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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Oct 1986, p. 41

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"'""""' ttt 'itltrBlTttMtttM 1t_FtCRt1EVtittti, Jun-mama“ --id m” _ - m- FREE OF CHARGE Call Leanne at 576-91 40 Openings tor - Word Ptocessmg Operators - Secretaries - Typists - Clerks - Receptionists and bt - Data Entry Operators Skill brush-ups and word processing training available ENJOY TAX BENEFITS of Sell Em- ployment trom your own home. Represent mnutacturers ot water distiller: trom $249.50. Exclusive territory. Mo franchise tee or con- tracts. Must be aware and concerned with local water purity. Excellent earnings tor active people. Write tor details. L.8.H. Industries, 116 Vice- roy C-B, Concord. Ont. L4K 2M3. (416) 661-1142. to) Avon, Canada's 81 direct-setting company has immediate openings tor Sales f%preseettatives in your notch- TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future _.. with Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. 720 King St. E., Kitchener. (519) 743- 5011. 300 Colbome St. E., Brant- ford. (519) 756-0223 (0) BOY OR GIRL Carriers needed to deliver ttyers, samples and cala- Iogues in tollowing areas: Moore & John, Westmoum & Westcourt, Wil- liam a WeatmoUnl. King & George. Call 743-7832. (43) let INS/SALES 11ttltttmTttMtttttl To provide 20-hours ot Monday-Friday daytime instruction in creative and gym activities, Qualifications: ECE or equivalent. Contact Donni Jamieson Preschool Supervisor Waterloo Family Y 885-3500 HANDY PERSON Wanted. Must have knowledge in power tools and gener- al household repair. Experienced in ceramics and drywall an asset. Wage will commensurate with quality of wore Phone 884-1159. (43) EARN 15% per year in US. doth“. guaranteed! By way of basing marine cargo containers Rental income - ttee marine cargo comainers pay $2,325 per year, IO pay $4.650 per TRANSCONTINENTAL Job Search has companies who ate hiring imme- diately tor trades and protessioont wore Entry krvel/dogreed up to $32,60/hr (308) 382-3700 be tor fist (O) BECOME AN AUCTIONEER BS hours ot'tnatructioo Non class Nov, ttV22. Contacl Southwestern On'ario School ot Auctioneer“). PO Box tos, Whip. OM. NOJ IMO. (519) 4896936. (519) 537-2115 (0) MA CHERI Home Fashion Shows, Eat. 1975. Join our successful tamity of representatives in presenting quality lingerie and loungewear at 'tn-home parties for women Set your own goals for impressive eaminos, Call tatt-free: I-800-263-9t83. (0) "tiaiCiirTEFLi?, FASHION-CONSCIOUS SALESPEOPLE WANTED year, 25 pay $11,625 per year. Length ot lease is up to 15 years. (5 year increments). Minimum invasi- mont $3,100. All above in US. dollars. Ask about our Capital Appre- ciation Program (416) 36tr-3586. Write: Pecmc Rim Container Sales Ltd., 2nd t$oor, 33 Yonge St., Toronto. MSE 189. to) PRESCHOOL INSTRUCTOR OFFICE HELP REQUIRED CALL 743-0421 TEMPORARY SERVICES (42) (43) A CAREER N YRUCKING Trumpet! alive“ needed. Now is the lime to "on tor your Chen A Incense. For ptescreemng interview and 10b Women! automation contact Merv Orr Transport Drive! Taming, Cam- bridge 16002654260 (WRTF) EARN EXTRA INCOME! Leam to ptepere Income Tax returns by correspondence. Local trenchise atttgitattle, Write Tax Time Services Utmited, 1304 Speers Road, Oakv‘me. Ont. L6L 2yta, tor CAREER CANADA COLLEGE, Toron- to, Ottawa. Hamitton. Dental chair- side assisting. Hotel/Restaurant Management, Travel Careers. Day classes and home study, 385 Yonge St., Toronto, M58 ISI. 1-416-977- 7797. (0) HOMEMAKERS - We tram mature- tmntung. remote people with a keen desire to take care at others in their own home', assisting them watt: ham housekeeping. meal preparation, persona care Contact Para-thed Heatth Services. Kitchener, 578- 4920 (NR43) FREE 1986 guide to study-at-home correspondence diploma courses tor prestigious careers: Accounting. Air- conditioning, Bookkeeping. Busi- ness. Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psycholo- gy, Travel. Granton (5A). 263 Ade- laide West. Toronto. 1-800-288- 1 121 o toy 115mm WATERLOO CO-OP Preschool still has openings in its hall-day programs tor 2. 