WAREHOUSE AND tight III-wham- ingm. uptor.000-ttoat. EARN 15% per yr. in US. Dollars. Guaranteed! By way of teasing Marine Cargo Containers. Rental income - 5 marine Cargo Containers pay $2,325 per year. IO pay $4,650 per year, 25 pay $11,625. Length of lease is up to 15 years (5 Year increments). Minimum investment $3,100. All above in us. dollars, Ask about our Capital Appreciation pro- gram. Call (416) 368-3585. Write: Pacific Rim Container Babes Ltd. 2nd Floor, 33 Yonge St. Toronto M55 IS9. to) IT'S EASIER than you think to matter money at home. We train you to raise big bait worms in your new or PM sq-.WATEm.ooCMrttMttXE, NY. “in t, "" PM!" 880-2830 1ttttqtttt_t_a.8ttitilt, !MDM imam: "9hlm_t1lBMttt1l_t____.._.., DEALER and/or DCSTRIBUTOR re- quired in your area to market the finest non-chemical water treatment equipment available in Canada. More information write M-4 Marketing Corp. 7887 49th Ave.. Red Deer. Alta. T49 284. to) AIRLtNE/CRUISESHIP JOBS. Now hiring. Big money. Wilt train (416) 482-t500. Ext, 507. Days/Eve- nings/Weekends. to) SUMMER RESORT employment op- portunity information - 10 provinces ot Canada. Available Free. Age no limit. Apply: Canadian Summer Re- sort Employment Centre, Box 940. new: to expressway. Catt Moot- Corporation, 888-7860. (to Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology & Bait Fauna Ltd. (Since 1975) RR #1. Smithville. Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. tt9Rtty Vernon, 8.0. V1T 6M8 REM. ESTATE ii2SrWiTEiIl PETS/VIII Real Estate Seances Properties for Sale Properties Wanted Farms Lots Commercial. Industrial Vacmion Properties Businesses Opportunities Financial and Mortgages Shana Accommodation Houses for Rent Rooms for Rent Room and Board Apartments tor Ron! Wanted to Rent Storage Space Artktltts tor Sale Garage Sales Antiques and Art Fresh Produce Articles Wanted Can for Sale Truck- tor Sale Automouvo Pan. Automotive Rooms Motorcycles Boats and Maine Cannon/TruUs Recreational VehicIos Help Wanted Agents/Sam Emphymom Wanted Employmom Agencies gang Training ~3me CLASSIFIED INDEX ttt "I I. to) IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Semi-de- tached. 2-ctoroy house. 3 bedrooms. garage Newly decanted. $695.00 month†plus ammo: 744-5382 or 886-5524. (13) Two bedroom apartments availabCe for immediate and tuture occupancy. This brand new buittftttg has 2 ttptglances in each unit, carpeted living room and is tuity air conditioned. There is a coin operated laundry and parking tor 1 car. Phase call 746-8633. Built, owned and managed by: "' SACRiFICE SACRIFICE '" â€ml-Hm 19lwffiTriiTiiiij JULY 1987 to July 1988. 1 bedroom plus office in high rise condominium. Completely furnished. lh baths. Ideal tor acadttmlc/bosimrss exeCu- tive. Waterloo. excellent location. Non smokers. no pets. references. $750 month. 746-4995. (15) Up to 20 word- Each additional word 1 " “WM†iI55iiCl Ct-tmet word ads. cartgqNtboetq and corrqctbooe an new“! uttttt 10:00 am. on Tuesday. Manet: your mmiumont. Put)!“ In raccoonâ€. in on. "torr+t-tioetHttturttttllatt. bimmuhudmwuo- yomttheeostotthe-occo- “wanna. Buildings priced tor immediate littui- dation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 $3.996, 40x60x14 $6.500; 46x80xi4 $9.250. 70x90x24 $21,789. Various sizes avaiiabie up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct ciearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced tor immediate deli- very. Tolttree 1-800-387-2115. or 416-858-2446. (0) may. Our-w. - Fun Man you w an "MO" U m m. man; ttttrt In“. Ito-7:01 "er M. 1m1u.nnm.sm1n NOW RENTING 400 PARKSIDE DRIVE WATERLOO Tnvol /Vacatiom Campgrounds W10! Rent Leisure lemme: / Classes Musical Instruction Coming Events Announcements Pomona“ Lost and Found Legal Notices Tenders Auctions Mindanooue Cards of Thanks In Memotmms MLWWWWTW LTD “mm "t,tgtnattg.tatr HALLMAN Services 3.65 6.15 7,65 8.25 I†I†* * I! I. m tN m I. Bought and sold. top prices paid. Encoce Records. 