oaat-ttrootert+-- mammalian-rah- mamas-mm“ m m k I.“ It "ttt-rttetrrmra-r,,,tirt+t rrtrrrti-"--rtbtemqbtqtrr can... "5781â€.“ “fault-um " “mm“‘m‘ agtreoe-.att.ttr-ar-_L' m m, 1125 In I. E., at... 516-400. a - u B., m was: _rrxarse--..eMtoe"ttmlrtMut!Ae3.e.ysfAlf3,1,,,t"h an 86Ni-nNtttra4ttoot.Automatlti.1at3..,.,.,.,...,...., $0495 MMaattttturtto.8000km.i1at2.............,,..,,, 814,995 8t_B2000pitAup,Fhm-tt,air.i101tr,..........,.tittttts 85N-nNtttnomtton.Automatie,ait.dtt6n2tt3.,...,,.....,.ttms 85ToyrotauR2.Fhied,sunmof.iM3,...,.......... 812,995 I8ilirqrtrt4_pittup.Ft-ed,ymtp-ott6.13tu..... $10,995 85)tWtMli4ttttot.rh-d.i1ttfs,.......,,...,.....,.. was 85Maadat1LC.Fhmed.Arr-ttt24......................... 87495 tirtatVC8pott.Fhm-d,eunmot.gtttF1attt........,,., 88405 'Horrmt#rtttyt.Fsttottr.rh-ti.tatn..,,........t1t,ars PTotrttafkatttNLE-tan.Fttmgit-i.gtrr-tti..-. 811,995 Pi>ieaqTSlftttmtht.Fhm-d,-rtot.m-1tu4........ $11,905 PTorrtuComei.Fuip-d,sunrrtot.gtrr-tttstt.......... £0405 MPtmtiac8000STE-n.tutteti.at7-tttO.....,...,...., $12,06 il?rorrstat>llt_t_mlfttmteF1t-tt.attr131tt......,...... $9095 '?ToyptaT-i5ttoor.Fte-d9ttrtattr.,.,...,........ $8305 83Dodgethnni46oor.Automit--ttm..,.,..,,....,..... $4495 83TorrotaNtxti5ttoori0tr....,.........,,...........,.tdats 82Toy0tatulitoaGrSilftbee.Airgtttrt3at................,.,.tattts 82ToyrmTerrxtl2tioor.Automaticittw.........,........utt* 1T_oyrttat)ottmafdoor.Fiv-d.itat3............, $5995 81ToyotaCdica.F‘rvoapud.m-1013........................ 84495 NroytotaCtrmtitta.i.mttett.gttr-tttm......., "8me thttttrio'si-ttmtttmeTowta Dodo!" Heffner "No Problem Warranty" For the first 12 monthttl20,000 km, you the customer pay for gas and insurance. . . we the dealer pay for everything else. All above vehicles over $5000 qualify. See our Toyota Representative for details Jerry Smith, Mat Kiarnil. Peter Sloop, Steve Taylor, Bill Fearon, Paul Brown 1620ltingEast,Kitcttatar,744a+ Trade-In Allowance* For Your Trade 'tt,12fltr1:figFii'i"m MINIMUM $1 000 'Limitonetmtt.4np-tomer mmmmm t9 YO TA Whammy. out. “and“ â€In eiba.etr.omtthtsetttext-. magnumâ€- 't-adeM.titrrat$tter.,6tr'te., to“. m. argiliirtrti' as. â€Manhunt-now "rrtt9aqtatymrrttt-.rrdtimb awn. M mm “I. Inn-Mm tt8t FFNE R F1318....,.,......8Mtts ...rr...... olw,m _.......... $12,995 Mau..... $10,995 .cr.....er. 811,405 w.......... 811,995 M........ 811,995 q.......... $12.O6 I. 1riiEiijLn LttOENtNGHELP8... "etpT-toetstt_hnerettutree 'trto9ud-tontteartntttmtur_ tn.ehrtrtMrtetttetretttrttthrtti-ttrttt -ttetrtv-tHttetqMtu.Ttt-stt 'ttner" m Ml 2tat. To arC?EiECCTErCC2 m. tati 745-11â€. (13) 87 mas/mun: FOR RENT -1904 T!“ Air 22Aoot 1932 CHEVY knock. Good condition 31 FT. TROJAN. twin v-e Chrysler 'tOgio-lui),---."" Motor Homes - Trailers Park Models and Fifth Wheels!! LIGHT WEIGHTS are invstock Designed to be towed behind 4 cylinder cars. 1980 PLYMOUTH Volare wagon. " mimic, power steering, power brakes. AM condition inside and out. Must be soon. 75,000 miles. nice funny car. Private. $3.300 certified. 