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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Oct 1986, p. 7

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Through the efforts of over 2,000 canvassers we have surpassed our 1986 goal of $330,000. We wish to thank our people in Elmira-Woolwich. New Ham- burg-Wilmot Township and Wellesley, in our nearby towns, in the Townships and our Twin Cities, who have carried out this campaign in an efficient and successful Thanks to all Cancer Society . Fundraisers A round of applause, please, for the many people who willingly give their time to the North Waterloo Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society's programs and the Annual Campaign. . IEEiiEEiE feedback are in the middle of the back. These muscles work together to create move- ment in the midsection. The rectus abdominis work with the oblique mus- cles to make FLEXION possible Within the length of the waist are several muscle groups. The rectus abdomluls are on the front between the top sections of your rib cage. (They're the washboard muscles every man wants but cannot have.) The external and Internal obliques are located on the side of the waist and the erector spinae (situp). Before further discussing the merits of either length of waistline, perhaps you should know a little something about the waistline. Though this does not seem fair, the thickness or slimness of your waistline is really not a true indication as to how hard you exercise. The waistline is really just a line around the middle of your upper body. Some people have a waistline closer to their ribs while others have a waistline closer to their hips. This we would call being short-waitAed or long-waisted. To make this seem worse, some people exercise regularly and can endure bouts of strength and stamina, yet still have to buy high-waisted pants or skirts and wear loose, baggy tops to cover their never-to-be toned waistline. Have you ever noticed how some The erector spinae muscles help to people begin their first exercise pro EXTEND and HYPEREXTEND the gram, sides f1opping over the tops of back. (When you lie on your stomach their shorts, and within a few weeks and raise your upper body you should emerge from the class minus the love feel the muscles along the spine corr handles and smiling from ear to ear? tract.) Movement to the side is made To make this seem worse, some people possible when opposite internal and exercise regularly and can endure bouts external oblique muscles contract with of strength and stamina, yet still have to one side of the erector spinae simultam buy high-waisted pants or skirts and eously (sidebend). , Mr - J. ' a ,w . . y;" _ , l I,” . 'e" . g , T . m, 5 f ._ I.l, 3, a tr, " lt , trtr)Nll3ilalt _ _ - ., a t {03‘ "in - .1 x g g b, . , _ " ' ‘t . L'; f L' , " , T . Ib'; . . . 1-H F t, I I .3 , "IMI ..'i , \. t'Uts 'l 'G Lu-ps Im. " 'ri' TA ' a ’ 'ctT1ca . Sis ' Fetu J . , , 'd ' , i U' _ , 'dt ' - I l y C, _ . ‘ l l ‘ ' , _ 'P " , 1:" 'i' "CP. t'i',Td ( J _ 's, , F l, I _ - . P 3 ‘ __ rr '.. V ‘ f V K. RQJill . ’ . l, Fa' l . x . ' "Yes. In some cases a person's eyesight can go. and that could be dangerous." Betty “tumultuous Waterloo Fitness Forum Fitness Instructor Kathy Hammond Our sincere appreciation to all volun- teers in the foreground, in the back- ground; those working within and outside If you have a short space between lower ribs and hips, you are blessed with the innate ability to achieve a harder, flatter stomach with little bulk around the sides. (Your waist area is smaller and densely packed below and between the rib cage and the pelvis.) You just have to watch you don't get thick-waist- ed. You do not need to incorporate weights into your program. Lots of mid-section stretching should open the waist space a bit. manner. Congratulations on a job well done. As well, our thanks go to the many people who work in our year long programs - our Patient Services volun- teers are always ready to offer comfort and support to cancer patients; the Living With Cancer program gives ongoing professional direction to patients, their families and friends. The many volunteer drivers who take patients to in-town and out-of-town hospitals provide an lmmea- surable service. Our Education program speakers are always available to visit schools, churches, clubs and indeed any group to discuss and promote good health habits. A long-waisted person usually has a greater range of movement than a short-waisted person. He or she would also be able to see the results of a concentrated waist exercise program quite quickly. However (and here it is), long-waisted people usually have more soft space between the lower ribs and the hips. Weights. moderate repetitions and not too much stretching will help trim this problem. Now that you understand (?) the reasons for the waist movement you can understand that the amount of move- ment you personally have with your groups of muscles determines how much you can trim and tone your