FA"uEaWAHTEDttspro+tttttme 't-eare$oretttttrmttromtttrtttttt nightouporvisor wan-Manama» JotNThEWtrtgMutnetrtvirtgt-n. "tttMr-tstu-tmt-ttm.; itttettooru.thttmes-rottutreotnet WANTED: USHER tor evenings. three nights every 0010' week. Cell Thurs» day after 8 p.m., 886-1410. (5) AUDITIONS Men and women are required tor a large cam. K-W Lime Theatre, 9 Princess St., Watmo. Sun., Feb. 8, r p.m., KWLT when only. Mon., Feb. DO YOU HAVE extra time to spare? Euro Clean Residential Cleaning is looking lot mature thinking. ellicient We are looking for a motivated person to assist the Circulation Manager of the Kitchener Mar- ketplace weekly shopping guide. Applicants should be familiar with the Kitchener area and have the use of an automobile. The ability to hire, train and motivate a youth career force is essential. The successful applicant must be able to communicate effectively on the telephone. Bookkeeping skills are helpful. Hours will vary between 15-M hours a week. generally in the afternoon. Wage is commensurate with qualifications and experi- ence. Please send letter of application in confidence to: II mum tratrttrtgan6-etrt-tc-tts nwwnaumuo M. on Funny I W'- Miou. 676-0640 (Cambridge “may... (Tr) Circulation/Distribution Assistant --. /pgrttime) 7 - SUN TESTER scope. $600 or best any. 1967 Ford PM tto-h- ibie. $2,000 or best offer. Must sell. 744-4971. (5) FOR RENT. 1984 Travelaire 22 it. motor home. Fully equipped, sheep: six. Reasonable, Still available for March break 743-3291. (8) 1979 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 4 door. blue in colour. Exam condition 00,000 km. Wttt W. $2.400 or bad ttttgr. Phone 748-2792 evo- nhgs. at tor AI 00M. (6) 1980 MAZDA GLC. 86,000 km. AM/FM stereo cassette. Asking $1 .200 a: is 745-5043. WI Top can paid tor moms. Elm Racer“. 297 king Eli. Km. M744-1370. M atgttNtttttttte. Phone 740-4322. (6) Met 5 pm. AMTtt2UEaNmttum.nqn.l_ry, PIANO WANTED: R-tues 01 con- dllon. Catt 069-2280 or 069-2311 and relight. venom with Hubble THE “VAT!!! Alumna- 't-eteeAsttttrttt.ttmtttum,dti. qittrta.ee.Onettt-tttooeettt6M. "attrtteet-tttrtttt't'tttqt-aStt For ttttSu. at you homo. ed 870- StStt. ttn “0-6787 em Werrtowhat-ettrtttsforttt. phone/counter persons toomertunttartdCotumttiN Fairway Press 225 Fairway Road South Kitchener, N26 4E5 WING NUTS RECORDS Mark Kreller Call 888-7631 (6) (5) A CAREER N W. Trumpet! (than and“. New in In. “no to train " your can A “out... For proscroonmg Interview and lots ttt-ett "ttmt-ttet Gonna: Merv Orr Tm Driver Tram. ca- brldoo 1AttttF28ttr-t20o. (WI-WP) FREEtttttr who to “yd-homo 'tor-ttr-tttmt-tttr-tttr TRAtKF0RA,ttMwttttatuturar..sttt, TrbcourttrTrut9tDrhorrratriintrgotr CASH Non mm. Enm money doing bx Mum. Loom money-“v 1rtgtaxtipe.F"tetteoeturer.u&RTnn tkhooh,1346NerttttrtaHsryotMnrtb- peg.hMrt.ft3T2S6. tot Who. mum, in... nm. Coo-Mobâ€. Enchant“. Loud/Med My. PM W, TM. arm (6A). 203 Ade King SI. E., W. (619) 743- 5011. 300 Cohan. St. E.. Brant- m. (519) 756-0923. tth ily, 1rriricirWLCrii? 