NO SMOKING. pleasant music. nice magazines. unscented products, ample parking. your hair done by the owns! with 23 years experience. Hens N' Chicks Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street. 886-2733. tttl GOLDEN TRIANGLE Gem and Mmeval Show Presented by K-W Gem and Mmelal Ctuto Rockway Semo: Cm- zens Centre. 1406 King St East, Kitchener, Onlano Saturday, No- vember 81h,nom103m to 50m. Sunday, November 9m trom 1 1 a m to 5 p m Admisston Free! Free Park- mg! ' (WR44) 153 “WWII!“ PAteiicd WifEHLb'd "ciiiiWiinVEioiiisiorv,- bcroeen 22 HOME!!!“ at Union St., Kitchener Change ot Shop Hours Evenings 6:30 pm. to 9:00 p m Days 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Agents For: Ace Sharpening Centre, Kitchener Royce Carbide Tools, Cambridge Saws brought in Monday - Out by Friday. Scissors a. Pinking Shears Sharpened on location. From: 100 Park St. Kitchener To: 468 St, Leger St LOOKING FOR elderly lady to share Florida accommodation trom No- vember to mid-March. Reply to Box WC 420. Waterioo Cttronicie, 45 Erb St. E., Waterloo, N2J IL7. (43) PREGNANT AND ALONE? Birthright otters care and understanding. Our services ate tree and confidential. Call 579-3990. ITF) NEEDED - Ride to Guelph daily from Waterioo. Witt share gas costs. Catt Coo, days 884-1970 (2170). eve- nings 885-5433. too) [Em DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Ac- quaintances. call ton-tree: I-MO- 263-9163. Hours: Noon til 8 pm. SAT, NOV, 1, 12 NOON: Perth County Holstein Club 12ttt Annual Select Sale, at Carson's Auction Service. one mile east ot Lidowel. on Hwy. 86. For irtformtgtioet call David Carson (519) 291-20‘9; Floyd Wvllow (519) 271-8126, Paul Erwin tti19t 358- 2488. (O) HALLOWEEN'S ALMOST HERE! Book your room Ham costume now at Albedo Made W. 564 King St, E, Kitchen" Phone 57&5340. (M3243) THRlLL YOUR CHILD this Christmas with a personalized tottov trom Santa. Mus bonus om. Reasonabte Waits. Coral Enterprises. Dept. J, Box 72, Concord. Ontario. LAX 1B2 lt8 mm: MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH 694 Glen Forrest Blvd. 834-3849 Rev. Kevin C. Walrath, Pastor 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service Rev. trid M. Ford 885-5655 888-7870 9:15 Church Service Sunday School Laurel Church Centre tcomer a We a Momma) EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Waterloo North Presbyterian "Bearing Fruit For God" THE SHARP SHOP October 1, 1986 NOTICE OF MOVING 743-8161 Att (42) (O) /ï¬Ih2 Tittlefoitr gilmmxw Diana; of Emiljnul qh, fo 4iad, Div. of Mom: of Met-mm Int. - 1 LEADING IMPORTERS ANCESTRAL COATS OF ARMS Fine meh jewellery at fair pnces ",i, " k drrings from $15.00 '. " k Rings from $75.00 siss; (ESTATE JEWELLE;RY BOUGHT AND SOLD) .9: 744-1 mr ONE tttNG ST. W., (at Qiteeart9OWNT0WN kiTCHENttt ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS (519) 744-6051 . Wall plaques . Clan badges . Family Histories o Sails of on brass Armour a Repllca nth Cemury Guns and Swords For the British lies. Freud). German and Dutch and the {an-Hy names od the Nations ot Europe I 71(0). 'r,, __' - -- 7 7 AI;//:’,/ CII'?',?-",")]; I' V _ I ’x - f j r J 2 ------ N trt" d ,, / '-H- j-r-r, _ - ‘7; -p'" t i Local Fveelome Anus! in the (uhlbetGttarfydtt i7s'jrsti7J7iiyTs, T : W33W€&%ww'v‘3‘w§§ ,' i"sV'2F. (X',?;':! ct t ' ' k» . 3 Vin». 'aMtiqiilE?.'iri; J. _p.r F , w... 749-1960 Daskion, fy tll, fans PHONE 888-7824 :as/lions fy M, _ Dianna-v. Cosh-on; and oCCiorre' For Information 742-7550 t A sale of handcrafted ceramics, tea room, bake table, plants, cake scramble. CERAMICS EXTRAVAGANZA IV Name __-___-_-___ Address PostalCode .---- Earn Extra Money! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2Sth, 9:00-1:00 Shop For Christmas Early at the Bqt ADULT RECREATION CENTRE If you are interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after school, please SI' 5‘ fill in the application form and send it to our office immediately. Applicants should be at least 10 years of age. Carriers are needed in the following areas: WATERLOO CHRONICLE Grog Cauldy. Circulation Manager " Ertt St. E., Watorioo, Ont. N2J 1L7 886-2830 185 King St. South, Waterloo Proceeds to programs for Senior Adana In the City of Waterloo Carrier Corner--, Hickory, University. Weber, Milford. Hazel Weber, Bristol, em. Telephone - - - _ This week's carrier is 11-year-old Brad Wendling who delivers the Chronicle in the Parkwood/Canewood area of the city. Brad at- tends MacGregor school and enjoys geography and phys- ical education. An avid soft- ball player, Brad hopes someday to become promin- ently known for his wres- tling prowess. Brad Wendling