fee jump â€"â€" WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1987 Service will be increasing its Demand . membership fees to agencies for the 1987 year beginning causes The change in the memberâ€" ship fees occurred, after a review by the Board of Direcâ€" services that have been reâ€" quested over the past year. The Volunteer Placement The review revealed an mands n :r. tsurpu:( were both the Volunteer Placement Service resources and expecâ€" tations. The number of volunteers that were interviewed had increased from 356 in 1984 to 502 in 1986. The number of agencies muutl-wlu- tance had also grown 118 in 1984 to 190 in 1986. events planned and coâ€"ordinatâ€" ed by the Volunteer Placement Service has increased and now includes the Volunteer Fair for volunteer promotion and pubâ€" lic education, and the Commuâ€" nity Volunteer Awards Night The Board of Directors agreed, after much deliberaâ€" tion, to increase annual memâ€" bcnhtplc-u{touinofllerto meet these increasing reâ€" quests without suffering any loss in the quality of their