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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 Feb 1987, p. 37

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OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundroda of top paying petitions. Attractive bon- AtRuHE/CttuttWSMtP JOBS now Mr- tf you have not seen our exciting new product.orityoowouldFrtsome “amnion on becoming on Avon WM. phone call Canada} 81 Benny Company at 7430421 m REMOVED, doves. chain. etc, W. oar-oat clam. Wad: coiling. and m. Smal mung you. Have t job in mind? 144-4971. JIM. tlol ENTREPRENEUR - OPPORTUNITY. Enjoy high earnings in Auto Club and/0t advertising. Flexible hours - lull or part-time. Contact: Kelly at head officer, toMrae: 1m80ty-265- 1235 (9 am. - a pm). (0) MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows Eat. 1975. Join our soccesstul family of independent representatives in prey amino quality "acetic and lei- 1tor6ttitetrr at ln-Home parties tor woman. Cal to.treet at 1-a00-263- 9188. (O) DtSTRtBUTORS part-time or futr-time selling our high quality line ot distillers. Mars and water sotteners, tor residemial and commercial appli- cations. Be your own boss and earn extra income in this growing industry. For more information contact: Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant Street, Burtingtom Ont. L7R 266. (416) 639-0503 tor ily, rrilTiriirjiEiLL" Qualifications: 7 - pheasant personality - twine - sates ability Reply in writing to, The Waterloo Chronicle 45 Erb St. E. Waterloo. N2J 1L7 Att'n: Office Manager let MEIR/SALES HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED in Beech- wood. Job includes morning and after school babysitting. laundry and some meal preparation, Call 746- 1799. (7) “Ill. " comm. Fro. details. Oven.” Empdoymom Sonic”. Dept. C.A.. Box Mo, Mount Royal, Out H9307. - __ ,7 - ___ft?9 bMttmtatioet - W job or no be. (416) 4824600. Eat. 602 t_rttrttt./Weettartrts. (O) iaiiCtriE1 sun do ma an 'tiiti, iiiiGi; proximately March 16-23 for store aetup and training. Part-time clerks will work a winded schedule of days, eve- mugs and weekends. up to 24 hours per week. These positions have automat- ic pay progression and fringe benefit options based on length of sen/ice. Interested parties may obtain applications by phoning: Human Resource Dept. KENT DRUGS LTD. 41 $671 " 533 or by writing to: Director, Human Resources 3185 American Drive Mississauga, L4V 188 thttar8t.N.,watortoo t)yrttr"htpgpitystor-tse HAVE YOU LOST YOUR "AVON LADY"? RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY Interviews with be held week of March 9. DRUG CITY secretarial support, classified sales, advertising support required F nil-time try new» - Much Buck I” Tttmlmtamttt lau8Emtttittt"tttEtttt BEECHWOOD. Non-smoking mother ottwttyerarohttan6six montttotttwitt battysit loud-lubed child, 2h-4. My home. Nutritious lunches, tMbettttruc- tive playtime, Weekdays. Mt5-6434. (10) available. with chad care courses. Non-smoker, driver, own car. For tive-out position. 744-6448. (7) 9 Avondaie Ave. South, will be holding ore-registration tor September 1987. on Saturday, March r, IO a.m.-2 pm. Waring: Half day. two year olds, parent participating; and three and tour your aids. participating and "Ort-participating programs. For more Nomination. call 884-3400 or 884- 1576. (9) EMPIRE SCHOOL/Mame Hm Acres. Sitter needed we: whom for two aids. 888-6884. tr) LOW BACK lat our. bred JG mg H.911 toned bean. Also BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours of instruction. Next class Ma n 14-2194. Contact Southwestern C - tario School of Auctiorteeriog, PO, Box 145, lnnerkip. Ont. JOJ 1M0. (519) 469-3936. (519) 537-21 15, BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. Canadian CASH IN on income tax. Earn money doing tax returns, Learn money-sav- ing tips. Free brochure. U & R Tax Schools. 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winni- peg, MB, R3T 286. (O) FREE 1987 guide to atutty-at-ttome correspondence diploma courses tor messigious careers: Accounting, Air- conditioning, Bookkeeping. Busi- ness, Cosmetology. Electronics. Legal/Medical Secretary. Psycholo- gy. Travel. Granton (5A), 263 Ade. hide West. Toronto. 