3 5 4 year olds. Please call 884-1576 or 884-1773. (43) Discount prices on quality products equal or better than most commer- cial brand name dog foods. FACTORY OUTLET 9 Herbert St., Waterloo (near King St. S.)884-9600 BLUEVALE, Mayfield ates. child care THREE TERRIFIC Children ages l, 2 a 6 urgently require a very special nanny on a long-term basis while their mother is in the hospital. Enthusiastic care is required for approximately 4-5, 12-hour days weekly. with weekends off in a wetboquippod Waterloo home. Live- in accommodation is available and hours are ttexitge. Please call 884- 8392 atter 6 pm. References re- quired! (42) DOG and Cat grooming. " breeds styied prohrsaiooaity to sun your pet. Pick up and delivery service twait- mummmmm LOW PRICED March Break flights to Florida March " - return March 21. 1987. Tampa $289. Fort Lauderdale $309 tplus Iax). Air only. Call loll-tree: 1Mr00-265A9900. (0) Dog Food Pellets, 20 kg ... 'll" Other types also available IN MEL/VIN” HIRNWOOO RENOVATIONS Home improvements our specialty, hitch- ene. rec rooms. bathrooms. with ween! weer rates Free estimates 744-1 SSO, (MRTF) II museums: DAVE BECKER DECORATOR - Interi- oc, exteriov painting, walloooer'mg Call for estimate. 662-2527. (NR-m SEWN REPAIRS made to tgernMu& LOW BACK hat pure bred and crossbred R.O.P. tested boars. Also bred gins. Peter Petrovic. 658- 2619. (NR-m ADVANCED RENOVATIONS. Rec rooms. decks. plumbing, drywall. cumming. window rep%comeett. 25% discount 664-3353 or 74tr-4844 Watedoo. (45) IN PETS I. iltiiittU availaue. 2 years and up. full or part-time. Rotatences supplied. Call 884-9913. (43) 699-4232 containers, tote bags or Super-Sacs. Write 8.8.0 Repairs, Box 457. Creemore, Ont, LOM 160 (705) 486-2397. tor DOG FOOD SUR-GAIN Leaky basements. Drainage systems - sump pumps installed. " foundation PAT'S REFINISHING - Dining suites our specialty. Hand stripping. re- pairs. Free estimates. Pickup and delivery. 634-8295 (NRTF) PAINTING 8 DECORATING - Paper- OIL SPRAYING by G.J. Lorentz. Rust control. Mow open tor the season Evenings and Saturday. Catt 886- Everything done by hand; washing. waxing. interior shampoo. motors steam cleaned. scotch guarding. Cara, vans. pick-ups. boats. 312 Marshnd Drive (rear building) 886-1511. Open 8:00-5:00 Monday-Friday. Saturday ALL PLUMBING Repairs - Water heaters and softeners installed. Painting and decorating. Cail Bob. 576-2974. (WRTF) BEAU'S TREE SERVICE. Topping, pruning. removaI and hedges, Spe- cializing in ornamental and fruit trees 15 years experience Special tow rates tor seniof citizens Free es- timates. 7494822 ttfl Window tint professionally applied. " tor buildings 5 vehicles. it insulates up to triple pane value and stops GLARE 8 FADE by up to 100%, Comes in clear 6 many colours. Auto Beauty Centre, Elmira, 669-2506 - Free from K-W. till 4:00 McTAVISH'S CLOCK Repair Shop - Specializing in repair and complete overhaul of antique clocks, profes- sional training. Free estimates. One- year guarantee. Quartz movements from $15.00 complete. 664-2650. (Across trom Waterloo Stock Yards). ttO CERAMIC REPAIRS - Bathrooms and kitchens our specialty. Call 886- 4080. (m trtserts, single sheets. news bohetimg. calatogues. etc. very reasonable rates Cell Wtttertoo Chronic|e 886- PROFESSIONAL FLORAL DESIGNS - Weddings, special occasions, Chast- mas. or do your own Christmas designs. Classes mung fast. Book now! 664-3570 (been (47) A1 YEAR ROUND tree service mainte- nance and removal. insured MH Kesselriott 8 Son. Kitchener 576- 8531 (N) i8y.ir..rA..tielr..-- . xii 'iGiauiFAaiii Amok-mm bummJidm vauFKEmm aodco-rxtrqqt WHEN YOU ARE READY A-1 CAR CLEANING hanging. residential. commercial and industrial by Edo Richtermeier. RR ttit, Petersburg. Cal 742-8139, 25 years of experience PAINTING SMALL BUSINESS SPECIALIST WINDOW TINTING -Books written up? -Financial Statements? Payroll, T-4 Preparation? -Tax Advice? -Future Tax Preparation? 9 a.m.-9 pm. By Wittmann Painting a. Decorating FREE ESTIMATES 20 Years Experience Gov't. Consumer Bonded WE DELIVER PAPERHANGING WATER PROOFING SPECIALISTS Work Guaranteed 745-7 790 LOW PRICES 884-6743 OLSEN REALTY LTD, ITF) 885-6565 ttas I313 866-2601 (NR4?) (44) (TF) RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing; tight moving; cleaning (basements. garages. attics); odd jobs. Jeff Harding, 884-2831, tttl AL-LETS Decorating. Interior and ex- terior painting, wallcovering. 25 years experience. Free estimates. 