297 King Street East. Kitchener. 744-1370. tto NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old lash- loned apples. pears. apricot. nut trees. shrubs. evergreens. seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices, catalogue 81. Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank. Ont. KOK 2L0. WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing New Technotogy tor treating We 8 cisterns. offering source to faucet protection throughout entire water system. Rusty 'PM Smelly ... Bad Tasting . . . Water, bacteria, staining, and more. No Salt or Messy Chemi- Large median ot household furnish- ings. Come in and browse. WE BUY - nee tggtittttttqtg and suck up on a complete suite or an came. "one must be in top common. (no TV: or sodium) The Trading Poet. 366 King Skeet Wed. 'utch- (next to McKee) 743-1131. (to GOOD SELECTION needy new. infant. chbldren's and ladies summet cloth- ing. Second Chances. 997 King St. E., Cambridge, Tuee.-Sat.. 10-5. 653-3162. (CRIS) BARN YARD Manure Moved in large MO. 3 bag- minkmm delivery at 82.50. " proceeds to Bridgeport Lions Club. Tobphom 5784391 DINING ROOM SUITE. antique, wal- nut; buffet, 5 chairs and tame. Immaculate condition. $875 or beat otter. 647-2634 Rockton. (Cm PIANO SPECIALS trom Village Piano Shop. Elmira. High gloss or oil finishes. Outstanding furniture, buried walnut. oak, mahogany. Heinlzmann, Nordheimer, Mason 5 Rische, Etc, Starting trom $895 Delivered (519) 669-2280, to) FACTORY SECONDS FOOD PROCESSOR. Bram - new $90.00 or be“ offer, 2 Mtcholln “to. 165 xt6",2/3tread, $90.00. 570- 5660, (13) Otter6,0tt0ett.tt.otgttott_rttwt turrtttum.t_rtamttt-.6etnty 2 PLOTS In Memory Garden: In the Otd Rococo Cross out 8460 h- and“ punctual can. Own." living irtB.C.Formor_matboet,wrttettt B. an. - 4623 Gordon DIM. Km B.C.V1W1T3 or cu no. 0733. (10) moon MacDottttld-Westtturtte Electric Ltd. Kitchener 742-171 t Mom-Fri., 7:30-5; Sat., 9-4 743-1131.No' Tim or appliances. (to Lighting Showroom cals . _ ' maintenance tree. See resz tor yourself with our 6-Month trial offer. Call now toil free I-BOO- 38745423 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems. 6380 Tomk'm Rd. Unit 5, Mississauga. Ont. LST tki?. Area Code 807 call 1-416-6?2- 2300 (coiled), (0) in" 3:30 am Monday to Friday OPEN TO THE PUBLIC See us first to save money on all your lighting needs! 307 Queen St. S. Bath. Faptpry_Qutlet Whiripools, Tubs, Showers GOOD USED FURNITURE 550 Parkside DH, Waterloo 746-31 14 or W240 Fri., 9-5: Sat., 9-12 L.P. RECORDS BUY AND SELL CLASSIFICD 'NlllulutuMttt " 70.80", " mm. (17) toy STROLLER by Jouy Jumper. 3 post tion back and toot rest. canopy, quilted seat, dual brakes, excenem condition, $60 tirm. 745-9308. Subscriptions Manet! outside at Wmerloo $20.00 per your in Canada. Cal! 886-2830. Sec- ood Chas Mail, Registration Number 5540. Members O.C.N.A., C.C.N.A., S.N.A. (m CARPET AND Vinyl Remnants. ceram- ic ends. Free 27-uy-18 Inch mats, two pet customer. 884-9131. ttO SWIMMING POOL BALE: '86 'rt-tto- USED OFFICE furniture. desks. chairs, filing cabinets. store dismay: and 4 RECUNER chain. 2 newly uphol- stered. Onty in white cotton. 885- 0440 or 886-4496. (13) COUCH AND LOVESEAT. excellent condition. 1 your 06d. Moving. Must so" - Beat otter. 744-9722. (13) BLUE JAY rum. A, Wed. April B, attemooo. Cleveland Indians. Price negotiable. 