1-80tF26tV 1121. (0) " m Mltt mammal: A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transpon driver: needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A license. For pretscrerernittg inmrview and job plum! information contact Merv Orr Transport Driver Training, Cam- bridge 1-800-265-1260. (WRTF) Tours. totio. 20m "f" _ -ei, was WANTED It)! - aa; 'tet-tttmet-ttrt-tr-tny- an. Exotica! 9000mm using our m m. For doth cum BOLT Security Sultan, 1261 WM.. Buettetgtoet.Ortt.,LrM EARNt6%pery-rlrtU.S.D- Guam By way of loosing 3209; Ft. mum-u. mo. pi; 10% Ttr/tive hm to”, La HIRING NONI Contraction (IN rabbi my Saturday at wuorbo County Fm: Mark“. Roam PM Donuts and Gunman Rab- ttttry. (12) 2619 Champion instructors. Classes start March 1987. Jordan 8 McLean School ot Auclioneering. Box 94, Kitscoty. Ma., TOB 2P0. (403) 846-2211. (403) tM2-5528. (0) income - 5 Morin. Cargo Cont-hon My $2.325 not you. 10 my $4.650 per your. 25 pay 31!.625 per your. utogtttott-iaupto ‘5yom(5 your incmemmtsl. Minimum inven- monl $3,100. " above in US. Dollars. Aux about our Cw Appro- ciatlon program. Call (416) 368- 3585. Write F%cmc Rim 00mm Sales Lida 2nd noon 33 Yonoe St., Toronto. MSE 189. . (0) 332.com.) (303) 6824260. (on Mon: “10'. Min). Tmnethtrtttt+ Job Sore". Foo m. tot "17. or M(l16)336-77‘7. tot PROFESSIONAL NANNY WATERLOO CO-OPERATIVE PESCHOOL NONI. Mar 16-13. (0) ADVANCED RENOVATIONS. Rec Were .wented try a woman who had been kissed on the forehead" Well. as the old saying goes - NEED is the mother ot invention! At SOMMERS. we think our greatest NEED is to satisfy all our customers and tor titty years we have strived to do just that. When it comes to motors and generators no one needs to shop around as we have already done this for you as our quality and prices show! Our large stock~to choose from and our experience to guide you can save you plenty. Simply call 655-2396 at Tavistock, Ontario and someone at Sommers Motor Generator Sales will help you. (08) WEDDING BOUQUETS. 820 and up. Fun ubclion of styles and colour. In M. 10 were experience. Ouellty end subduction. 149-0513. ttfl DAVE new NWT“! - or, 0m m. -ttttet Catt $tte all“. 002-2627. FOOT CARE by RN's. 69 Bridgepon Rd. East. Walotloo (ogpouno Towers). 1463050; 100 Queen St. North, Kltctteoor, 578-3520. Your home. 744-4571. 315820. tttt FREE SERVICE Catt, and it we CAN'T tix it you don‘t pay. Service to " refrigerators and major acoustics: 576-3781 or 1-229-6800. (N) FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1966 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants. 2109 Oxford St. East, London. NSV 229. 1-M0-265-1002. (0) ALL PLUMBMG REPAIRS. Insulation TEXTURED CEILINGS. Quality prod- ucts and worttmanattip. Genuine” word-bio calming and renew-(tom. 576-3781 or 1-229-6800. (if) HOME SEWING by prohssional ttreaamaher. Experienced in all types and styies of women's war. To PAINTING AND house repairs. Good rates. 7457348. (10) HI i-HEELED SHOES FREE ESTIMATES on NEW BUSINESSES - Need a Secre- tary, but don‘t need the overhead? Fully automated office with experi- enced out". Word processing. book- keeping, computerized graphics and custom reports. Weekly. monthty. yearty and one-time rates. Contact Professional Impressions. 744- 3848. (MN!) MfRYrAY cosuencs - Would you CERTIFIED CARPENTER, 2O room. our specialty. Framing. trim, plumbing. bathrooms, window". drywdl. comma W91 Fro. oo- h“... February dhoomu. 064- 3363 or 746-4844. Mfetqrtoo. (B) "AYBtt'-t-rait-rerut- Inc 'ttthet, o'meI-Sovom Wur- 5’le and decorating. Cal! Bots, 576-297‘. MR") ROCKTON REFINISHING' Specializing in rec rooms and " ovations. Cal Steven at 699-5392 inquire. phone 8844 793 anytime she: 12 noon; not available Tues- days, (10) Stripping and Ao-finishing " tvortamnattip gear-rm Catt Rockton (519) 647-2589 DAYS, Eveumes a WEEKENDS until! renovations. Some types of NW. shaming Skilsaw blades. Guaranteed workmanship. Refer- ences. 664-2114 evenings. (10) FEBRUARY I MARCH SPECML grttrtcarAree products? Call Em at 578-3066 to: a "tlo OttlhNRioet" with oaa, - ”190.7%"? mm.mmr. tot 75% OFF (MR7) WATERPROOFING Spool-lb“. Leaky Damon. Drun- aoo Moms - sump pump. manned. " foundation mobbms. 