ir] "HM m WANTED: COMMERCIAL m to real in Wm lot you» and mm.wwmwoe The HOST Dry Extraction Carpet Cleaning System is the Sate, Effective way oi maintaining carpets Attend the upcoming two day HOST SCHOOL tor PROFESSIONAL CLEANERS on Thursday, March 12th and Friday March 13th, 1987 at the Waterloo Inn, Waterloo, Ontario, Tuition is $75.00 per person Register now or request further intormation: INVEST IN YOURSELF. For $3.500 purchase this when printing busi- ness. No experience necessary. equipment and supplies included. Great tax shallot. 658-8200. (CR7) WAREHOUSE AND light much»- irtgapacaruptor,tttt0-t-. 'FREE INFORMATION on how to Start and Operate Your Own Protittttge Business at home the provon way! Write to: 32 Mowat Blvd. #51. Kitchener, Ont. N2E 1x4. (M88) PM so --t050EMdht, m. WV. â€5. W LErLTff:L,ELL, LrfriLil'l'J, FOR THAT HOLIDAY Phone 886-2830 YOUR OWN CARPET CLEANING BUSINESS 6733 FEB/Fill new to “My. Call Moo.- CorporMioet, 888-7800. tm Beach, Florida. Can be yours March 14-21. 658-8200. (CR7) REAL ESTATE ecu-um Cars tor Sale Trucks tor Sale Automotive Puts Automotive Repairs Motorcycles Boat: and Marine Cannon/Trailers Recreational Venues New Wanna Menu/sues Erm8rrrmmtt Wham (Akron: WM "cation Pronouns Bum Opportunities Financial and Mortgages Shared Accommodation Houses to: Rent Rooms tor Rom Room and Board Apartments for Ram Wanted Ito-Rom Storage Space ArticHtrforsate Amid»: and Art Fresh Produce Amok: Wanna Real Estate Service Properties tor Sate Fromm Wmmd Farms BROLAN SALES 281 LAWRENCE AVENUE KIT0HENER, ONT N2M 1Y5 PHONE (519) 742-HOST CLASSIFIED INDEX ttt I“ (6) CLEAN, FRESHLY painted. furnished rooms to ram. Kitchen Ind homily tam. C1008 to downtown Water- loo. on John Street East. Non-amok- ing. $45-$60 per week. 7426954. Up to 20 words Each additional word 11: “manor-om. Wm bro-condone tor on. (rtooemrtttrt-thoeomtt.notiiitiii hwmhdvmw“ MMMMM-moocu- mama-m. and common. as 4aiGiiGiiii moo mm on T000611 TAX RETURNS and bookkeeping Small business and personal. an FOR SALE: Protitable Award Winning, Athena Weekiy newspaper near Ed- monton. Equipment optional, ex- ceiient value. inquiries to: R. Sieben- torcher. Box 208, Andrew, Alberta. T08 0C0. (0) EXCITING HOME Security aw. i255iiz?l w, Cttr-Mt, Vuc‘on. Full Winn your ttqntmr up "000" ed as m. 743-5331; Dart M. 744-7â€? Pow W.14&21u,% â€1570-0176 Rotational tax consultant. 884- 2088. (17) Danna Free ruck up and dainty Cards ot Thanks Lost and Found goon! Notices Auctions Coming Events Announcements details on becoming a dealer. contact Batt Security Systems, 1251 North- ulde Road, Burlington. thtt. L7H 1H7 or phone (416) 336-7747. (0) AVtWrAmt)FBtAMCtALtXMtthJkTAHrSLTD “WEN Leisure-Activities/ Chum Ptssical lnstmcfuon Travel / Vacations Campgrounds 0011.993 tor Rom _i'He"e"ettteeerys.ey-rt 'tForm-ttttttry-ttttttmt" FtRtrT,SEtXm0ttrTMtR08 - Haiti-50"“ i7. -i in“ - "riiiii,'G; a7 581mm .55 '31:, 7.65 8,25 m I17 I. (6) CARPETAND Vinyl Humans. Gqrsm- be m. Freq TIM-16 inch m. two on cm. 884-9131. tttt "ATErttttrY6EARerttttttotttlrtg$ttr ittttn.rte-rFrrntt.tfertetrqt Subscriptions W 00% of WW 820.00 per ya: in Canada. Call 888-2830. Soc- ond Chas Mal. Registration Numbar 6640. Members O.C.N.A.. C.C.N.A.. S.N.A. tm USED MICE MW". doth. chum. East, tutcttqmtr. 