fEiiEEEiiEE Yet another mistake about abortion issue The recent attortiem case in Medicine Hat, Alberta, involving an attempt by parents to save the life of their unborn grandchild provided In opportunity for abortion as to propagate yet soother gross mistruth about abortion in Canada. 1rekrtotheuettatiortbythemother's WMIMrhIhhmAsl m this. however. I am My a_"fthttrthettroetode.art.Ezeitedis -harstleeer-erd.heg-ratay ,em'r"reletttyeeamittehtmete? mmmmbégood'mnus Them are so many values which make a good instructor but the most important 'rrltetiareaskedinqoestioettdrmtrebw. Try to answer the questions and rate m instructor or instructors if have me. As a tttness instrumen- for the past seven years. I have experienced sigm- What training credentials/experience does your instructor have? If the person answering the phone does not know what or if the instructor has qualifications, be wary. Whether it be certification from a national body or iii-club training. make sure the stan- dards are consistent and include at least CPR and first aid training. Does the instructor execute the exer- cises properly? Bouncing during stretches, locked knees or elbows, straight leg bends. etc., are to be avoided . If your instructor does not know this. avoid her/him. Does the instructor watch the class and make necessary corrections? Either hands-on or verbal corrections are necessary. There's no sense working out for an entire class, doing the movements incorrectly and pos- sibly damaging yourself. (If you don't like being touched by strangers. let your instructor know, yet encourage her verbal corrections). Is the class organized and does it flow well? Smooth timing of exercises “My yes. I wall want to use that tt'g He" J Fitness Forum Question asked at Waterloo Town Square treawareir-iati-strttSe exereiseeurs.Nor_dthet-e tor My up up and an: to my: apes. This heats the eunu- -yofSteet-dmahesithnrdto â€yam. 5.t1antheittstmetqr-tivatetheeiass and tube (New comm dc sNtevarumeestotmesstevets?Eaeh participant should feel comfortable warm at an individual level with abortionist that the Criminal code prohib- its abortions performed after the and: week of prepacy. uhom child‘s lift at any time before the child has “completely proceeded. in a living state, from the body of its mother." The ally limitation is compliance with the formality of obtaining a tkerapeutic abortion certificate and using an ac- worry about getting her/his own workout despite the fact that the class is at a lower tlt-s level. The teaching must be geared to the level of the majority of the participants, with alternate movements for those who want either more or less of a workmt. What type of image does your instruc- tor portray? Good grooming is essen- tial to get the message across that tttness is a lifestyle. An instructor with extra pounds is perfectly accept- able. Do not choose an instructor or disregard one because of the size of her/his waist. Fitness levels are often not visible, Can you approach your instructor before or after class? She/he should introduce herself to each particpant and make sure they understand the class structure Let the instructor in on any constructive criticsm you may have. Most importantly . . . COMMUNICAA TION. An instructor may have all of the above 'putitieatimts, but may not be able to express herself/himself properly. A class where there is no talking means no communicating and no reacting. BORING. UNSAFE. UN PRODUCI'IVE. NOT FUNH M, m dttam, smiling pui- pens. he PPrtieirt"ttsHd ttare/y The truth is that the Criminal Code of “Yeah. At but to no it. " it's and“ new ad anew-n. it can“ be not“ to we.“ its of E0 credited hospital. The gestational age of the child is not a legal consideration. The tact is that a child is no less human 5 minutes before she proceeds from her mother's body than 5 minutes afterward Indeed. the tact is that she is just as human whether she can survive indepetr Gently or whether she requires life sumo“ from her mother or from artifi. Here's pan of one of them. This woman writes: "My biggest problem is not having enough emtthdeasee in myself. My husband is a good guy, but in some ways. he is inconsiderate. He never praises me and, in from of others, he seems always to run me down and make himself look so much smarter. I love him, but it still hurts and I believe that's most of the cause of my not having any emttidenee in myself." "eretsi-rewaytoNdtteatereei ateamteHmeerefaman,nrtsiettisto them the way he treats his wife In -rtttit,The_efthetittlematststUt tteeritieues'or-tuottttswiein the-eeofetttters. This is a 1orsg-suffering woman. but she is wrong if she thinks this attitude on the pan of her husband makes him look smarter. It doesn't. Ofeoeme,thesameruieofthumtte.n be applied to the wile, but I'm often stmehttyttteiette"rsrgethomwomest who sum†from this humiliating experi- To people with any character at all. the husband is revealing himself for what he really is - a basically insecure person who feels that the only way he can look good is by tearing down somebody else. And he chooses for this purpose the one person in the world he should build up - his wife - and in the case of this woman. the mother of his six children And it is just as rewarding as the opposite is destructive. And while we might want to sit down and have serious discussions about problems from time to Constant criticism of this kind, over the years. can destroy a person's self-esteem and self-confidence It's just as easy to praise, especially in public, as it is to find fault. "Yes I woid. Just to see if they have new “was.“ because it's Letters welcome -utttt-ttt-.-eBtter.8qMRt- tt. ".r--PAaEr the it should - be done In public. or ever: In from of friends. 'Nere-ewtttinttsq-dothat "enromethmtttarirsgdoqmthesetfes- teem of another person. " does nothing $ttrtes,whtiieiteattdttagreatdea1of harm to â€other. Yet, every day, there must be millions of people sloshing may at each other, at their children and other loved ones. They ere poor fools who don't know that we can only find happiness ourselves by bringing hoppiness to another. I remember one night, a man, at a brine session. say to his wife, “Darling. l just want to mention while I'm thinking about It, that you have more wonderful qualities than any person I have known.“ And then, as his wife beamed and everyone in the room smiled at this beautiful eomplimem, he paused, and then said, "But rm afraid playing bridge istt't one of them." At this, there was general laughter and, after being built up so high, even his wife didn't mind and Joined in. He made his point without his wife feeling hurt by it. There's nothing wrong with a little friendly teasing. Most of us can accept that if it is not carried too tar, Selfesteem is our most valuable possession. We can never be wrong in building it up in those around us: and we can never be right in tearing it down. We might all do well to check ourselves in this vital area and make certain that we concentrate on being constructive whenever possible. It pays off for us, too! (Mr. Fellows is the founder of the Human Resource Development Instr tute. PO. Box 642. Cambridge. NIR 5W1) The Criminal Code nonetheless autho rizes the destruction of such children until they have successfully completed their trip from their mothers' bodies. This is a barbaric law. It is astonishing that the media have accepted and published such an obvious misstatement of law by the abortionist in this case. “I would shop than if the stores and! outramuly priced - I like new malls." 1mm: