house can be a satisfying experience Renovations are great but do your homework leave between the lot lune and that new pom!" Budd-rug depanmem staff can usually provude tree general advace on common Cornstructtort concems CONTACT a Numbers we lowed m the blue pages 'Ontano Moslry of Consumer and Commerce! Relations _ We nmuslry 5 brochure A Prarstcul (wide to Home Renews looks at thug. hum hum the Umsumer purchase angle and should be requned leading lor anyone setimq up venovahon contracts {he tree booklet lrsts periment "Hugs Cry Include In the convam duscusses common complaints problem solvmg-avwwes svecfs about 810""; and "Sunny“ woman, ttturg my care. \ . Free arcdts, "timateq Fuhionubh designs that feature the "am Chrttmattorttr term. that - ttttu-tttAt m and spill. The m-W Mich painted cs hrm and m good condmon Pamtmg over any Dam! that may be loose or starting to peel IS a waste of time and pant Make all necessary repairs belore painting For example " you have knotty sudung a knot could have fallen out and you must lull this area Use a putty approved tor such applucanon and one that can be painted Over For smaller areas such as cracks rn srdrng or around Windows or where srdrng corners have pulled apart because of shrinking a srhcone caulkrng compound that can be painted us suggested When patntrrttg, choose a day that rs neither 100 hot nor too cool It It IS too cool the part wm take a longer time to dry and, In the process may puck up such things as Insects and dust It you pant on a hot day, the pant may dry too Quickly and the; could cause the Dam! to shrunk and crack Always choose a good quality well-known brand name of paint A latex paint IS recommended tor exterror parntrng Since at wrll allow the wood to breathe Thus wrll allow any morsture present 1n the wood to drssrpale and not harm the paint When using a latex pant use a latex primer hrs! and then apply two coats of the latex pan! over the primer Each coat must De dry before the next one vs apphed 7 - MCCR also produces biochures on the Consumer Ptolectuon Act, the Busmess Prachces Act duveway pawng contracts and many other looms -rot. I. - Consumers whu Ieel unfalfly heated by a Lompany can ask Consumer Servuces Bureau ot MCCH so mediate CUNI AC1 Consume! Sewn CUNI AC] Consume! Servrecs Buteaus are heated In the phmw book Address Quest-um, m publication veauests to IN: Consume! Informahon (mum: 55‘ Yonge St [ammo Ontario MIA PH6 (416)963 1 11 1 any: code 801 gall mum! (toll tree trom all when men f mites) 1800 268 114? Ily/ In!) (410)963 0808 o 588 sq, m, cooking area q Unique “SMOKEMASTER Flavour System . MAHOGANY shelves q Fowl down front shelf o Retrace-a-rack warming tack . Large 8-irtch wheels . Lid Stop q Heat gauge q 46.000 STU/H cooking o Utensil hooks o Ambly o 2 propane refills o 25% discount on accessories. Also availabie in natural gas at an additional $50 cost. hamster ARE YEAR ROUND BRING SUNSHINE TO YOUR WALLS CAMBRIDGE m MSPELER no. Located off Lancaster in Old Bridgeport 6534431 mun-mum OUR LOW PRICES WATERLOO COUNTY CO-OP 20 SHIRK PLACE PROPANE KITCHENER - 744-6351 I Myâ€) IWIIW I, Wot. Sat. 0:». .45.; TM. l Fri. 9:30. um GUELPH 219 awakens“ mu um 21 gmâ€, 163-1183 Prices start as low as 8MP (BWSE M89oo - W "a“: KITCHENER 60 noun . I. "3-3501 "