7444370. tttr KROEHLER live-piece Mediterranean bedroom suite. queen size. Exca%mt ALMOST NEW Kirby vacuum cleaner tor tab. Burnout 0006 Furniture, 716 Barnum Ave. West, Kttcttqtrtetr. 743-7840. WI WHITE FROST-FREE fridge, nu- motoua chest: of drawers and arm are. docks, anode and double beds. Reasonable. 386-3689. (5) NOMA ELECTRIC snow shovel. $100 or best offer. Like new, 885-3782. WHIRLPOOLS AND SPAS Opening special - 25% oft. Jacuzzi, Royal spas. accessories. Order now, we pay the tax. JILI Pools and Spas, 744-4971. (5) ENJOY A area! tasting, specially made ice cream cake. Variety oi styles. ea. roll cakes. downs, heart shape, Mc. Piece your order today. Bring in this ad when you pick up your cake and receive a 10% ditcount. Phone 742- 5270. (8) â€mammal“ MATURE CHRISTIAN couple require living tMtotttmotttttlon from April 1 for a minimum of 7 months. Cooking and laundry facilities required Willing to share kitchen or consider any rea- sonable arrangement, 745-1936 evenings. (5) In. nursing mom. WI“ m w matt anything you an! -ttexutsty.thlttt_3"$t out M. We". Now and 0006. 1000 Bishop ttt. tl., Cam- bridge. (519) 663-0600. Monday to FURNISHED BACHELOR sputum. Lee Avenue. wuubo. Share kitch- en. Waking Mule Drowned. 6200 a month Mus some weekly help. Call 886-9026 tttttrr 3. (7) HUNTER†ROOMS AVALABLE. 000ml WW- PM WANTED who at. who toomt'eSttnstttramnatuenttattttto www.muw Appointment "not numb“ to procu- 1†In rum h your homo. Fun “I... CetmtdtmtB, 2100mm. Eat. IN. ON. NV 229. 1Attt04tStMtttttt. tot 1 765 entrance. Sharod bathroom and cooking W. Nut urtitmrr- Non~smokor proverred. 746-4640 one! B. (5) Waterloo Chronicle L.P. RECORDS no bath. Call 7484315 (5) ', tF12. GRID (NR08) (5) M b. in can in. m Tm Post. an “no at. w.. KW. "8-t"t.tltrTWetra..ttnrte-. tttt otmr6,tNtoetrtt.otgort-rtu-t 'tett'm.thtttt"orttttteo-.w.ttt'r BOY'S WINTER JACKET, we 10. worn once. 88; new matching towel sets. aprons. oven mm. good â€he. tion, roaoonable. Phone 886-1366 aARDEtertti,-ttto-rtttydrs m1“ low we“ on " your a“. 1% W. 3179. 400w '1tt6.Com-6ptnntttyrtrtoooettc who Including lhtht, 8830. Gm»- houou from 'tOtt. TM od women. New catittttoe, 82. We» omW‘va. "0aBermoorSt.. Vacancy. 3.6. - an. (006) 002m. o, CUSTOM MADE tight anon than. 110m. wide. $100; " In. wide. $50; air hunch.“ game. srs. 885-6293. STUDENTS DESKS. â€mom comâ€- tion, 875-8125; than mm. 335; W. atoeq, $195: colour TY, 8275. WIN “at. 885-368. tttNV 4218 mm. - i - my) A FREE HUNTING, Ming. camping cutting (35 value). Sand your ex- "OthfToPLAYP-rPtarto.ttarw NORTHERN FOOD trees. Old fash- ioned apples. pear. apricot, nut trees. shrubs. evergteene, seedlings, Guaranteed delivery. Reasonlble prim. Catalogue " Golden Bough Tree Farm, MM. Ontario. KOK 2L0. 1-613-478-5829. ORIGNAL QUEBEC margarine. 100% can ttdi, light odour. mm in 8.8 pound tube. 13 We pulls, 2 pound tubs. 1 pound prints. 578-2955. Ito NEVER FORGET to tum your head- lights off again! Make your out more visible on the road without worry ot a dead battery. The ttetadthtttt rm may pans into fuse panel. $0.95 plus tax. 