Phone 886-2830 Amman watertoot-gtt.Fatru6tauskltcttem, W,wootm.meod omrArceieostshousettndtstmcatioet to! two anywhere in North America. opemttouserFetteuarv14aetd1s,1-S WAREHOUSE AND light manufactur- ing space. Up to 7,000 square lest, Earty occupancy. Loading ramps. some omce space. $2.50 not. Good access to exptessway‘ Call Mega- Corporation, 8884860. ttf) Lili, 338 Baum Crmc, Wttter- loo. W72. (6) $135,000. Large 3 bedrootp bungalow WANTED: COMMERCIAL space to rent in Waterloo for retail and aesthetic servicea. Would like large window and good parking. 746- 6733. (6) It ttttttttttttCt-tttlik tttttttttEst-ttmot' PAGE 44 - â€moo C"t0KAXA, 'er.e...Cr. mm It, LAKESHORE VILLAGE - Retail space tor lease in established neighbour- hood plaza. 1.588 square lest. $962 per month inclues rent and common- ary tees. Air conditioned. large front windows. lots of parking. 8tM-a24r or 746-6589. A; socome'potsettiat. Two baths. extra study, kltctteo/ttsntlty room. 22 ft. by 17 ft. Two bedroom in-law FREE INFORMATION on how to.Start and Operate Your Own Profitabbe Business at home the prover! way! Write to: 32 Mowat Blvd. 3351. Kitchener, Ont. N2E 1x4. (MRS) apartment with separate entrance. kitchen and 3-piece bath. Excetlent location on bus route. Walking distance to Y, echoots; easy access to expressway. Open House Sunday 1-4:30, 232 Bridgeport Rd. East, or phone 886-0809 tor appointment. (No agents?. (6) REAL ESTATE ii21EWRiiCl [2iiEEICiriil PETS/Fm NEED A HOUSE? WANT A VACATION Real Estate Services Proj-ties Wanted Commercial, Industrial 1mcatthtNt Fromm Moms Opportunities Flam and Mortgages Home. Oct Rom Room. tor Rent Room and Board mum; tor Rent Wanted to Ron! Storm Space Mich. tor Sale Gar-go Salon Antique: and Art Fresh Produce Ame»: Wanna Cm for Sale Trucks for Sate AW Pm Automotive Rood" Montoya“ Boat: and Marine Cannon/Trail." Roam Vohbm Help Worm Acorns/Solos E_ms8oymqrtt WM gar'uf Trnhhé Pub-mm CLASSIFIED INDEX tTS EASIER than you think to make money at home. We train you to raise big bait worms in your banana" or garage‘ Odotimta. Low investment. Mattel guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology 8 Bait Farms Ltd. (Since 1975) RR $81, Smithvitle. Ontario, LOR 2AO. (416) 643-4252. NVEST IN YOURSELF. For $3.500 patches. this and printing but TAX FAST FOOD Business for sate. Four years in operation. Profitable. Very reasonable. Reply to Box WC426 at the Chronicle. m A FUN, exciting way to make extra money in home or office, For samples and 'Pow-To" booklet send $4.95 plus $2 shipping. Oceanside Enter- prises Ltd., 203-100t Cloverdaie Avenue, Victoria, B.C. V8X 409. Call ton-tree: u.S./Can, 1-800-663- 8008. Visa or Mastercard accepted, Allow 4-6 weeks deiivery. Money back guarantee! (0) Upwzowordn Each mm word 110 [11mm www.cmu "tttcorrections-rx-tttmt' 1tt:ooe.m.onT-tHr. Bach. Haida. Cart be your: March 14-21. 658-8200. (OR?) Pt-ttmst-ar-rt-et'. Put-tere-et-tttroom trkiteuettr-ttoitarttt.ttet+ iotmurothbo- FmirHdetetettt-ete=o- “whoâ€. shit m Mot. ass-8200. (can pinata. Free pick up and deuvay. Professional tax consultant. 884- 2088. (17) '-iiGGi, _ 'r,Fii'irii.iiG%im 510-0170 Trave/Vacations Campgrounds Con-on for Rem Wre'Actmm/Chm Modes! tttetructloo Coming Event: LodandFound Mus-alums Card: of Trunk. In Memoriamn Aut:mrARtorrteCtaLtXiTAKTSLTD mEMtmTBAaEPEOPtE ww'ijw' -Ve--" '7 lvmfum WWW-an NO can. 'mrz. TCr538r. Don M. Hee", RETURNS and bookkeeping w- undo-um rvG'W'a'l"l/Th'k%'s' - 6.15 7.66 8.25 "" too 1. m LEASE TO OWN you! on ttttair- W. Cone. Shop. 8245 90' "mm; Sub Shop 3296; Hm Busb- nou $595; Dell Store 8659; Vuioty Store was; Groom Store 3796: 40-80.! Mann! $948. mm lion. dollvoty and has extra. 