I, THIS CHRISTMAS "q.. , GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT A YAMAHA t o , MC Series l I - â€" "----ur=-"i----rrTru-ruc" 7 m Wrcw'2 LC=e.Lef.erP3P_e", YAMAHA [11171 NE. L . a“; riC72.%Td,hT2r..e2elr, " . . ' Bl ., iT? T.. , _ _ m: if you like musw, you ll love ; "y, _ V T I the new Yamaha MC c 'd Electone keyboard. Because t. I it's perfect for all kinds of . music, from symphonic to 3 s; ‘ funk. Yamaha has taken b l", complex digital technology t. l and used it to bring you a ~ . keyboard that's amazingly i e A I simple to use - yet F ‘ Ua-2She"f superbly versatile. T COME IN AND HEAR THE : ‘ YAMAHA DIFFERENCE! . g" BOB GRAY MUSIC LTD. i 13 King St. S. (at Erb) * Waterloo 886-01 oo mm---I‘h-l-I‘h-h-I_h‘Aâ€"h-h-hâ€"hâ€"nm-n-h‘flnflflm‘__ 1llfEthtMturaEtttott't BAY 40% off HDAYEVEIIIGS (5-8 pm.) (receive a Redken make-up compact valued at $35 FREE with this perm) (receive a Redken shampoo & rinse pack. 125 ml valued at $16 FREE with highlights) Limited time otter to Dec. 20/86 MAY SPECIAL- PENIS ChildrenUndér 12 $4 Cd! oniy Pro-Christmas Promotion no Amman NECESSARY - Hrs: Mom-Wed. 9-6 Thun. 8- Fri. 9-8 Sat. 8-4 Patent this ad tor your FREE gift with purchase Style'n Place Lincoln Plaza Waterloo Conestoga Knives Limited Distributors of quality knives I tensor. ' Is 1 _,)!-,!- a; . "trf-ef-la,.. EL l' T .. r lf .IBEA flcjidg‘i' Kathi“? (ii I f? Bring in any 2 items and receive the 2nd item sharpened FREE. A $29.95 cut & style included with this coupon expires Feb. 28/87 MEI Perm $52.00 tttttttut) $43.00 SHARPENING SPECIAL 614 Colby Drive, Waterloo Present this advertisement 746-1 690 GIVE A UNIQUE, EVERLASTING GIFT, AN ARTIFICIAL PLANT FOR GIFTS THAT FIIT THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE Choose yours today at Moanri. " Sat. B6:30 Frederick Street Mail, Kitchener, Ontario (519) 5796367 WATERLOO om. WY. new 10. "ti-PAGE " Drop in and see our selection: 0 Ficus Trees q Hanging Baskets . Variety of Tropicals t,tss oColorful Blooming "T Plants _)ataattakise 3B2RmGSTSEET-a.glraTENLoo 't99ttMES8ttba2rttt '"."t'htr.P1r-ee-P.o_m-.--. who“ huh u -.r- oaTl?fll'h"dTIetSMl'.Ta2W2tfa'rtta SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER 15% OFF PERFECT PLANT. (tiiiiiciut It's hard to believe they're not real. MENS ' SHOPPE DECWTHG CENTRE MSW Mr“! FS MOI-9 s-irios