Mqittdqq Martinuk ChronitiStaft This is the story of a business where doing business doesn't come first. Ws a place where profit and the bottom line take a backseat to the goal of helping handicapped individuals regain the skills and confidence needed to become "good workers". Ws the story of the Goodwill Thrift Shop. "So many people think the store is the main objective, but it's only the means to an end. Many people Just think of us as a used clothing store-or they know we're raising money, but they don't know for what. We had to find a way of supporting ourselves to achieve our goal, giving good people a chance to become good workers in the workforce, and we've chosen to recycle used clothing and articles." said Dorothy Griffin, public relations director for the London association of Goodwill, which operates the eight Thrift Shops located in south-westertt Ontario, including the latest in their chain, the shop scheduled to open Feb. 18 at King and Princess Streets in Waterloo. Goodwill is a non-profit, charitable organization operating in 45 different countries around the world. Goodwi11's charter calls on the organization to train handicapped people to be good workers. There are nine Goodwill associations currently operating in Canada. Besides good guality used family clothing, Goodwill offers housewares, books, toys and jewelry plus one-of-a-kind items. According to Griffin, Goodwill is unique because it will help individuals with all kinds of disabilities: physical, emotional, mental, or social (for example, the person is an alcoholic or illiterate.) Although many Goodwill employees have been disabled since birth, many others have been injured on the job or through other accidents and "need a chance to start again." Most are referred by local rehabilitation organizations. - Griffin explained that potential employees undergo a six-to-eight week assessment by Goodwill staff, who work closely with the client to determine what his or her capabilities are. If it is determined that the individual would benefit from an extended period of training, then that person is taken onto the Goodwill work roster for work adjustment training, which could last anywhere from six months to years. Starting wage for a Goodwill employee is $3.15 an hour, with increases occurring every three months ask work skills improve. The opening of the Waterloo Thrift Shop has created six new full-time jobs and three short-term training positions for handicapped workers in this area. Currently all collection, sorting, repairs, pricing and administrative work for the Waterloo store, as well as those in Kitchener and Cambridge, is done out of London. In the long term, Griffin said, it is hoped that a separate association will be established for this area, which would create a wider Tit',.'"" of jobs for the disabled workers of Kitchener-Wa- ter oo. "We see it a a dream-it takes a long time to develop a base like that. Now we're laying the groundwork. A lot will depend on the success and acceptance of the retail network we're building now. If the shops are accepted by the community, an association is the obvious next step," said Top priority is helping people XTENDING itUGiiiiui0tialiitdbdit. m - a. aw»: and and m. In 'ggtgt1'lt 'rttt-ttltt you duo with our: II to attttttttethe. EVERYONE IS WELCOME - THIS IS YOUR INVITATION "um-tB-tttatt-ttttnm, ,gtttttttsti-t.erttt_tttrttq" 'rteettt.A-rt4rtttt'rtrer-1lrt ttt-mimttraMttrqeryylrt â€ultimatum!- â€brimming“. iiiriii7iiiiHic'" W, on. I!“ gee. 'LM. luau-17:8...» mum-um) FEBRUARY 16, 1987 MEETINGS AT: Rah-Booms! Family Centre. Home can If you need a ride - 745-9496. Practitioner of The Synergy Method 'Stress, Health and Relaxation" Kathy Whoetyou-tyto+ttamteuyftt,tNttHoe'teFht ttvouch-m-pi-ot-rt-arms-ttttor-home.'"' "co-tttyou-id-win-Chine, Ili} tilCilllrdlii_lllF_lt1r _riiiiit,t ROWING MACHINES ' tltltA""lllIitiiitgiItrrtiritriitiIftlltt- '†- "_-_---.-' iii-iT, 579-8721 fmnowm.mmmnmwupu)