HOLY SPIFRIT, you who make me «se everyining and who show me the way to reach my ideal; you who give me the divine gift to ftorgive and forget PAGE 34 â€" WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY . FEpruany 25, 1987 for all ages. Protessional, humorous. Reasonable. Hartiey, 658â€"6811 Gocal assistance with couple discord, parent/child conflict, grief, diverce, THE INSTITUTE of Advanced Thinkers ment courses in Mind Power , Beyond selling Centre, St. Agatha. Wran the wrong that is done to me; and you who are in all instances of my lite with me; 1, in this short distogue want to thank you for ever once more that | never want to be separated from you no maiter how great material desires may be. i want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen. Thank you for your love towards me and my loved ones. Person must pray this prayer three conseculive days withâ€" out asking your wish. After third day. your wish will be granted, no maiter how difficult it may be. Then promise to publish this dialogue as soon as your favor has been granted. A.H. THE HUETHER HOTEL chology and much more! Our Best Seller ... Fat Loss through mental HORT OF CASH? Try personai budgeting. For free information bookiet send 34¢ postage to Caral, Dept. A, Box 72, Concord. Ontario, reprogr cheque or M.O. to: 23 Baildwin Ave. B, Concord, Ontario, L4K 1G2. L4K LION BREWERY Please contact the Adilys‘s or i Anyone with memoraisilia MAGICIAN : 7A46â€"2323 / ONTARIO‘S LARGEST tarm mathineâ€" WANTED: Experienced ad person for TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future ... with TMYMWTW‘_.E conducted second Fridey each morth) Approx. 1950â€"17t5 wactors, pius all types of term equipment. Consignments welcome. For more antormamon call (519) 424â€"9998 or (519) 424â€"9003. Propristors KS. Hamutecki 4 Sons. 1O) I:m-lhem;-ï¬1t&m.w16.1987lo( i at the following Conservation Areas: . consignment sale, Sat. Feb. 28, 10 Grand River Conservation Authority Food and Boat Concession Tender f Listowel. Tack and equipment, 10 am. Consignments welcome. (519) 291â€"2049. (0) small paper . Salary plus commission . Good growth potential. Send resumé to Ms. Conolly, 2044 Walker Ave., Peterborough, Ont. PSL 151. (O) King St E.. Kitchener, (519) 743â€" 5011; 300 Colbome St. E., Brantâ€" ford, (519) 756â€"0223. (0) direct inquiries to N. Childerhose, Clerkâ€"Treasurer , To-nstjlp o_f Ontario, P2A PW9. (TO5S) 342â€"5252. (O) Conservation Area Tenders can be on a single or a multiple area basis Shade‘s Milils Tenders to be delivered to: Grand River Conservation Authority 400 Clyde Rd. Box 729 N1R 5W6 For particulars, please contact: Larry Steffler (519) 621â€"2761 LOSE WEIGHT and inches. No exerâ€" cise needed. Find out how | lost over 55 Ibs. and 17 inches in 17 weeks. Phone 744â€"3461. (tf) (B) mm + ‘ uit M * e s E " . ’â€~ j F W # 3 _ o 1. h P S +2 : 2 Jist Task aight WE‘RE NOT SAYING ‘CURE‘, WE ARE SAYING RESULTS. PUBLC MmMEEUING All residents of the city are encouraged to express your opinions and concerns regarding The Master Plan at either of the following Open House /Public Meetings. THURSDAY, FEDRUARY 26, 1987 _ OPEN MOUSE â€" 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. The firm of Jean Monteith and Associates Limited has been retained by The City of Waterioo in coâ€"operation with The Ministry of Tourism and Recreation to prepare a master parks and recreation pian for the city. The purpose of The Master Plan is to establish a coâ€"ordinated and orderly approach to the provision of cultural and recreational facilities and services and parks in Waterloo. The study program will address physical facility and program needs now and for the next ten \Resfart ADULT RECREATION CENTRE (at the corner of King & Allen) MASTER PARKS & RECREATION PLAN » 7456451230 STie Open 11 a m.At0 8 p.m., Satnuday 9 am. to 3 p.m. CITY OF WATERLOO AFTER 8 WEEKS AFTER 3 MONTHS King St. W., | WAin Teaagruaits â€" 7:30 p.m