745-6738. ttty DRIVEWAY REPAIR Service - Asphatl sealing to preserve and protect your asphalt. also hot asphalt repairs. 742-2051. (to PAINTING. waupapering and caulking Interim - exterior. Phone Philip Kraemer. 886-5804 after 5 pm. FREE SERVICE Call. and if we CAN'T fix it you don't pay. Service to " refrigerators and major appliances. 743-2521. ttO Leave your bookkeeping worries with our professional bookkeeping service, Computerized or manual. Very reason- able rates. Call Marilyn. 578-0313. (WRTF) ALL TYPES ot renovations, guaran- teed, quality workmanship at com- petitive prices. Brick work. tire- places, plastering, drywall, concrete work and carpentry Free estimates. Small proiects a specialty. "Herb Wunder Construction", 884-2815. CLEANING LADY - Will clean homes in the K-W area. Honest and reliable. Elanota. 742-7362. TEXTURED CEILINGS. Quality prod- ucts and workmanship. Genuinely attainable painting and tenovations. HOME RENOVATIONS. QuaIity car- FREE ESTIMATES on any home improvements you have in mind. Specializing in rec rooms and ren- ovations. Call Steven at 699-5392. (MRTF) APPLIANCE REPAIR - Why pay the big guys their big prices? Ernie Snow‘s Appliance Repair at a price you can attord. Refrigerators, stoves. wash- ers, dryers. etc. Senior Citizen's discount. Evening appointments available. Call 745-9240. (T F) HANDYMAN Repair or install your aluminum doors. patios, fences. decks and small car- penlry jobs. Phase call 885-6445 after 5:30. (WRTF) ROCKTON REFfWNlT18 Free estimates pantry. reasonabka rates. We do it at 8tNb-9tHr5 or 578-1952. (45) 743-252t SCHNARR'S LANDSCAPING YV§T§RLOO CNRONCLE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOER 22, H556 - PAGE 4t Stripping, Re-finishing 8. Repairs Fm Pickup - Delivery - Estimates DAYS, EVENINGS I WEEKENDS " workmanship quantum, SMALL BUSINESS Locally owned a. operated Construction of: o patios o sidewalks o retaining walls 0 tree trimming o sodding , Call now for fall cleanups ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CHRONICLE 5x7 or 8x10 . . . 'T.SO FULL PAGE REPRODUCTION 20.00 PHOTOS MUST BE ORDERED AT THE OFFICE FALL SPECIAL oer, NOV. 50% OFF (5195 647-2589 (519) 647-2634 Photo Reprints tttl (If) CRAFT WORLD: Arts and can: show and sale. Kitchener's new“ event. Saturday and Sunday. Nov. t & 2, CRAFT SHOW: Watt World 86. arts and crafts show and sale. Noam 200 exhibits of the most affordable and quality on": ever offered tor sale. Saturday. Moe. I, 11-9 pm Sunday, Nov, 2. 11-5 pm. Bingeman Park. iEEi=IiEiil FANTASOA FOODS And Feasts. Japa- nese. Indian. Vietnamese and Mid- Eastern hots d'oeuvres. Have unique house parties. business lunches. etc. Book carry tor Christmas, 886- 3987. MR42) EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED Teacher ot piano and My. 31 Wilma Street. Waterioo. 742-1976. (43) FRIENDLY. Retaxed piano lessons tor DGSCOVER YOUR Unique voice. Qual- ified teacher otters singing lessons. coaching for exams or Web if required. 886-0759. COMING: Ki'chener's newest event. Craft Work! 88 Arts and Crafts Christmas showcase. Sat. Nov. 1, 11-9 pm, Sun. Nov. 2, 11-5 pm. Bingeman Park. Marsha" Han. Kitch- ener. Adults $1.50, children " ' under FREE (MR43) PIANO LESSONS For beginners. any grades avalable Westmoum John Street area. Catt Kris 745-4408 after 4:30 pm, 401-6 Weber St N Complete shar- pening service: all types, carbides. circular and band saws, scissors clippers, knives. skates. lawn and garden tools. Shop hours: &00-5:00, Saturday till noon, 884-5401, (ti) ich' _liriiHyu ammo. Experienced teacher and performing artist. Warren Dobson. B.A. (music). Bed., 33 John St. East. Waterloo. 745-7671. Ito 143 CHEM DRAMA CLASSES tor children ages 10-15 by professional actorntirec- tor. Seioctod students wilt pedorm in radio drama. 886-4786. Ito EXPERIENCED cabinetmaVr avail- abte. Custom work. regain, or ren- ovations. lnlorior or exterior Rea- sonabte rates. 648-2847 evenings. "' 'm- mums/cusses psychic in advance 11-9 p.m.. 11-5 p.m.. Show Park. Marshall Hall. adults $1.50. chiwren 12 and under tree. 200 ex- hibits. (MR-l3) " ages. Coaching for exams or festivals if required. 886-0759. Marshal! Hall, Kitchener. Adults $1.50. children " & under tree. CLASSICAL GUITAR " Ed) St. E., Wltodoo Sonny's Sharpening 886-2830 893-7464 (MR43) (VF) (TF)

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