30-day “mu. Arctic Rehittsrtittittet a Equip- monl. Estubmhod 1945. Phone Harmon. (416) 526-8525. Toronto (416) 283-2600. to) CLEAN. FRESHLY pained. inminhod rooms to not. Km and laundry helm“. Oboe to downtown Water- loo, on John Streak East. Non-smok- Ing. $45-$60 per week. 742-5964. FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment HOW TO PLAY popular Plano. New home study course, Fast. easy method. Guaranteed! For FREE in- formation. write: Popular Music Sys- tems. Studio 844. 3284 Boucherie Road. Kahuna. B.FC. VIZ 2H2. (O) FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Near universities. Separate enlrance. parking. bath, knchen and laundry facilities. Female non-smoke: pre- terred. 888-6829 after 5:30. (7) BADEN. Four bedroom apartment LOVE NEEDLECRAFTS? You‘ll love Panda StMttcrttft'a Canadian Need- lecran kits. For an: reptesontative infatuation or catalogue write: Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward Ave., Burilogtoo, Om. LTR 1T5. (O) SWIMMING POOL SALE. 1986 Itweo- tory. horounds. Onorounds. Above- grounds. Save hundreds. Limited supply. Book earry. Don't buy until you compete our guaranteed lowest prices. (613) 547-6434. (519) 658- 8921. (O) NORITAKE CHINA SALE. Terrific dis- MAPLE SUGARING SUPPLIES tor STAINLESS STEEL Inter carrier buck- m: mil Mralrter a“. on onset. 0M0 lineman. Mt *3. Wellandoln. Nth, 280. (No Phone). 2h mun out of Linwood, our K-W StocttyttrtH. Save this Id. (0) NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Otd lub- tonod apple. pan, apricot. nut (rm. shruba. avargraona. aaadunoa. Guaranteed dauvary. Raaaonabla aARDENErtB-Nrtd-tpyotyour -trocattNtttrttretho-orttrdro- Lee Avenue. Waterloo. Share kitch- en. Working female preferred. $200 a month plus some weekly help. Call 886-9026 after 3. available immediately, $500 monthly includes hydro and parking. Call 634-8600. INR08) counts on current patterns. First quality onty. Delivered well-packed. insured. Specify your Noritake pat- tern name and number. For price tut, dripping detsits, etc, send today a stamped. sen-addressed business envelope to: Atexutder's. The Nori- teke Experts, 158 Wanless Ave. Toronto. M4N 1W2. (416) 764- 1222. tor evaporatu selection. Fm catalogue. VUlt our um and warehouse. woman's Made Products, RR $1, W. Ont. MU 1A0. (519) 539-1355 or 537-8883. (0) mcumstmaoum and you In. copy of our ttnrrteettrtg maxim. 2tet Century Gum. P.O. Ion tM, PM. B.C. 'oa 1WD. (0) m. m 31 and 8.A.8.E. u Thu M. O was. Ion m, RR 8tt, CLASSIFIID "LOU"! - WISDAY, , 0 mm. (7) (8) (O) ENJOY A one! Ming. moldy made Ice cream cake. Venety otetylee. 0.9. rel cekee. cm. heart than, etc. Hece your order today. Bring In this ed when you pick up your cake and receive a 10% discount. Phone 742- 5270. ttr) NOMA ELECTRIC snow shovei. $100 or bed otter. Like new. 885-3782. Subscriptions Mailed out†of WW $20.00 pat year In Canada. Cal 886-2830. Sec, ond Clan Mal. Mutton Mamba 6640. Member: O.C.N.A.. C.C.N.A.. WATERBED. Rhoda. hybrid. Box and frame indudod. 009 you old. Huh quality, 8500, 578434916) S.N.A. ORIGINAL QUEBEC margarine. 100% says oil, light colour. Manama in 8.8 pound tubs. 13 “to polls. 2 pound tubs. 1 pound prin's. 576-2955. (6) RECUNER CHAIRS. never used but nature condos. Call 886-4496 or _ 885-0440 am Wednesday. please. 1 (6) USED OFFICE tumltun. docks. chairs. ttting mu. atom displayst KEROSENE HEATER, $100; PttWptt dictaphone with transcriber. like new. $400. 888-7833. _tt8, VINYL REMNANT Ciearoul. Variety ot no-wax My! Mor covering. all first KROEHLER tive-piece Mediterranean bedroom suite. queen size. Excellent condition. 5500 or best offer. 662- 1765. (NR08) BUY AND SELL Over 5,000 sq. ft. ot good. clean used furNture.Comerirtttndbrowtge. We buy - tree estimates and pickup on a compute who or an Male. Items must be In top shape The Trading Poet, 356 King St. W., Kitchenev. 