886-3719. (13) ANTIQUE DROPLEAF lane and 2 chairs. Wicker bookcase. wicker hiahback chair. men's toner skates, Mack size 9. Hand mixer 5 speed Sunbeam. After 5 pm. 884-8593. EXCITING NEW Guidebook! Easy to tollow. Turn your tgrtwortt into CASH! Populamy! Deiails, Hoter Publishing 71941 McPherson Ave. Saskatoon. Sash. S7N OX9. to) OUT OF PRtNT a Rare Books, Pamphlets a other EPHEMERA. Cat- alogues issued. ANDOR HOUSE. Box 235. Toeswatov, Omario MOG 280. (0) EViNRUDE OUTBOARDS - Fidory MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shins 82.76. Wont l Pam 83.50. Wont Boot. 815. Send " for catalogue (Reimbursement let omen mummy Surat». Box 243. St. Ttmotttee, Quebec. J08 1x0. tot able shaving. Baker‘s New and Used. 1000 Bishop St. N., Cam- bridge. (519) 653-0500, Monday to Friday, B-6, Saturday. 9-12. can) mounds. mama “only, IIV. mm. Don't buy until you oom- pnn our warm M when. loot any (610) 066-0221. tth (Shawnee; 1986 - " HP,, 81.299 " H.P., 31.299 1985 Evinmdo 90 HP. [wand new original taciory canon trom $3.999. Can King. Manna. Box 98. Fender: Pals. KOM 1N0 (705) 881-3321. to) " SMALL ENGINES YOUR LAWN BOY SERVICE CENTRE Beat The Spring Rm" Sttm 5109-.-..- on A GiiiaibkiE - iEiiiimE AIP PLUS A FREE Bunch Sttarponlrttt c We us. man-I put: q Repairs to moat make. 0 UM lawn mm for at. Kw SMALL ENGINES 145 Carolina St., Waterloo 5194400 ttr1tlrtt Lab-m HOURS: Mom-Pd Waterloo Chronicle (MW) (13) USED wmdoo cavemen was! mm. Paying $1.00!:ch (not tom) new bags. WW Chron- Iclo. " em 8mm East, Wutodoo. 886-2830. (T F) WANTED: Oitt odd. silver and Mexi- can jeweuery. Sheuey china, Sliding giver tttttware. 885-2300. (16) ARTtth.ES WANTED. For 85.00 we titarutyouraethNtor1moettttlrt yottrhxtatrt-psrBortttrougttour cum. 746-7297 bemoan a pm. mom.amw. (13) FARMERS WANTED Who are paying too much In or are not using all the tax bunks tttttthath. Phone us today! Appointment tltrttrtt available to WANTED: Hard cover books published below 1920. Single "an: or collec- tions bought. 885-2349. (13) KNOWLEDGEABLE. REPUTABLE Owner ot small antique shop wishes to buy Sterling. crystal, china. linen. etc. 885-2300. WANTED: For parts - used gas lawn mowers. 664-2761. (15) OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Mons onty. Old ROLEX ' PATEK PHILLIP wristwatches wanted. Also wanted Eaton: "Quarter Century" Square wristwatchos (25 years ser- vice). Will pay $750 a up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or write B, Walsh, 173 Queen St. East. Toronto, Ontario M5A tS2. tot WANTED: Girls messes. boys suits. pants or jackets for F irst Communion. on consignment tor resale. Second Chances. 997 King St. E., Cam-. bridge, 653-3162. (Across from Saw. age Shoes). (CR13) ANTIQUES Furniture, rugs. jewellery, calm. smiling cracks. glass and china, etc. One piece to compute WE BUY gold jewellery in any tom REWARD. $50 - $500 paid for old mechanical banks and pre 1930 tin toys, especially those marked LEH- MANN. Call collect anytime, Bill Hogan (416) 64l-1420. (0) OLD POCKET TOBACCO TlNS, pay- ing $200 a up. Example - Master Mason. Three Strikes, TY Cobb. Torpedo, Gold Dust, Taxi, Big Ben. Also other interesting tins, Paying same price for plastic air King, Temple Radios, Call (416) 664- 6956, (0) "tt-tmsa.-e-ett-.ettttrmtt="'s W‘MMWNWW.WVJ awn com. ttpd King at. E. tttttsh- s10-4uo.awuu artr.tamtteitt2tAt630 THE SALVATION ARMY requires do- nations of doctrine. lumitute. dishes. books. W. â€ounces. etc. Help people who don't have as much! For pickup at your home, can 578- 3130. tttl PIANO WANTED: Regardless ot com dition. Call 689-2280 or 669-2311 BUYING FOR CASH: Gold and silvel in WANTED: Used gas Iawn mowers. 664-2761. (15) RECORDS Top can paid for records. Encore Records, 297 King East, Kitchenet. Phone 744.1370. (if) uncut 1986 tax returns in your homo Farm 800mm Conwnann. 2109 Oxford St. E. London. MN 229, Cal, to! In. t-atttF26S-to02. In W you-round tttr as - (0) estate. At Jone 899-8787 Elmira. Silver also. Fair prices paid. B-G DOAMONDS & GOLD INC.. 19 Scott St., Kit. 745-1941. (was and hockey cards, second-ttand stereos. VCR's, cameras. Kitchener Coin Shop. 742-9181. (MRtf) anytime. ttO tttl