1121. JUNK REMOVED. stoves. chairs, etc tot INS/SIB probably enjoy mm. (mm; - woe! prizes and mum - exciting products. A fun way to met Doom and earn some extra 743-0421 anytime. AMEY0uttnrtdttr-ttaettttttettttmttttr MHtqeqt m? ret no a!“ Mummy-curl: tthsnt$trmtetrd-ty$ttrtitttet. -tetttrxtrattttes-tte.Ktttert, -artttttttttettt-ttetttto- Nominees-7.68570- momma-Ingm- Iulho and -t4trrt. m â€Whhmim your Chad's Mute. if - W CaVtowtortstrmrevatuatioromt parents. property discover. an» ate, and enhance Mental. Sob- jocts include posture. walk, grooming. etiquette. hair care, skin care and an introduction to run- way. photography and television Wad teschrt.ittues. un John TIME ON YOUR HANDS? The John Casablanca: Cenmr in carding students now let courses that help children. and their Basement. garages cleaned. Wash ceilings and walls. Small plumbing jobs. Have a job in mind? 744-4971. JaJ. tti) mark-I out unique mm auto ctuhcoormpt'trttttl-.Buatt- booming! PM ban. lop com- mieaittetoottt-.Futtorpart_ Cum: tusttyatt6tO636-6rMar London. Ontario. MA 4W2. (0) M.Wohmmmoom- would no“ as“. to at: StttqrtAri. BSO M an, 392931899! (0 ATTENTION BOYS and GIRLS! John Casablancas Modelling and Career Centre M King St. w., Suite 8204 Kitchener A thrt ( Iasahlancas (near at new Tttgt Hoe-mm) situated " I‘M. ' LIL-0 p.II. Fti.4iat. ' t.tit.4 pm. 744-1400 (5) MARY KAY COSMETICS - Wonk! you ArruAtttxrtEPAgrt-tMtr-tttetAt mmwm‘rmm- Aqrqtttnettt-ottettt.rrnomr' M. m. “ - on. m an. ttee*tr and. mm. boom uncommon“ maintains-0240. an WEDDNG BOUQUETS. $20 and up. FuFctioetotsty%santtctgmmsirt uh. 10 years experience. Quality In! ea1tatatttioet. 749-0573 (I!) ADVANCED RENOVATtONS. Rec rooms our specialty Framing, trim, plumbing. bathtooms. windows, m. textured W. Free oo- '"iriik'i'ri'ih-- tttts-tttttt 806-2001 man mammal-(Er Museum â€an†Mahmud MOM.†tuna-0M.“ â€month ALLTYPESotmooeatioos,guamrt- tmtd,ttuatitywortrmamhipatcom- BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Our oomwtedzod bootthmsptrtg arm-Ono cream? Catt Em at 576-3006 to: a "No 0mm" room. By ticqet-t W. Mar one“. (Bu-ram.“ woremartetttp, Fm cum. 145-2483. (5) 3363 or 746-4844. WW. (8) ROCKTON REFINISHING M. 336 heady. Fwy W. W. Local or W. 886-36“. ttst SALERS CATTLE, The Balanced Brood. Heavy red hair can. Hanu- LOW BACK at out. bad and tmmqtteBtt 8.0.9. W Donn Aho Stripping and Re-finishing " workmanship guaranteed Call Rockton (519) 647-2589 DAYS. EVENINGS & WEEKENDS FEBRUARY ' MARCH SPECIAL Manama.“ "reoms0-ttr'tartrtt"tdt-rrtet. â€gum-unaud- WWW." "H.NdHN1Bmtattertt.tttttbaqatt. places. New, drywall, concrete wk lid WWW- Froo m. TOU, T4 summaries tinttrtcial statements and " year and wont tor and W. Reasonable Rates Call Marilyn 578~0313 2619. rytset-raa'trrsraewa-soo wanton-mamas ttttry. (12) Ontario, RR ttt, St ISO, (519) 925-5510. .ttenW'ttq'ttarat$llbhhgq$t.temt tt-.thBagtar6att.aa..- “a P.E. OLSEN REALTY LTD. 75% OFF Two than. " a. ‘NMM‘ I." 884-281 s. (O) (4) FOOT CARE by M's. on Bettttteport Rd. East. Waterloo (opposite Tm). 