The Kitchener-Waterloo Employer of the Year Award Committee presented its sixth annual awards recently and two Waterloo firms came up The 188 winner in the less than 50 employees category went to Angie's Kitchen with Ritz Electronics as runner-up. NCR won the award for Mt or more employees with Jacmorr Manufactur- ing as runner-ep: These awnrdé honour employers in the commu- nity who have provided employment and training opportunities to disabled persons. r-L-Tie Women in Management Seminar The problem that women in business fate in terms of effective management are similar to those faced by men. However, women tend to bring to management a more personal ap- proach that affects their attitude towards motivation, job satisfaction, trust, career commitment, leadership, communication, prejudice and behavior. A‘concern for these aspects makes the application of conventional management criteria more difficult for a woman. decorating inftimntiamtotheEiteh-Me". modal Auditorium Feb. 8 to luck 1. Pre6tutsiyheldinutetqtrhttr.ttteaA-)t1 ta_hepdvaratatte ofthe earlier “In: by vice at an ideal planning time. 'tedesittnedtofttmorethan8t0ezhittitstrtto one building, the show will resent a solid selection of products and aervicea for major repairs and minor touch-up; Product cate- gories will include: basic building materials; custom um cabinets and design; heating. plumbing and air conditioning systems; land- HomExpo hours will be: Thursday, Feb. as and Friday Feb. 27 - 3 pan. to 10 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 28 - 10 aan. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, March 1 - 12 noon to 6 pan. scaphg materials; hot tubs and spas; water pt1ritters; home maintenance suppliés and services; rooting; t1oorhup, major appliances; painting supplies (and painters); built-in vacuum systems; decorative items and much A comprehensive features program will provide detailed information and advice from experts on some of the most common home-oriented topics. This year's agenda will include gardening with local horticulturist, Tom Patience, and home improvements with handyman newspa- per columnist, Harris Mitchell. A microwave cooking clinic will be presented by Tasco Distributors with a celebrity cook-off thrown in for a touch of fun. Waterloo companies Employers of the Year . (1114†Do you suffer from Arthritis, Stiffness of joints, Poor circulation, back problems? Our toning tables, with their smooth motion may be the answer you have been looking for. Exercise without effort. Try it. Hundreds of Others have, with good results. F-VmtrEhoesyrttiemrt-tr1Vr, Phone For Your FREE Visit Now! 746-2400 1 home -ovemeaat" " 40 King St. N., Waterloo KAYTIES TONING SALON ‘ Carl Hiebert was the keynote speaker. His lively and informative talk concentrated on the respon- sibilities of both the employer and the disabled employee in ensuring a successful work place- ment. Hiebert also presented a spectacular view of Canada as seen through his camera lens from his "6 ft. of wings" ultralight plane. The awards were presented by Hiebert and Gerry Duda, Assistant Deputy Minister of Commu- nity and Social Services. A wine and cheese reception followed the presentation of these awards. Seven women were recognized for achieving secretarial excellence when they were hon- ored for the Certified Professional Secretaries designation at the K-W Chapter of the Professional Secretaries International’s exec- utive evening recently at Westmount Golf and Country Club. The women honored were Claudia Angus, Susan Neuhof, Laurie Turner and Audrey Meyer of Kitchener; Marilyn Mackenzie of Waterloo; Joan Sampson of Cambridge; and Tommi Martin of Wiarton. That seven women have attained their CPS standing in the past year is notable, as only 22 other women have received this distinction in the K-W chapter's 29-year history. The FLMI Society ,0! Waterloo. founded in 1961, promotes professional management and operations in the life insurance industry. Meetings are held regularly to foster continu- ing education and sharing of ideas. New FLMI's are encouraged to Join this group and the Waterloo Society welcomes approximately 35 members each year. Professional Secretaries honored Patti Schener of llanufacturers Life hour anee Company has been elected I"! president of the Fun (Fellow. Life “meat Institute) Society of Waterloo. Past president is Hugh Koebel of Mutual Life Assurance Company Limited, Waterloo. Other executive members are Dave Stow (Prudential Assurance), vice-president; Wayne Morris (Equitable Life), secretary- treasurer; and committee members Dave Embury tMaamtaetauers Life) and’Jaclyn Zablrka (Mutual Life). ‘hnhW'Wshl-N autumn-“mu“- terttae-tqa_aaaqtrrgseeheettt 2,t'r1rttut'1"t',U"1"f,'l'tat seated in 'm m " by tjt_temrottd.-f"heBaaesrrrtestrtee%qeed "ttglgn'ea'at"g','f?,"di,T,; ,. tttAte-tttttt on “Wm In Matt- W†may be obtained by telephoning "erssattytreytttterr-We1Beeoftttenderal Business Dive-eat Bank. 744-418. 1 987 executive LU 2lrit.".tr.n'mtltt."tt, mawv‘u .Va. rum- '.artombg'tqrttt. 18t.-etqrt yo‘mhdv CWMAM-Apl 'egrttthet - -- Mâ€. 1m “1410. .muvmumm JOIN us AT SUCES RESTAURANT comm King ' Water Sta. T a.m.-10 sun. at ANGELo's or TELLY’S DELI IN THE KING CENTRE 9:30 a.m.-9 Fm. AND HELP us . . . . . . TOGETHER WE'U. FIND A CURE. "tOrt-ttec-Ctr-oo-ttoo-r-tl HAIR , 05$? WE NEED TOUR SUPPORT All. PROCEEDS TO gt JUVENILE OIABETIOS FOUNDATION THURSDAY FEB. 1 9th/87 Join us for breakfast, Lunch or Dinner or Just a Cup of Coffee '111rehtel'ii Mtetttet â€M†_ , PI', an?†- A " In! J','l'll'l'lltdtg'g ttgMrttrmr_om1hroarir-rrteririridui." teLr...atP_Kerarie"efd.-tt-. may] 6tt7 'u'httr, am mn- u in: -. I'd"lll'.% 'i)iiy)1')'iti"ii'ir:, MI W _ l d 'I =ltt'atltletgrg', ,