as - waremoo C"Rt9"txEsrrEAmES_0At., an a. um Home and Garden Choosing and using a handyman's tools r" Lrroroe' Jim» aw? .Jiv ' "a“dV'Lf aw: gamma 1oolr, Al man v,rr.r F m» i"TrrCserrrer" more? 932er and "W- Drcnesswna‘ mount; When choosmg toms (annex powe' or nanc make sure thal you Day good main» roots The» are 003m Out the†advamages are man. Tner, NIH make the 100 ease turf‘ on a Dene: got w. last longer and TeQuTe less maamenawce Hand Tools Ar assonmem cr, new: Icy', as screwmvers hammers clamps er, i pan ot me Dam: home nanosmar‘ loot K“ Items Sucr as saws musek and cm t to be good Guam if mm are h: mnc they anc re1am the set p 9000 handsaw wm COSI at teas? idly amt Drape! care Wm not neec Sharoenmg se'mng as ohet as a handsaw tral VOL U. less than $12 inexpensive hand saws Ienc IL wart easjy which mi: make n dMccttl tor w. a Straugm me when caning Besnes choosing a Qualm nandsam proper woe must De choser n vim are work such as Curling (uh/wood ‘or ‘umn tme-ttyy)', turushcng saw A soecual saw desugnec tOr â€00'"? reqwred d you are sawmg Wm me O' do n01 mtend to do a W cf "DONG a combmaluor cross-t $1an and “DUI"? avauabte _ Wher; usmg a nanosam atwavg Cruj' W hrnsned surface. Sllgmly Wing We Made gm or The cp-stroke One ma, mm» ma? f "we 100:2 ( they Wm no? {1.11 as, oeewv v w. p, acmeem Aswan, a duh loo sax damage to your Nesr ma a Shaw Llruess VOL. have exoeuemce senvng saws Wake , 'i' a [mines swamernng 5mm 1m: alt,; an: sgtlit1 0““ .mm use: ---c--'-'"fbi',,t cuttc ocrlif ch 'L Tttc, ab otrter Shaft- noon: 885-3200 '1 - - "owe UAW. am coma-canola: cannula-om mug-CM! o'3eeeL'heee, w CY 7 - j/ OSI an seam SY, icicVri'e', l r as, Cruse: yama saw w art? 00mg tine, hat/6 a turrt)lure an, r _ 1w %9: Csattt ... in Window Treatments Kali m yot are a "e WINDOW BLINDS PHSSDI used E a ti??? he a Eda“: Maw on; logo thr-rite ESE " cenam type 0: sharpening Is reamed sucr as a tiolloee-grrounC Tc Keep a handsaw sharp store (1 m an area where the tee? wan n01 De resting on metir (Dr other sutlaces thal may duh " A spemat mastnc sneat can De obtained to ht over the mace edge of The saw wruch wm DroIect " especuany whet the low M? Powe' 1CKNS gummy make home Improvemem mopeds easrer and awoke" Agam The qualm powev 200* M“ do a Dene! gob and tasx longer Thefe are a1so holders tor wood working chcsels and ome: sharp wood-wore, Instruments , A powe.r saw mat retatis tor S29 cs n01 usually wont takmg home Good Guam power saws w»! run well In excess o, $100 The proper CtaryCEs ot cutting Diaries and care of the btades are me same as that tot handsaws Othev toois vou may (trttt vetv usefui around me house wncnude a cordless screworwer wmcr enmmates dragging around a tcmg powev com esoemam when workmg outsde When workmg tAtttts concrete an electric hammer arm IS great for rnakmg repairs dnlhng notes and meaning conCIeIe " vou are 00mg a to! 01' line woodworkmg sanders can De very hemfm Ben sanders are especsany good tor Ootng a tot of sanding of rougr wood ' 'Atarating Sanders are ease, to use bu! tl taxes tonger so gel the sanding work done Purchase a numoev of Otierent, grades of sandpaoe' ior var-ow; aoohcanons For the advanced home handyman 300:5 sum as tame saws radsa‘. aw saws anc Vow'?' wanes certainly are an assel Make sure the power of the molar ma' comes with the ma us adequate tor tueiavv-duty tctte, Inge 15 not much sense In buvmg ah expenswo: tog Wax car 0th be used fry "gm wow Cnoosmg [nopet 100:5 and caving (or We"; ', make me home handyman s [Ob a um ease- av make the loo look Drowseuona- Jacuzzi Whirlpools VISIT OUR EXCITING 6,000 SQUARE FOOT SHOWROOM! IT’S THE LARGEST SHOWROOM IN THE AREA! OVER 25 MODELS ON DISPLAY i),i?Lt,leC,'iii, 292' House a Cedar Since "" o Jacuzzi Whirlpools . Spas 0 Bathroom Equipment 0 Taps do Fixtures Br-taw No SEMI veslncts and momma the tNtMruCV ot trees m woodlms over 2 acres m sue tn Waterbo Region. m - tS attmtotsteretl through the Begnonal Pet s D-rtmeett wttitm has Tree â€unmww ....-_,V V, V "_.. tnspectors who are avanaue for Whoa on groomed use was Betore cutttnsroaeasermooetser-9"7to""iceo'"h'"e""'h"s Aatsmonaitrttormattoryarttsartvtcert?Pemfreettmrtt'e Gaiartromtttecamtartareomceoftheuimst'yo"e'esources phone 658-9355 Come back to the Country. ' Hake your home warm, beautiful and inviting. with a selection from our quality Pine and Oak Furniture Collection. .IleopDesks "aG-suis .Tahgeshthairs "e6-Pieees ".trmrFramesoirmrs [all Units b THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO NOTICE RE: TREE CUTTING "ltd, Gibson's - Pine db Oak Furniture Ltd. 210 Regina Bt. N., l Waterloo Just couth of University Ave. "ou-e-dt-wud/tsexo-tttts-rm' 0 Shower Units . Steam Units 0 Saunas . Cedar Lumber E Stenner, AM CT, CMC RegtooarCterN “$899 Series of Jacuzzi Whirlpools in 5',5%',6' models. see the complete 885-1711