'rtckttht " Wham dung, Visa/MC. Cali 1-800-263- 3735. Weekdays 9-9. Stewart Spe- KEROSENE HEATER, 3100; Phillips WALKUHrr,Sttt-ttttamte,Sa" ttySo"_tstt;tttttat-iurttt 'Mtttdttomamter-tttr'ttrtttt", 8790 a but our. ttt56-rtt90 or WWW W: Won:- ohma 82.75, tampon" 33.60. -ttttetem 816. For m. and " (m it! ttether. M-ry (photocopy acceptable) and S.t.R. wt0tattamte3r2p-tottatrtr,tioo hm) 88/87 Sport-et Cm. SLR. Mall Ordov. Dept. 161, 1663 tuba. n2x we. Otter expire. Febru- ary 28, 1987. (0) m; Studio :45. 3234 Boochdrte Road. Kahuna. " V12 2H2. (O) mothod. Goat-Mood! For no. Not- over-bod face cords. " cu. ft. 81.52/01 ft. Kim dtiod kindling. cialty. Box 905. Cobourg, om. KBA 4W4. Orders shipped some (by. (O) dict-phone with transcriber. We new. $400. 888-7833. (6) Butttttntt-tttortmm-tittt+ ttati.AtHtttmotatoet.28trtathtu, 83996; 40:60x14, 88500; 46x80x14. $9250; 70:00:24. $21,789. Various duo am up clearance. Sum bum My. " mum other! Got irttmqethqtq do“- vory. Coil ton-tree: 1-800-387-2115 or1-atBAttiB-20M. to; qtrattott,gtttttttth BUY AND SELL 746-8234. (CH7) Li) (5) 1Ate0WeeetttoCtteoetitNn--r 't-tsrtt-.Nrtttg0t.tto$ttrd-t thetttt3mtet-tt-.WaMetttoCttrw lab. " an and End. WW. 'tfA'6TED.tsdtirttpttr6tt50caatt tor MMO'. Andi-on 2-coIou M m. Catt (619) 047-2033. or who Don an. RR #2, Lyndon. on La! ITU. (O) CASH PM tor 'h OLD WRISTWATOHES -tted manna-um .J - was. H26 "ttt at E", _ arm. a we: 3.. cm. AY630 Peter Etril Snyder is inter- ested in gathering some visual information from Waterloo (1 940-1 960). Photos of family, school and church activities as well as sport and cultural events might well be of interest. thntactJumSchmitit, 886-3230. WANTED: PHOTOS AND SNAPSHOTS OF WATERLOO 1940-1960 SALE SALE SALE 25% off bros selection: Ski jackets. sweaters, costs. pants. dresses. Noam. shins. sum. do Open Tues.- Sat. 10-5. Second Chsncss, 997 King St. E., Preston (scross trom Savage Shoes). 653-3182. (5) Worm. Cal B. Walsh. H418) 36572‘0 or write 113 00000 St. E., Toronto, Ont. MSA 152, (0) and: Al Jon... 600-2900. Elmira WATER PROBLEMS? trttroetucingmm technology for treating vols and wanted. Also wanna: Ealon's thtartorCeetturyertu-reNmtchq. G?6y-rvicortMttpey $750.06 up tor tttig much. Wt. doc buy "RAthE-SPAKtrt-ttmatettt- LOVE NEEWAFTS? You'l can Pond. SttttNragt'e cm Nood- ttttttatt KIM. For a... '-ttetive New or catalogue who: Foggy STEEL BUILDNGS Matt Price Sale. Buyooebuiittirtttatr-rpricenrttt mamasnmm tttey.trt-ttn,-t_aettrt_ qrotrrtttB. an. tttarte-. "tttted sttgtgser.Bttesh-rtr.thm'ttnert- yawn-numb“ was. (613) 54740:. (51.) on S2tt8A7ttN6r2-NStb. (0) protection throughout entire water system Rusty ... smelty .., bad tasting .e. water. bacteria, staining and more. No all or my chem- cals ppt maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our B-month trial otter. Call now toh-free: 1-800- 26B-2656 or write Mac Water Purification Systems, #2031030 Knmllo Rd., Mississauga, Ont., L4W 4B6. (O) omy. EIIMD’O: 25x82 32,967; 32134 $8.714: 40x42 $4.871; 40:00 â€#07; 70:12!) $27.81. an. than a“. Catt Wu: 1400-8014910. to) Phone Ptortoer/Et:oooapnn 1900- 387-6896 ort41t967B-t5t55. (O) Anderson, 2281 Woodward Ave, BurbatonL Ontario. L7R1T5. (O) r , o (8) (T)