Featured in that performance will be Waterloo native violinist Jeremy Constant, pianist Peter Vinograde and oboists Faith Le- vene and Stella Amar. In concert with the KWCMS Professional Chamber Orchestra under con- ductor Erna van Daele with concertmaster Janet Horne, the evening is called Great Baroque Concertos. Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society warms up for the Christmas season with its big- gest event of the year next Wednesday, Dec. 17 at UW Thea- tre of the Arts. 'iuttsuriptiott Great Baroque Concertos KWCMS concert of year SAVE 25 "A, BY "j,"iii"i,et:etti,,t, ORE D] otteMthemostdistinguishedrnusical ensemNesinthewodd, nix-CZECH PHILHAR‘ M0MCdisptaysawanmh.tesmanceanddeph ofartistrythattasmadethetnsymmymouswith musdmclkmc CZECH "One of the world's great orzhettps" PHILHARMONIC 1ACIAY NEUMANN J IRI BEIDHLAVEK ONLY CANADIAN APPEARANCE CON DUCTOIS SAVE 25 St/C, BY ORDERING V BEFORE DECEMBER 2 5th! Constant studied violin with Dorothy Pearce and later with Gerard Kantarjian of Toronto. After winning various competi- tions in his youth, Constant went on to study at Juilliard and Brooklyn College in New York. He soon became involved in New York's musical life assuming the concertmaster position with a New York orchestra, among other things. The evening begins at 8 p.m. and tickets are $15 and $10 with student/senior reductions. Vinograde was the first-prize winner of the International Bach NY "in Jeremy Constant You ate [amused an unforgettable musical upcntncc when Mcnuhm conducts and per- forms a violm solo! The Runnable WARSAW SINFONIA was founded in I984 by its principal guts: conduc tot the begendary Whoa Menuhin, This young and vetsatile oedtestra possesses a uni. que Iona] quality and has teceised me 'TVteWN YEHUDI MENUHIN WARSAW SINFONIA Conductor & Soloist HF----- with the ----9- Piano Competition in Washing- ton in 1971 and has since won other major honors in the New York area. Also this week, the KWCMS presents the Canadian Piano Trio Saturday night Dec. 13 at 8 p.m. at the Music Room. The trio, comprised of violinist Jaime Weisenblum, cellist Nina Tobias and pianist Stephanie Sebastian, offers a program that includes Hadyn, Robinoviteh, Turina and Schumann. Tickets are $15 with stu/sen reductions and are avail- able by calling 886-1673. "the playing was exquisitely detailed. with tuning and infections just right In every mm ofphruc." x r hum KARL MUNCHNER aCAiesitora :9 Feyuttderitductor A WATERLOO CHRONOCLE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER IO, 1986 - PAGE " 4 KING ST. N., WATERLOO (KING a ERB) 885-5840 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING? FREE GIFT WRAPPING WHILE YOU LUNCH on DINE AT CHADD'S GHOI‘EIE) WATERIJCI) N Y full“ 4iiltirttgdt)' PMUiimmit WOLF-DIETER HAUSCHILD The STUTIEART PHILHARMONIL, founded Ut I924. has a dislmgmshcd hrstory and grand Indium of critically acclaimed and sold-out performances ISRAELA MARALIT ONlY CANADIAN APPEARANCE the. Music Director Piano Solon! Fi-Iii-die'.' mm DY “ML " F4 7n