886-1511. (13) mItHtotErttt-ttrt.s.qgtrq CAMBRIDGE motor home. Sleep: tr, lully W. W4 743-8291. 65,000 miles. $4.600 or best otter. Certified. wm16. (12) DEALERS FOR Prowler, Glendale, Gypsy work. Excellent investment value. Accept ollers around $6.500. 653- 1140. (12) o-tnes-rar-ite-tm, SEE US TODAY' - Sales - Service - Rentals u-i-at-r-.- m I? It" St. l. Our -.+"e.taerrtirttltt -t."trtt-.TrNtttt.T-Stt, 1btetttttaat.0rti,tttttBees.Ahoe- trmem$ttq In. m - who for M Mm. Talus adios 1t-attbANb6ARN5St. (0) Corner Of Hwy. 24 North And Hwy. 401 q 658-5192 Next to Spdhs Work! If You Didn't Buy From Os You Just Didn’t Shop Us "in.“ 653-982t (13) Ht â€IS/SIB LOVE WANTS? Monarch mm. In! or pun-urn. Cun- Ido'l an“ trrotMrttt ttet-tt now may Io: Oil-to. No My. no ttettrqete. m can Income are» or... mom. 2216 Wattdey, m. m. lar. (614) 6.0- FRAGRANCE & Noddy Conway“; Wanna; Mum SEASONS new†notice our. perfume. and tuition hosiery. Earn hundreds, “vino mu m. Snow 8315 ro- an " .00. 14004814876. (0) FISHERMEN'S MEMORIAL LOOKING FOR Professional Skating Teacher, CANSKATE. CANFIGURE. TRAtNFORAJOBqttatvture_.wittt Tri-County truck driver training. Job FAhMuEBWANTEDtopeot+udttitrro 'rt-Car-Ch-f-tttether, EXPERIENCED JOURNALIST for a pan-time position with our business magazine in Kitctuttter-Wtgter- MEN & WOMEN to distribu‘e in their own neighbomood 30 varieties ot CALL: DAVE MERKLE (B) ELECTROLUX is hiring students be- cause at increased consume: activi- ty. Make sure your summer pays oft in a big way. Phone 743-8278. (14) CARPENTERS/FRAMER. Witt train HAIR STYUST wanted with reasonable mom tor matrervuory petitions. "oematttto cam Mr. Moon. 894- 4114. (13) hour trom Hum. the provincial capital. Experience preferred, but not mammary. W. must be elici- bh tor provincld registration. Schr- ioo 825.071 to $23,976. commonw- rate with experience. My in writing to: Director. Human Honorees. Fion- ormon'u Memorial Hospital. Box 1180. Lumburo. MS. EOJ 2C0. (0) ttAttLAntEBttttFNALLTEAM A-m f TAL, a community bosom: with 83 scum we and Wm bod: re- quires 1 tun-am. Occupational Ther- apist and , NW Phyelottterrapiot. Located In picturesque Lunonburo on Nova Soon“ tooth more. n Must I Western Alberta. octohrtr/Aprlt 17 hours iodine/week. Send you“ m photo: Box 263, Rocky Moun- mn Home. Alberta, TOM 1T0. (O) SUPERVISORY POSITIONS King St. E., KW. 6ttNF43- 5011; 300 Colbomo St. E.. Brant- ford, (519) 7560223. (0) Cal one! 8:30. 656-2282. (15) require hair stytist without clientele and pan-time position. Lamont Hair Chateau, 885-5050. ask for Ed, (12) appeal to ootneone who is shined in new: and toature writing. Candidates must be able to meet challenges and deadlines. We otter fktttiNe hours. “erecting work in a stimulating environment and a steady income. Sqodresum6to:Cttris Jult,puMiaher, 251 Edinburgh Rd. N., Guelph, Ontario, NIH 552. (13) "ttscafet&MmteattotttrinV.ky-cal um and woven -icq. provid- od. “and and to“ homes also W. Catt Fundy & Children} Sonicâ€. 