PAGE " - WATERLOO CHmmtta.E. WWI ta9ttEMBErt 12, I†Energy efficiency V‘ I' 'CLP is a guaranteed e, ‘il cure for those 'il,: . :: chills you get with l your electricity or gas bill, for those shivers you feel when you hear about the cost of heating oil. and for those coughing fits you seem to develop every time you see how much you pay for hot water. Energy efficiency in fact, cures almost every cold-related ill you and your house suffer from. " Energy. Mines and Energie. Mines at Resources Canada Ressources Canada Hon Mamet Mame. L’Hon. Mamet Masse, Minister Finally. . . a Cure for the Common Cold. It's called energy efficiency. Ministne 1ILT, "ii/iii,':, Next time you are H building or renovating a ' .t, home, remember, even with lower energy prices, energy efficiency is an excellent investment. Energy efficiency will improve the \ comfort of your home, as well as be financially rewarding. ( So dorit suffer needlessly l from the effects of the common cold. Proper s'.?).:',::.:..;.':'?',:-.?:-::";"';:":"; home energy manage- iNh1ii),' ment and good energy sl"if8iirs, habits will cure it tst M every time! Canad'éi