aaiimaiiiiiiiiCt"tTiiWiujWloetm_ioetttmror KMWUh-n. . Cage Hawks, Warriors could use more depth "3113;; 33am of athletes," said Sherlock. “They pick up the skills very My. Jennifer and Nicky are tall players who can Jump well. Juice also jumps well an! anticipates well a: the floor." Cameron Heights Golden Gaels have provided the strongest opposition for Vikings and in a recent meeting Golden Gaels suftered their first loss at the hands of Vikings in tive games with the fifth game ending at 16-14. Sherlock expected another tough challenge from St. Mary's on Tuesday but overall she considers the league a weak one and said her players have had to provide challenges for themselves in practice. "Ws not a challenging league because there are three or four teamsttsatarettoingtogiveustroodgamesirouidsayourteamis very aggressive for spiking the ball and going on the attach." dt idi, Mike Mack, wio coaches tse-junior Knights along with Mario Cieearelli, thinks the league his team is in is competitive "I would think there are tour or five teams that can win (in the playoffs)." said Mack. "I think we're pretty even. We're not taking Mack sees Eastwood Rebels, St. Jerome's Lions. WCI Vikings and Forest Wis Trojans as teams that could provide a strong challege. As of Friday, Rebels had lost Just once all! lions, twice. "We We a fairly big junior team but we're certainly not the biggest in the league," said Mack. ‘Trobably the key is our shooting and our starting five are fairly quick as well." JehetHamittmt,aGrade 11 centre.isKnidits'leadingscorerand forward Mike Dvoracek is another Grade 11 forward lending experience as a starter. Other starters include forward John Brubaker. another top scorer, and guards Sean Van Wet! and Chris Branov. Other forwards include Mark Strohack. Benj Lillie. Chip Selling all Geoff Green. Steve Wood and Brad Both are guards. Guard Sheldon Gilchrist and forward Darrin Slethaug are Grade "Be players who are making good ms. Playoffs begin Thursday. Feb. " for basketball and Friday, Feb. I) for volleyball. Rittttqed O'Bdon Gr)“. who are coached by Tim Dull“. a g.aur-otqrtaJ.GeF-rt-eftve â€mm‘me‘ua“ we hr and d be you “a h the (Mahmud-Amman. qt-tms'------.. 'r-g-tr-et-har-Fefe, P-B-er-eu-tq----! awm.mummw University of Waterloo ttqahetttqil Warriors and mittiduserierGeHeoarehauveeoetttingin e-tm-ttfats-at-ds-tedt- SntaadnynigbtatUW. Neither-tuit-taut-ttttis-ei and that In: an unduly painful reality for www.mmmxmmum with W“ for not at the ttrat half. Hawks 'reset-ts-Gate-tri-thet-ltr-ta hymthHWanbrsanu. M. 1ustWe-r,-ieosmttotttevisithttt MIA-eashaupgghntmldhvebeen Janlce Awed lends experience as a third year player on junior Vlkings volleyball team. Mt"ttxsttattttteit.tst--iie+t"wetfP2le, Tmnsehraeidertotheii-mwed_y after his quick may from knee surgery. "Ws unfortunate." an! HcCrae. Nt was the tirsttimer'dhndthet-h_ndtatqether "When you‘re young“ not hep. mining a guy 1theGaiihmrahiearthrasAtttertsytttmMyour tgame-ttpre'" Inca experiencing that all yen WarrHrsttadtriedto-sGoldeiettstnet weremoreswN-Ni_hteatther-ttoaa- degtoee.Wae6teshdtsa8ntuttttme-ttnriit thatieedtaptos8_oeeBoreed-tatdarittt" points. Laur%reoqettatruCtrttttt_sttnr.yrrittt ttte-edt-Hat-tse-tot-ttteat-ttmit, Wont. um by 'u.‘ a." "id Cllllml‘. um tired.M-titottt'tirt*ntitmultlewe Want. 'dre,'af2Sret,itrgtgtt t"iri9h-tttid." 'tattrt-e_trrintMedt_tteet-uy lune. u Wanton III I M and Tom â€Wham-contain! Richard O'Brien photos Mona-'8)