746-3060; too Oman St. Norm. Khulna-r. 5784520. Your hour, T6646rt. 815820. (11) now at new: or 742-0054. dr - 666-1860. Won. My LM., WW. (5) tvhsethomero-ttipcantrrrpoeai. tN.Wtttttinsto%dot.rtortss. PAT'S REFtNttV - TEXTURED CEIUNGS. FREE SERVICE Catt, and it we CAN'T tbtityottttttrt'tpartktrvicetoatt WW: and maittr audience: 57641781 or 1-229-6800. ttO "HARMONY N COLOURS" For ooty $25.00Iwi ittsettityyour-oo and 'ty8tshrtEMovA1--wetwaatttmr. ALL PLUMBING REPAIRS. mum brtssetn, We about. an: bull-(ha. cataloguoc. "a. very watchable at... Cal WW Mid. 886- McTAVBH'S CU9Ctt - Shop - baby shoes made from your M's foot tracing - 051.0314 $12.95. " 814.96. 31 Sudan Rd., W. Ontario. M3M tro 82.50?†C com'oettthty,0tnoettttato4reetra- oetlyt?t5%otcttlttt'tttrottyFghto" In. 744-2532 $23.95 + m. an. *3 Mummy. Dim. NOG2J0. (use) mwoeriono-noudhgbockov bra-dun. 'h-t'tei-hragitttt+itrq an atatrtqrtrtrqt atr"tkqs trteAatttrttt “Wino-Imus. â€*‘Qmwwb mu. painting and rm. 57N781 or 1-2296â€. (If) dlocuu you regain-onto. one. 'tttttg-ttttmartin.)"'--- www.mm 023-1 SSS. Eu. at 578m. Ming. 8t56-2B31 . ttt) PM and decorating Cal Bott 576-2974. MR") ovations. Interior or anchor. Rea- sonable ram. 648-2847 9mm. INGOLD TREE SERVICE Iron $15.00 canâ€. 064-2650. (Across trom Waterloo Stock Minna-Imam o-hmttotarttttttaeetx9ta.prx- aétsetattrenttt.Fr-ttmi.thto attetMttrtrqttrttmsrrtt-rtttr- MWMIW. ith, f8ihaitStadgaa-a,, WHY RENT? WE DELIVER - 142 Watodoo St., Waterloo Free Em, Pick-up & Dollvory o Watering . 80mm (to Sorts. a... irirIaLriji), MOThER8-TO.4tE. The next Woloomo Wagon Baby Shower . PM 23. 1967. 6:30 pm. a WW Inn. Plou- col 746-01I2 tttr your FREE O%SPRAYtNGtrya.g.Utremtz.R- contra. â€communes-son. PhD STUDENT win tutor In Enoihh and Mom. Flu“. noun Ram Moots- mo. 142-3“3. W, (5) LUANNSCATERtNa.Sg Minimum-ion.- HOME SEWING by proteseione! amen Experienced In " types totaty%sotwrtmetet's weer. Reason- able prioee. To inquire. phone 884- 1793 canine ener " noon. (5) DAVE BECKER DECORATOR - Interi- or, one!†Ming. am. Catt for We. 662-2527. (mm 145-7790. (ti) MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS. " those jobs Hound the house: Hum. Speci_Utttttyt-esnts.Drairw atrrsyretetetts-stamppumptsirtstattetd. waning. lamb! shampoo, melon vans. lick-cm. lac-nan, Mariana Drive (roar bow 886-1511. Open 8:00-5:00 Mottt-r$tHy, Saturday ll 4:ttth (N) Eveeyttttrtttdomtttyharttr,ittrm, tMndowttrttpex-ttmtty-d.tt'a 'ttrtndtdtrtttotdvetitm.,ttirt- up to Mob one who and do†Ce-inc-artist/arty-ours. "RNitRN9ttRENthfATt0Nt5.Htmt. *rqtexrt-ertBtttsra+ty,ttdttoh" 2500. - Free tron tGW. (to WWIâ€. 886-6678. tto -itrtn-rrnara-trttmtdttom. “not. 'tttt.tttmro.0ty4Httt, "atmtnrt1Bmterrt.tt064Mttt. tttt attsNtioo/raspettm, odd but. 578w 5697. Free cum. pram moribund-huh. -rht.aertttetc"attt-esnrttttts.. once. Dominic Foucaul. (519) 742- 8983. (MR-6) ci%irtduatrut.apettgt-trtgirttapittg, A-1 CAR CLEANING - would "tter ma. Fm "tttttF. "B-t 660. mm PAINTING WATERPROOFING By vyitgmann Painting PAPERHANGING WINDOW TINTING 884-6 743 HANDYMAN FREE ESTTMA (if) (If)