576-0540 1Cnmtrridtte 623-0970). Bl Juno. (TF) loo/Cambridge. The position will tooled painted pouches. Quebec Vending Inc. 4753 Pontiac St., Madam. (12) KATHI NEIL oo 578-4876 tro 885-4071 tot (14) Ismail-rum LOW BACK in our. bud and tmt-ttmd R.O.P. - can. Aho 115mm: Iammmm DOG 8 CAT Grooming. " broods styled professionally to wit your pet, Pick up and delivery service atmll- abio. Over 20 your: experience. 669-4232. M Profowonll grooming. whaling in " breeds ot cats and dooc. Phone 746-3002 Ior appointment. l Em St E., Waterloo. (N) Little Mountain Parent Partbclpatiog Preschool at Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, 29 Westmount Road South, Wnterioo, Saturday, Match 28, 9:00- 12:00 noon. For details. can 746- 1084. (12) OPEN HOUSE ' REGISTRATION OPEN HOUSE & REGISTRATION AFTER SCHOOL smut required tor Lyon-ck! boy. Prater a responstbte student in my home or cartng mother new Lincotn Heights school. 885 4776. " 2) OPEN HOUSE - St. John's Nursery School, 22 Wiitow Street, Waterloo. Licensed pre-school programming for 2-5 year okts. Register now for September. March 25, 2-4 pm. and 7 p.rn.-630 pm. March 28, IO a.m.-12 pm. (12) NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER available immediately. 2 years experience with pummel family. Excellent refer- ancestor live-in or out position 744- 6448. (13) BEECHWOOD .. Mature responsible mun needed tor the care ot two cttitttren. Non smoker. references. Call 884-3082 after 4 pm. (15) MAKE MONEY! Save money! Learn basic bookkeeping try correspond- ence. For free brochure, no obliga- tion, write: U & R Correspondence School. 1345 Pembina Hwy, Winni- peg, MB, R3T 286. (O) BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours FREE: 1987 guide to aturty-at-ttome corrupondonco diploma ooumo tor minions canon: Accounting, Air- conditioning. Bookkooping. Busi- ness. Cosmetology. Electronics. Local/Medical Secretary. Psycholo- tw. Travel. Wanton WA), 263 Ade- laide West. Toronto. 1-800-26& 1 121 . (O) BEGIN A log banding career. Jobs are available tor twatitimt loo buildup. 10-week weer course begins May 4th. 5 days e week, 94:30. 8200 per MAeMtrRtEt4emtrretttttottttVt. "ro. am an -tetqeeettt “I d â€10. rabbi my Saturday at WW Comty an‘ Mark-t. Rumba: Fahd Dorm and clan-mm Rat» My. (12) iEE-Crrrarfrrrn A QNeER iN 7mm. Truman “I 000606. New In In In. ttt run In: your an. A loan. Foe 9:000:00!!an lnl0rv|0lv and lots tthet-et' Winn W: M Our Tran-pod can: Tm. cam- ttettttts Lab-266d zoo. (WRTF) week. Shorter courses availame. Compute on site. Contact: Pat Wotfe Log Building School, RR I, McDon- aIds Corners. Ontario. KOG IMO. Days: (613) 278-2009; Evenings: (613) 259-2607. tor at instruction. Next class May 30 - June 6. 1987. Contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioeering. PO. Box 145, Innerkip. Ont. NOJ IMO, (519) 469-3936. (519) 537-2115. m. can mm a Moo-ao- uu. m. -.eetesetemtr out». “an" "noon. Mi Mo SUE'S K-9 KLIP NOW OPEN to)