PAGE 34 - WATERLOO CHROMCLE, WEDNESDAY. DEGEMEEJ} IO, 1986 Retail Store 120 King Street South, Waterloo 886-7310 IN THE ATRIUM 33 ERB ST. W. WATERLOO Custom Framing - Our prices will amaze you. Greeting Cards - Come & see the most interesting selection in town Gift Wrap - Incense - Calendars - and more. WATERLOO MONDAY SPECIAL PERMS NOW '2tpo IDEAL FOR 0 STOCKING STUFFERS o GIFT EXCHANGES o HARD TO BUY FOR PEOPLE GIFT CERTIFICATES 1/2 CALCULATORS GIVE YOU A FAST RETURN SHARP. COLOURS PRICE 31 Soo :09. $30 cut extra reg. $45 cut extra REG. '161.95 SALE 'l 3595 thebettAttt,11,,,.,,,.St2.e, 08-1612 Desk-lop 10 Olglt print/display, wnlh markup key " KING ST. NORTH a tttttSeen E 'iii'iiitilliti'i'i ’1‘“ cumulus W This Christmas give a gift of lasting beauty - let your gift of a poster or art print brighten a room or office for years to come, , j, GREAT GIFT IDEAS RIDICULOUS PRICES! (beside the Post Office) o UNFRAMED All 5500 o SHRINKWRAP All s2900 o FRAMED From s4900 POSTERS/ ART PRINTS CHRISTMAS HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-5:45 Waterloo 885-2820 OPEN DAILY 8:30-5:30. FRI. TILL 9, SAT. TlLL t 182 WEBER NORTH, WATERLOO Make No Mistake'. A Gift of Lasting 1mpresirsii.f2g,,,1,,,,,,,,,","," L17, - ---" ----- -trlt7--, CLC--------------:--:::-, WMMMï¬Eï¬WWMi Give a Gift Certificate from Snider Plywood Specialties .to that 'ltr" 'handyperson' m your ire. ttattatttl maomgnW VIC FOSTER’S TRAVEL SERVICE LIMITED... "OVER 100 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE" CALL THE TRAVEL LINE 886-1420 LOWER MALL WATERLOO SQUARE 885-5850 132 weoev I" u- wATERLoo. ONTAR‘O N23 3H6 182 Weber North - =.-r, N Gift certifit?tt DAY E Merry Christmas, Drop In for More Information rum sgebwmes