20 your: banded. Low prices, work warm. ”57790. (If) MAtNTENANCE/REPAtR& All thou bob- Mound the Noun: Humbhg. chewed. carpentry. pointing. um Everyman done by hand; MW. waning. interior shampoo. motor. noun donned. scotch guarding. Can. vans. pick-opts, boats. 312 Mnroland Drteat (roar beading) M6-tstt. Open 8:005:00 Monday-Friday, Saturday till 4:00. tm McTAVISH'S CLOCK - Shop - Auto Beauty Centre. Elmira. 669- 2506. - Free from K-W. (N) Window tint professionally applied. " tor Wings and vehicles, it imam” up to Mob pane value and stops GLARE a FADE by up to 100%. HIRNWOOO RENOVATIONS. Home Improvements our specialty, unch- em. rec rooms. bathrooms, with modal winter rang. Free estimates. 744-1550. tMRt0 - Sonny's Sharpening 401-6 Weber St. N. Commas shar- pening service: all types, amides. circular and band saws. minors. clippers. knives, skates. lawn and garden took. Shop hours: 8:00-5:00. Saturday till noon. 884-5401. (If) Repair or install your aluminum doors. fences, docks and small carpentry tom .161!) W. 064-2060. (Acton trom Waterloo Stock DR. DISC MUSICAL CURE's ... Dealing in: Imports, Compact Discs. Cotktctatges. Trade. Buy 5 Seit Re- cords. 150 King St. w.. Kitchener. 743-8315. - (MR9) APPUANCE REPAIR - Why pay the big guys their big prices? Ernie Snow's Appliance Repair at a price you can allow. Refrigerators. slaves. wash- ers. dryers. etc. Senior Citizen's discount. Evening appointments available. Call 7459240. (T Fl A-1 CAR CLEANING atatietioet/repelrs, odd Jobo. 578- Wmhwwww. mummaocu.m 'ittetattratrttrttt.Fr-ttmi.Oo. ALL TYPES ot renovations. guaran- tees}. quality workmanahip at oom- - COMO“ - who - payrot - T43, 1 - Mam} 'a"iirioet' - - Fiiii-iiisi BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Our computerized bookkeeping ooh vice otters: - complete bookkeeping -.%.I..%r.- “tn-unit. Iw". III. “C. OMA with " yam W. ca ttt 18tcut" your toqulromonta. tMMV NAM m. WY. mm 18. mm - PAGE " um“ tum-Inn 'itll tltliii?ll,tt. -t'fffftfffftl PAINTING P but)“ '%roetatturetoraatrooeteeto one”. mastering. drywall, where's m and carpentry. Free estimates. Wonder Construction." W2815. Dowel N's. " summaries tirtanct'al statements and all you and won: tor mu businesses. WINDOW TINTING Reasonable Rates Call Marilyn 578-0313 as. an REALTY uh. HANDYMAN tttr tttl -- "u":- v'Urnlng I MAMWonr, Havoc John at “the. 287 Lock. St. tk 108. "Milo". om. LOP n4 ‘M,AA-- DATES GALORE: Far- Stretch your dollars at Goodwill for good quality clolhlna. shoes and toys at very low prices. Bargains tor our customers are wt'9etrforhandicapped people. (7) RIPLEY-HURON Craft Festival, May 16, 1987. Applications from Mrs. Gail van der Hoek, RR #4, Ripley, NOG 2RO, (519) 395-5497. Should be submitted by April 1. Handcrafted articles only. (0) iEECtzEiCEii3 RUMMAGE SALE, First United Church. King and William Streets, Waterloo. Friday. Feb. 20. 7-9 pm; Saturday, Feb. 21, 9:30-11 am, (7) 180tlttttttttElEttTt MOTHERS-TO-BE. The nexi WeIcome Wagon Baby Shower is February 23. 1987, 6:30 pm. at Waterloo Inn. Please call 745-01 12 for your FREE invitation. (7) -ee -_. “”3 mm unattached. Thousands ot members anxious to meat you, Promos Ac, quaintances can ttA-trem: 1-800. “a n-A- .- 263-9163. a“); IEEfriCCil LU ANN'S CATERING. Specialty CIF toting for att occasions - when only Day and night. Live bait. Jodaar Fish Huts. 1-705-437-30‘0. (10) EXPERIENCED catgnqttttattar - able. Custom work, - or ran- camoguu. otc.. very r-tatttq ml... Cal Wan-loo mould. 886- at 56 King Street North tat Princess Street) celebrates its Grand Opening starting today at 10 a.m. "HARMONY IN COLOURS." For on” 825.00 I will beauty your moon and 'rteerts,atrtg6ott-ts.rt-ttuNttm, Ut 12t$thlE yum/emu: PAT'S new - 'Ye" Buoy“- - Walt “who: LOSING YOUR HAIR? m *clmttttk: breakthrough wm help u and» vow ' v, . Simpaoo-Hosaowstri, 885-6578. (Cf) sonable rams. 6484847 when. Em at 578-3066. “Home. 884-2831. MESSIAH LUTHERAN '.SlhllS?iL The Goodwill . Thrift Shop Rev, Kevin crGirath. iustor 0: " Sunday School ”In Worship Servtee "No Limit To Love" EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Brtntteryttiiiitirii, WE DELIVER ICE FISHING 884-6743 -- "V "va MCR You have "W to with M M h-A. m - "_... my hair back to the t00% My back Noon till 8 at; Meir Gil' att was and m. a}; m (O) (It) ttO

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