waistline. "I think it should be modified to each person, depending on what their age is and what their physical abilities are." Gregory Feirenlncl Witcrloo Should extra driving tests be mandatory for elderly drivers? Question asked at Adult Rec Centre On behalf of the many patients, families and friends we assist, I wish to thank and express appreciation to each and every volunteer, and to each and every donor. Funds raised in our community are and will continue to be prudently used in the Cancer Control Programs of Research, Education and Patient Services. We wish to thank individual and cor- porate donors who make our work possi- ble, the media and numerous companies and small businesses who assist us through advertising. We need and sin- cerely appreciate their continuing sup- Committee perimeters. There's no way of knowing how these men, in their youth, would have scored on an intelligence test, but it calls to mind the quotation: “intelligence ap- pears to be the thing that enables a person to get along without education. Education appears to be the thing that enables a person to get along without the use of intelligence." Yet, he was only 22 when he developed the air-brake system that revolutionized the railroad industry, and organized the company to manufacture the compo- nents. And during his lifetime, he patented some 360 inventions and found- ed sixty companies. Thomas Edison did poorly in school and was educated mostly by his mother and, by reading at home. George Westinghouse's teachers thought him dull and backward. He was asked to leave Union College at the age of nineteen, after he had confessed to its president that he would, in his words, "like college very well, if I had time to give my mind to my studies." I'm sure that intelligence tests have some validity and are useful in some ways, but the best way to bring out young peopie's real intelligence, and get all their powers working, is to find their real interest. John Dewey, the American psycholo- gist and educator, once said that: "This intelligence-testing business reminds me of the way they used to weigh hogs in Texas. They'd get a long plank and put it over a crossbar, and somehow tie the hog to the end of the plank. They'd search all around till they found a stone that would balance the weight of the hog and put it on the other end of the plank. Then they'd guess the weight of the stone." "When you start to get up there you should have to write it again - a lot of older people didn't have to study hard in the first place. so it might be good for them." [run Terkel”- Waterloo Barbara Williams Campaign Chairman, North Waterloo Unit. WAYERLOO we. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1066 - PAGE , ltettfh'tsy Fellows "Yes. Maybe every two years. There are a lot of variables though. some people can cope until they're M, and others cttn't." As Dorothy Canfield Fisher once wrote: "if we could learn how to utilize all the intelligence and patent goodwill that children are born with, instead of ignoring much of it, why, there might be enough to go around." (Mr. Fellows is the founder of the Human Resource Development Insti- tute, P.0. Box 642, Cambridge, NIR 5W1) Certainly, no one wants to be inferior. Technically speaking, no one can be interior since no one is like anyone else. But if they feel inferior, the chances are good that they developed that feeling at an early age, in the home, suffering from too many put-downs and not enough build-ups. Surely, we need to explain more often to our youngsters that they have great abilities that they have never used or tested, and there exists for each of them, an avenue of greatness during their lives which can be discovered by helping them to find their real interests. This doesn't mean that they will swoop up to the honor roll, but pulling up to the class average would be quite an achievement in such cases. The way youngsters perform in school and on intelligence tests, can be closely linked with their self-image, their men- tal pictures of themselves. At some point we must distinguish between a government's policy and the people and culture of the country. It is only through such interaction that an understanding of other people and cul- tures can be formed. Be that as it may, it is known that some children may be at the bottom of their class for years, barely able to keep up with the others and then, suddenly, blossom. Some emotional problem. per- haps some desperate private feeling of inferiority or worthlessness, has held them at the bottom and now has been re- solved. I would like to comment on the letter by Dean Blakely regarding his boycott of the Soviet Symphony. I do not agree with Soviet policy but it doesn't make sense to boycott a symphony when we sell them wheat. And what about the US.? Should we boycott Bruce Springsteen because the congress supports the Contrast No. Interaction leads to understanding Jean Story Wnterloo Colin Read Waterloo, Ont.

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