743-1131.No TYtrorappWancetr. (to FIREWOOD: Seasoned hard wood. oversized face cords, 43 cu. tt. $1.52/cu. It. Kiln dried kindling. Delivery available. 746-6234. (CR7) STUDENTS DESKS. excellent contu- tion, 875-8125; 'trtttttt Mm. 835; mace. dove. S195: colour TY, 8275. Will delivet. 885-3689. 886- 4218 anytime. (WE-1) CARPET AND Vinyl Remnants, ceram- ic ends. Free 27-by-18 inch mats. two per customer. 884-9131. (to Bought and sold. top prices paid Encore Records. 297 tung Street East, Kitchener. 744-1370. ttfl DEAD CAR BATTERY? Forgot your headlight. again? Tho compute tteadAttttwamtrtgFtwttt "buzz" to rem you Io turn your “on" oft and the would "lam coma" MI Momma†â€'buu' to round you to tum your h-tttttttts on who lam - but†a pro-m M. It irtatat-tttutttttittmtttui.thttte highchair, 815. Both excellom condi- “on. 864-0666. (6) shafvlng. showcases. stool adjust- able SHOWN. Baker's New and Used. 1000 MO St. N., Cam- bridge. (519) 653-0500. Monday to Friday, 9-5. Saturday, 9-12. CR") WING ROOM suite. Dru“. Art Shoppe um. French mm “thanâ€! â€Amt Ming $3.100. Cal any day If!“ 6 pm. 886-8004. m dnyttgttttttt-rtdhettrNdottert" at atrettthgtt no M W youv tteedttgtt-rt.Ntalt.:mtreAe_ an W. to. In: "NA, mommmmm. Waterloo Chronicle L.P. RECORDS '. Cali 886-4080. (to (6) Ito MIRACLE SPAN WWW E0069- SSS SACRIFICE SACRIFICE '" 80W priced for immediate Mui- dation. " items in stock. 28x40x14 $3.996; 40x80x14 86.500; 46180x14 $9.250: 70x90x24 $21,789. Various sizes availabie up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct charm. Serious buyers onty. Ali buildings priced for immediate deli- MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: WorNahirts $275. Workpants $3.50. workbook $15. For catatogue. send $2 (reimbursed first order): Military Surplus. Box 243, St, Timothee. Que. JOS 1X0. (0) 25% oft childrens and ladies winter donning. Now accepting spring and summer nearty new. dean, good quality. fashionable ch'ndrens and ladies cIothing and jewelIery. Second Chances. 997 King St. E., Cambridge (across trom Savage Shoes), Tues.- Sat. 10-5; 653-3162. (CR7) USED Weierloo Chronicle newspaper carrier bags. Paying $1.00 tor dean tnot lam) new bags. Walenoo Chron- icle. 45 (in: Street East Watedoo. 886-2830. (T F) WINTER SALE. All clothing half price. Ending February 21. Hamilton gas clothes dryer; sofa and chair, suit- able for rec room. Rockway Thrift Shop, 137 King St. E., Kitchener (across from Eaton‘s). Phone 578- 8640. (7) Buying tor Cad]: can qr; you Lutoktst-,pocsotw-.tott'stttmecart tior,a-aa.a-rtests.etkotsrt'm'" GRANT 00.48. H25 King SI. E., KW, 576-4840. 3 WW St. 8 . m. 62‘4â€!) CASH PAID tor "wttatttaveyous", used furniture and antiques. odds and ends. Al Jones. 869-2960. Elma. REWARD: $150 paid tor Addison Two-colour plastic radios. Sorry. none needed with while plastic. Call (zoned (416) 641-1420. to) 1079 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 4 doom bloc In colour. Exotica! cm. 06,000 km. MI comfy. 82.400 or bod allot. Phone 766-2rtb2 ovo- nhoo. not tor Al Mock. tto THE SALVATION ABzY requires do- nations of clothing, mum's. dishes. Top cub pad for recon». Encore am. 297 King Em. Knew. Phono 744-1370. 00 ANTIQUES Fumnm. was. My. PIANO WANTED: Round“ of con- duct Celt 660-2280 or 009-2311 only. Example: 25x34 82.967; 32x34 83.714; 40x42 $4,871; 46x90 â€.887; 70x120 $27,887. Other alzaa available. Call loll-hoe: 1.attth38r-4tMo. tol 1960 MAZDA GLC. 86,000 km. AM/FM stereo cluellt Anklno 31.200 " It 745-5043. (6) 1tttt-.aoodeoo6Moet.Cantto very can tOli-tree: 1-8o0-387-i?1 15 or (416) 858-2446. (0) booing, jewelery, appliances. etc. HoIp people who dott't have as much! For pickup ll your homes can 578- 3130. ttn cute, do. One pin. to compâ€. “his. Al Jones. 069-2960. or 699-8787 Eimka. ttfl tsi,oootun.dattoooemoo,ruttuw W. 81200 or but can. "f: WWI pm. CLEARANCE RECORDS (8) m (O)